词语大全 喜怒哀乐造句_喜怒哀乐中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:所谓一见钟情不过见色起意,所谓日久生情不过权衡利弊。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 喜怒哀乐造句_喜怒哀乐中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 喜怒哀乐造句_喜怒哀乐中英文解释和造句
喜怒哀乐 xǐ nù āi lè
可以表演喜怒哀乐的机器人问世。 A robot displaying human emotion has been unveiled.
为什么在游戏里也有喜怒哀乐? Why is there also feeling in game?
你在我的心目中永远最重要!你的喜怒哀乐。 You means the most in my mind forever.
可以容纳人间的冷暖,人间的喜怒哀乐悲欢离合! May hold the world the changes in temperature, the world laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness vicissitudes of life!
回忆,一份不可忘记的情感,喜怒哀乐串连的画面。 Memory, a must not forget the feelings, emotions pictures thread.
从教以来,几乎生活中所有的喜怒哀乐都因他们而起。 Teaching, nearly all of the joys and sorrows of life as they are replaced.
人生是充满著喜怒哀乐的!态度也是有不同的形式的! Living or working are full of happy/angry/sad/fun ! It is the same with attitude !
我们可以放心地与他们分享也许为别人不理解的喜怒哀乐。 We can share the happiness and sadness which the others don’t understand with them safely.
歌谣有感而发,信手拈来,情真意切地表现出他们的喜怒哀乐。 This spontaneous ballad gives a truthful expression to all types of the singers’ feelings.
虽然还不及三个月,但她已经体验了从巅峰到谷底的喜怒哀乐。 Although less than three months, but she had already experienced the joys and sorrows from the peak to the trough.
她想找一位对生活充满热情的知己,来与她经历人生的喜怒哀乐。 She wants a soulmate with a passion for life, who will share the ups and downs of life with her.
我觉得:人工智能就是要跟真的一模一样,和人一样也有喜怒哀乐! I feel: Artificial intelligence for is will follow real exactly alike, as person, anger dirge is also pregnant!
露西很聪明顽皮有性格。仔细看她的眼睛,你会知道她的喜怒哀乐。 Lucy is a chracteral dog. If you look her eyes carefully, you can read her mind.
我热爱生活,相信会有一片属于自己的天空,一起分享人生的喜怒哀乐! I believe Love is beautiful, I will spend my whole life to seek true love persistently.
不善于以语言表达意见的人,往往以喜怒哀乐的表情来表达意见与思想。 He, who is bad to express his opinions by languages, often expresses his opinions and thoughts by his emotions such as laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness.
我不是天才“我是一正常人“也有喜怒哀乐“也需要人迁就“谢谢。 I’ll take care of myself most of the times. I just need someone to be there for me, somtimes.
她是个喜怒哀乐都表现在脸上的美女,我是个什么都不爱说的人,却是一样的脆弱。 She is a emotions are manifested in the face of beauty, I love is not what the people say, it is the same vulnerability.
人有喜怒哀乐,他们聚分离和,月有阴晴圆缺,没有什么是完美的,甚至在过去的日子里。 Men have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days.
没有人能使你难过。变好或变糟,你有能力为自己决定。运用你的力量,掌管心情的喜怒哀乐。 No one can make you feel bad. You have the power to choose between getting bitter and getting better. Take responsibility for your feelings claim you power.
没有人能使你难过。变好或变糟,你有能力为自己决定。运用你的能力,掌管心情的喜怒哀乐。 No one can make you feel bad. You have the power to choose between getting bitter and getting better. Take responsibility for your feelings; claim your power.
看着那么多平凡却又可爱的人,感受着他们的喜怒哀乐,默读著这座城市里平凡平淡却无休无止的故事。 Looking at all the normal but lovely people, sharing happiness, sore and sadness with them and silently reading the ordinary but endless stories which happens everyday in this city.
《梦断代码》喜怒哀乐皆俱——舞台中央站着米奇·卡普尔,数据革命中那最令人着迷也最少知音的人物。 Dreaming in Code has drama, edy, pathos, and poignancy —and at its center, in Mitch Kapor, one of the most fascinating and yet least understood figures of the digital revolution.
人短短的一生,在人生的某个阶段,有这么一个人陪你走过,分享你的喜怒哀乐,不是一件很快乐的事吗? One short life, at some stage in life, there is such a Renpei you through it, share your emotions, not a very happy thing?
和三五知己,老乡故邻同坐在佬湘楼里,吃上风味菜肴,品上绝妙好酒,诉说喜怒哀乐,真是人生一大快事。 And Sanwuzhiji, hometown guy sitting there with the adjacent building Xiang, eat-style dishes, excellent wine materials, about emotions, life is a joy.
