词语大全 唾手可得造句_唾手可得中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:心态决定成功的方向,勤奋是推动学习的基石。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 唾手可得造句_唾手可得中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 唾手可得造句_唾手可得中英文解释和造句
唾手可得 tuò shǒu kě dé
词语大全 垂手可得造句_垂手可得中英文解释和造句
垂手可得 chuí shǒu kě dé
有用的物品并不都是垂手可得的。 All is not at hand those helps.
天然完美之直发效果,垂手可得。 It is natural and perfect to keep the hair result, with extreme ease.
似乎一切追求的东西都垂手可得; It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach;
胡罗卜可塑性的其他证明也垂手可得。 Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthing.
有用的东西并不是垂手可得。 All is not at hand that helps.
换句话说,禁书有时也是垂手可得的。 In other words, banned books are sometimes readily available.
但机遇不是垂手可得,需要我们去创造。 But good luck is not easy to get, need us to create.
看来这个队胜利垂手可得。 Victory seemed within the team’s grasp.
如果你能做到这三点,成功便垂手可得! If you follow these three key points, success is easy to achieve!
当财富垂手可得时,谁愿意过贫穷的日子? Who will choose poverty when wealth is within reach?
事实上,前二项设计关键目前皆垂手可得。 Actually, the first two issues are currently readily available.
公司使命:让学习垂手可得,让知识创造财富。 Mission: Learn at your finger tips, earn with your knowledge.
让我相信世上有一幸福,垂手可得,又永远是掌握之外; Let me believe that the in this world contain one happiness, with extreme ease, is to control forever again outside;
我书架上的那堆DVD垂手可得,我做每个项目的时候都是这样。 The pile of DVDs on my shelf at home e in handy on every single show I work on.
从自家的前门到国内国外的山区或沙滩旅游并再返回来,一切都垂手可得。 From one’s own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, everything is to hand.
天上不会掉下馅饼,任何事物都不是垂手可得的,它们必须通过购买得到。 Things cannot fall from heaven, they cannot be found, they must be bought.
由于只需些微的创业成本,过去40多年来已成为人人垂手可得的创业机会。 The low startup cost has made this opportunity accessible to virtually everyone for more than 40 years.
下一步合乎逻辑的发展自然是当州长,这个职务他只要愿意,简直是垂手可得。 A logical next step was to be Governor, a post he could have had for the asking.
下一步合乎逻辑的发展自然是当州长,这个职务他只要愿意,简直是垂手可得。 was to be Governor, a post he could have had for the asking.
不妨将浴室架挂在莲蓬头上,让肥皂和洗发精垂手可得,更可避免在浴室瞎摸的窘境发生。 Might as well hang bathroom wearing on shower nozzle, let soap and wash hair essence easy to get, the awkward situation that can avoid to be felt foolishly in the bathroom more happens.
似乎一切所求的东西都能垂手可得,甚至把运气和机遇也看做自己身价的一部分而喜不自胜。 It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach; luck and opportunities will e your way and you are overjoyed that they constitute part of your worth.
提前做好说明你是谁的准备——而不是在决定命运的机会垂手可得的时候再笨嘴拙舌地现找词。 Be ready to explain who you are at a moment’s notice – instead of fumbling for words when the opportunity of a lifetime es within your grasp.
只无用数字化技艺,不兵材料间接从电脑到印版套筒上来,那么,给做到浑然一体,才能垂手可得。 Only by digital technology, the information from your puter directly to the printing plate sleeve looks, then, to make it simple for you to have a seamless.
告诉孩子不要单独在汽车里玩。大人把钥匙放在垂手可得的地方。离开车子后别忘记锁上门和后车箱。 Tell kids not to play in cars. Keep keys out of reach. Lock doors and trunks.
相对地,与小狗儿,一些 也许需要特别饮食疗法,但是所述宠物饲料大多数宠物食品公司都能垂手可得。 As with puppies, some may need a special diet, but most pet food panies have them readily available.
要找到与其他单身人士见面的方式正在成为一个实实在在的问题,总的说来与他人见面的机会并非垂手可得。 Finding a way to meet other single people is getting to be a real problem. The opportunity to meet other people in general is more challenging.
或许,幸福是反季的水果,娇艳诱人,想得到是要付出更多的筹码。忧伤如当季的水果,随处可见,垂手可得。 Perhaps the happiness-of-season fruit, beautiful attractive, want to pay more chips. Seasonal fruits such as sadness, you can see, a few mouse clicks away.
其带有磁性的钉子携带器并不是什么新的发明,但这个工具垂手可得,并且我每次都使用拔钉器而不是传统的钉沟去拔钉子。 The magnetic nail starter isn’t a new invention, but it’s handy, and I use the side nail puller every chance I get instead of relying on the claw.
这条意大利最长的河流,昏暗有力,在河水泛滥时非常凶险,它给这里艰苦的人民带来了凶险和繁荣。他们也是幸运的,赖以生存的物品几乎垂手可得,就在河里。 Dark and powerful, sinister in flood, Italy’s longest river brings both peril and prosperity to those hardy enough—or lucky enough—to live within its reach.
很多人事物让人无法接近,而有些却垂手可得,且令双方都乐在其中。找工作也是,无论职位是高是低。我相信无法接近是因为我们并不适合对方。相信上帝为我关上一扇门的时候,必然也会打开另一扇窗。 It’s a wonderful thing, as time goes by, to be with someone who looks into your face, when you’ve gotten old, and still sees what you think you look like.
垂手可得 chuíshǒukědé垂手可得的意思和解释:垂:垂下。手不动就能得到。形容毫不费力。垂手可得的出处垂手可得的例子优异的学习成绩,决非~,必须付出艰苦的努力才能获得。垂
词语大全 垂手可得造句 垂手可得の例文 "垂手可得"是什麼意思
垂手可得造句垂手可得の例文"垂手可得"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!胡羅卜
投其所好 tóuqísuǒhào投其所好的意思和解释:投:迎合;其:代词,他,他的;好:爱好。迎合别人的喜好。投其所好的出处《庄子·庚桑楚》:“是故非以其所好笼之而可得者,无有也
投其所好 tóuqísuǒhào投其所好的意思和解释:投:迎合;其:代词,他,他的;好:爱好。迎合别人的喜好。投其所好的出处《庄子·庚桑楚》:“是故非以其所好笼之而可得者,无有也
秤平斗满 chèngpíngdǒumǎn秤平斗满的意思和解释:指做买卖规矩,不短斤少两。秤平斗满的出处秤平斗满的例子秤平斗满造句凡发现本店没能做到秤平斗满,有短斤缺两现象的,可得