词语大全 唯我独尊造句_唯我独尊中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 唯我独尊造句_唯我独尊中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 唯我独尊造句_唯我独尊中英文解释和造句
唯我独尊 wéi wǒ dú zūn
90后:天上地下,唯我独尊! After 90: the sky underground, self!
对精神的感受,不是出自想入非非或唯我独尊。 See the Spirit But not out of spiritual lust or spiritual egoism.
我相信爱和分享的力量,藐视仇恨与唯我独尊。 I believe in the power of love and sharing, and despise hatred and monopoly.
而现代性的一个典型态度是唯我独尊,是“霸道”。 A typical attitude of modernity is hegemony.
以前悠乐有一位国王,他比较独裁也比较唯我独尊。 Once there was a King in Au Lac who was a tyrant and also was very arrogant.
如果一种文化妄图目空一切,唯我独尊,那它就无法生存。 No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.
迷信自己的人,总以为普天之下唯我独尊,唯有我能力最强。 Those who are obsessed with their egos basically feel that everything under heaven is relative to the self, that only “I” have t …
人们逻辑混乱,不可理喻,唯我独尊。无论如何还是要爱他们。 People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway.
他的阅历相当深。一眼就能辨别出那些以各种形态出现的唯我独尊者。 He’s got too many experience so he can tell people filled with conceit in any forms right away.
我不喜欢我的老板。他老是有那种“唯我独尊”的态度,让人受不了。 I don’t like my boss. He always has this “my way or the highway” attitude going on. It’s just too much.
玩武士,乐在杀人,不容易挂,只有我杀人,少有人杀我,唯我独尊。 PLAYING warrior, Lok at murder, is not easy to peg, only to kill me, very few people to kill me, conceited.
人们往往会逻辑混乱,不可理喻,唯我独尊。但是不管怎样,还是要去爱他们。 People are illogical unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway.
杨将军在一两年以前,在陜西那些未被红军控制的地区,还是个唯我独尊的皇帝。 Until a couple of years before, General Young had been undisputed monarch of those parts of Shansi not controlled by the Reds.
正是为了“我”的安全与自由,请不要再“唯我独尊”,而多些对“他人”的关爱吧。 Therefore, for the sake of the security and freedom of all individuals, let us curb our egocentrism, and try to show your concern for others.
在世界上所有的俱乐部当中,在法国的100俱乐部可能是最唯我独尊、与众不同的。 OF all the clubs in the world, the Club of 100 in France may be the most exclusive.
应该说,严肃的作家总的来说比新闻记者更慕名誉,更唯我独尊,尽管他们不那么迷恋金钱。 Serious writers, I should say, are on the whole more vain and self-centered than journalists, though less interested in money.
亚洲年轻人往往被归类为「唯我独尊」抢钱一族,但这个地区的新富阶级愈来愈以助人为乐。 Asia’s youth are often characterized as money-grubbing ‘me-fosters. ‘ But increasingly, the region’s new rich are looking to help others.
将你的名字列入想要制造快乐的人的名单中。不要“我第一”或是“唯我独尊”,而要“我也是”。 Add your name to the list of people who re trying to make happy, Not “me first or ” “me only ” but me, too.
2000年乔治布什在选战中证明了一点:在初选中,没有任何优势敌得过给人“唯我独尊”的印象。 As George Bush demonstrated in 2000, there are few more important advantages in the primary race than a sense of “inevitability”.
他在尼克松首届任期内的那种唯我独尊的外交风格,使国务院心灰意冷,使国会只有袖手旁观的份儿。 His virtuoso style of diplomacy during the first Nixon term left the State Department demoralized and Congress just another spectator.
然而,在汶川大地震和北京奥运会中,80后以他们空前的爱国热情一洗过去唯我独尊的“小皇帝”形象。 However, in Wenchuan earthquake and the Olympic Games in Beijing, 80, after their unprecedented patriotism in the past to wash one’s self, “little emperor” image.
感受一种唯我独尊和雍容华贵围拢的气氛,您在看听的过程中,对世界最美妙的余兴节目表演留下深刻印象。 In our exclusive and luxurious surrounding, you can look, listen and be impressed with the fabulous Cabaret performance that made “Simon Cabaret” famous worldwide.
