词语大全 喜新厌旧造句_喜新厌旧中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:倘若心中愿意,道路千千条。倘若心中不愿意,理由万万个。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 喜新厌旧造句_喜新厌旧中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 喜新厌旧造句_喜新厌旧中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 故剑情深造句_故剑情深中英文解释和造句

词语大全 喜新厌旧造句_喜新厌旧中英文解释和造句

喜新厌旧  xǐ xīn yàn jiù







  • 台湾人具有喜新厌旧的一窝蜂习性。 Taiwanese people have the penchant for pursuing anything new.

  • 新的总是好的(喜新厌旧?)。 Everything new is fine.

  • 这就是人类“喜新厌旧”特性使然。 This is the human “new and hate the old” feature due.

  • 夫:女人是喜新厌旧的动物。 Cardiff: women are Xixinyanjiu animals.

  • 得了吧,你是有了男人的通病,喜新厌旧。 Come on, you get the mon problem of men, “liking the new and hating the old”.

  • 四是项目选择喜新厌旧。 Fourth, project selection love.

  • 都不知道为什么我会那么喜新厌旧;讨厌自己; did not know that I that will be why fickle in affection; Dislikes itself;

  • 不要喜新厌旧,无论是朋友或是衣服,还是旧的好。 Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.

  • 有人说:“人,见异思迁,喜新厌旧,妳做到暸极至、” some people said: “the human, is fickle, is fickle in affection, you have achieved extremely to. “”

  • 不可曲意奉承富有的人,不可傲慢对待贫困的人。不要喜新厌旧。 Do not flatter the rich, or despise the poor. Do not ignore old friends, and take delight in new ones.

  • 喜新厌旧,别人这样形容你 ,那我呢 ,也该这么认为么 。 New and hate the old, others such as you, I do, so that you think.

  • 护肤品要“喜新厌旧”坚持着只用一套护肤品,其实这样是错误的。 It is actually wrong to always use the same skin-caring products instead we should ‘be fickle in affection’.

  • 由于市场的饱和,公众又很快喜新厌旧,它也很快地消失在人们的视野里。 Because of this kind of market saturation the public tires of fade quickly and they end abruptly.

  • “一步到位”、“喜新厌旧”的住房消费观念是青年住房困难的主观原因。 Meanwhile, some outmoded consume pattern, such as purchasing house once and for all, are subjective causes.

  • 而消费者“喜新厌旧”的本能在不同阶段的深层次需求可能并未得到满足。 And consumers “love” in different stages of deep-seated instincts of demand may not be met.

  • 看书,可以博览,可以细嚼,没有人会怪你喜新厌旧,也没有人要求你从一而终。 Books can be read cursorily, or chewed and digested. None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection.

  • 此外,消费者总是有喜新厌旧的特点,这也是为什么很多老盘要二次包装的原因。 In addition, consumers are always produced feature, which is why many old sites to two packaging reasons.

  • 然而现代网络喜新厌旧的天性,导致它们对同类的个案会逐渐失去兴趣,见怪不怪。 However the nature that contemporary network loves the new and loathe the old, bring about them to be able to lose interest gradually to a congener case, mind not strange.

  • 这等喜新厌旧的做法不仅令外界难以接受,就连国米内部不少人士也对此极为反感。 This new and hate the old practice of not only make it difficult to accept the outside world, and even the Inter-house many people are extremely offensive.

  • 所以做SEO的流量99%都来自百度,完全可以说是百度喜新厌旧的坏毛病惹得祸。 The flow that makes SEO so 99% e from Baidu, can saying pletely is the bad mistake that Baidu loves the new and loathe the old is offended disaster.

  • 因之又派生出一种源于不自信,重量轻质,以多饱眼福和再树信心为轴心的喜新厌旧。 So derive gives a kind to result from not self-confident, weight pledges gently, mix with much feast one’s eyes on cultivate what confidence is axes to love the new and loathe the old again.

  • 我们情感系统的特点(喜新厌旧–译者注)和现代社会盛行的规则制造了这些障碍。 These difficulties stem from the nature of our emotional system and the prevailing norms in modern society.

  • 应当生产、设计出超越消费者现有的知识和经验的产品,满足“喜新厌旧”的市场需求。 Should the production, design beyond existing knowledge and experience of consumer products to meet the “love” of market demand.

  • 但是喜新厌旧是不对的。从另外一个角度来看,铅酸电池经过了长期的实践而且可靠性很高; But it is a mistake to dismiss something just because it is old. Another way of looking at things is that lead-acid batteries are tried and trusted;

  • 本故事以全球环境污染为构想的出发点,由于人类喜新厌旧的心态,制造许多不必要的垃圾。 The concept is based on the globe pollution issue. To reveal the fact that people produce unnecessary waste everyday because they’re desire for new products and every greater quantities.

  • 不管全球经济是好是坏,游客们是不可能喜新厌旧,舍弃米老鼠而钟情于一个罗马主题公园的。 However the world’s economy fares, tourists are unlikely to abandon Mickey Mouse in favour of a Roman theme park.

  • 其“变脸”缘于老公是一个“喜新厌旧”的人,他总喜欢过几年就收拾一次房子,撤换几样家具。 His “change of face” due to her husband as a “new and hate the old”, like he always had time to clean up the house a few years, to replace a few furniture.

  • 只不过它常常被有些挑剔的恶婆婆或喜新厌旧的丈夫利用,加以「莫须有」之名,而造成无数悲剧。 Unfortunately, these were often misused by a picky mother-in-law or when the husband loved another woman. By charging the wife with these offenses, they caused numerous tragedies.

  • 只不过它常常被有些挑剔的恶婆婆或喜新厌旧的丈夫利用,加以“莫须有”之名,而造成无数悲剧。 Unfortunately, these were often misused by a picky mother-in-law or when the husband loved another woman. By charging the wife with these offenses, they caused numerous tragedies.

  • 我曾经就这个问题和一些营销学的教授进行过讨论,他们表示这可能和一些人喜新厌旧有关,这些人总是容易接受新时尚、新科技或是新车。 I talked to some marketing professors, and they said it could be linked to the same reasons some people are early adapters of fashion or new technology or new car models.

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