耶稣藉著这例子推理出人类生存的基本道理∶凡孤芳自赏、唯我独尊的人,他将永远孤独、无聊、结不出果实。 Jesus deduced from this a basic principle of human existence: Anyone who is anxiously clinging to and looking after himself will be left on his own and will remain dry and unfruitful.
摇头晃脑:这种人特别自信,以至于唯我独尊。他们在社交场合很会表现自己,对事业一往无前的精神常受人赞叹。 shake head: Such people have a special self-confidence, so conceited. They are social occasions will show themselves to the cause of indomitable spirit often amazed by the people.
密特拉教,一个已经确立后但唯我独尊的教派,专心于社会的正义,在处理名相之前就被声称的基督教发起者所吸收。 Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.
在唯我独尊的私人银行业领域,正掀起一股向亚洲转移资源之风。而亚洲要成为财富管理服务盈利的主要来源尚待时日。 In the exclusive world of private banking, a gravitational shift of resources toward Asia is well under way. A shift in profits may take longer to follow.
这个圈子就像一个唯我独尊的兄弟会,而我必须自己努力才能赢得他人的尊重,才有资格在胸口别上摩根士丹利的司徽。 There was an exclusive fraternity and it was up to me to gain respect and earn the right to wear Morgan Stanley across my chest.
如果一个人仅仅爱另一个人而对其他的人漠不关心,他的爱不是“爱”,只是一种共生的依赖,或者是一个扩张 的唯我独尊。 If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.
轻视有两种,一种是绝对化轻视,即自以为了不起,实际上如同“夜郎自大”,不是仅仅看不起日本,是谁都看不起,唯我独尊。 There are two types of contempt. One type is absolute contempt because one thinks that one is superior (even though this is just an inflated self-opinion) not just over Japan but also everybody else.
但是如果你所有的更新都是你博客的链接,你的诗歌,你的万米跑成绩和你的表演,这样的话,你看起来就比较像一个自吹自擂,唯我独尊的野心家了。 But when almost EVERY update is a link to your blog, your poetry reading, your 10k results or your art show, you sound like a bragger or a self-centered careerist.
词语大全 唯我独尊的意思_成语“唯我独尊”是什么意思
成 语 | 唯我独尊 |
成语读音 | wéi wǒ dú zūn |
成语解释 | 尊:高贵。认为只有自己最了不起。形容极端自高自大。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 贬义词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指人自高自大。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 宋·释普济《五灯会元·七佛·释迦牟尼佛》:“天上天下,唯吾独尊。” |
成语例句 | 秦牧《艺海拾贝·》:“这样的学习观点也决定了他和劳动同伴之间相处的态度,不可能是‘~’的。” |
近 义 词 | 妄自尊大 自高自大 |
反 义 词 | 虚怀若谷 虚己以听 |
英文翻译 | extremely conceited <assume airs of self importance; stand upon one’s pantofles> |
俄文翻译 | чрезмерное чванство |
日文翻译 | 唯我独尊(ゆいがどくそん) |
歇 后 语 | 猴子坐到旗杆上;花猫蹲在屋脊上 |
成语谜面 | 花间一壶酒 |
成语故事 | 古印度北部迦毗罗卫国净饭王的儿子释迦牟尼29岁痛感人世生老病死的各种苦恼,放弃王族生活,出家修道,经过6年的修行终于得道,创立了佛教。佛经里说他从右肋出生,能立即走路,左手指天,右手指地,大声说:“天上天下,惟我独尊。” |
词语大全 天上地下,惟我独尊的意思_成语“天上地下,惟我独尊”是什么意思
唯我独尊 [wéiwǒdúzūn][唯我独尊]成语解释原为佛家语,称颂释迦牟尼最高贵、最伟大。现指认为只有自己最了不起。形容极端自高自大。贬义[唯我独尊]成语出处《敦煌变文集》太
词语大全 卓乎不群 [zhuó hū bù qún]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
卓乎不群 [zhuóhūbùqún][卓乎不群]成语解释指超出常人。[卓乎不群]成语出处金·王若虚《揖翠轩赋》:“意其劲挺坚确,卓乎不群,举世皆怯而我独勇,众人既屈而我独伸。”[
惟我独尊 [wéiwǒdúzūn][惟我独尊]成语解释本为推崇佛陀之辞,后用以形容人妄自尊大,目空一切。[惟我独尊]成语出处《续传灯录·宗元庵主》:“一日举:世尊生下,一手指天,