我把所有的心情,所有的秘密在写在上面了,我把我的喜怒哀乐,把敏感的神经触动的种种情绪都写在上面了。 I put all the feelings, all the secrets of writing the above, and I put my emotions to touch the sensitive nerve of all emotions are written on top of.
虽然来小鱼不久,但我却很高兴成为这里的一员,在新的一年里,很愿意和大家分享我的喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣。 Although e to offish soon, but I am very pleased to be here one, in the new year, everyone is very willing to share my joys and sorrows, ups and downs.
山西省晋中市寿阳县平头镇是有名的唢呐之乡,生活在这里的农民都喜欢用手中的唢呐表达自己心中的喜怒哀乐。 Shouyang County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province Ping Suona Town are well-known area, living in the farmers here like to use the hands to express their hearts Suona emotions.
就像风中的竖琴,艺术家们对幻想的一呼一吸都会作出反应,用自己的喜怒哀乐表达着在追求理想中的失败与成功。 As harps in the wind, the artists respond to every breath of fancy, voicing in their moods all the ebb and flow of the ideal.
如果可以。请不要对我的祝福感到厌烦,如果可能。请时时想起关心你的我,如果愿意。请让我分享你的喜怒哀乐! If can. please don’t to I of the wish feel bored, If possible. please remind of to concern your me always, If would like to. please let me share your loving. anger. saddness. and happiness!
学习是我们的重任,我们学习的情况是您们关注的焦点。您们虽然工作繁忙,但心仍系着我们在校的表现,我们的喜怒哀乐也是您们心情的调控器。 To study hard is our duty. You are caring about our study. You are busy, but you are always watching us. We’re happy and you’re happy.
词语大全 喜怒无常造句_喜怒无常中英文解释和造句
喜怒无常 xǐ nù wú cháng
《吕氏春秋· 诬徒》:“喜怒无处,言谈日易。”
诗人生性神经过敏,喜怒无常。 The poet is highly nervous and volatile in temperament.
哦,是的,你是一个喜怒无常的人。 Oh, yes, you are a moody man.
深沉,有思想,喜怒无常。 Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
她是个喜怒无常的女孩。 She is a girl of moods.
她喜怒无常能把人气疯。 He is a person of incalculable moods.
恋爱中的女人喜怒无常。 The woman falling in love blows hot and cold.
他是一个喜怒无常的人。 He is a man of moods.
你是一个喜怒无常的人。 You are a man of moods.
偏喜怒无常个性的颜色占全部车数的17%。 More moody colors account for about 17 percent of cars.
那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。 The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.
青少年的喜怒无常使这种情况更加令人琢磨不透。 The moodiness of adolescents makes it all the more tricky, Grady says.
你知道她有时候喜怒无常,我是不会为此而担心的。 You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it.
巨蟹父亲喜怒无常,但他会是妳遇到的最忠诚的朋友。 Cancer dads might be moody but they will be the most loyal friend you’ll ever have.
玛丽可能会有点喜怒无常,容易激动,你得学会安抚她。 Mary can be a bit moody and you have to learn to handle her with kid gloves.
他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复多变,忧郁寡欢。 He is a plicated man ——moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streek.
他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复多变,忧郁寡欢。 He is a plicated man—moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak.
头一天她同你讲话,第二天便不理睬你-老是这样喜怒无常。 One day she talks to you and the next day she ignores you– always blowing hot and cold.
我发现我是个喜怒无常的人。而有时候,我又有些多愁善感。 I find myself a man of moods and sometimes of sentimentality.
爱情是喜怒无常的家伙:它渴望得到一切,却又几乎对一切都感到不满。 Love is a capricious creature which desires everything and can de contented with almost nothing.
简的父亲是一位非常富有的医生,她聪慧、漂亮,但就是有点喜怒无常。 She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor.
球员的个性可以很大程度上影响他的情绪。一些球员天生就是喜怒无常的。 A player’s personality can affect his mood quite severely, some players are naturally more moody than others.
后期的副作用包括疲劳、掉头发、血液计数降低、思考困难、喜怒无常、沮丧。 Later side effects may include tiredness, hair loss, low blood count, trouble with thinking, moodiness, and depression.
一个喜怒无常的联合政府,或者一个装模作样的军政府,也许会使事情变得更糟。 A fractious coalition government, or one run by bumbling generals, might make things worse.
如果我的球队里的这名最喜怒无常的球员可以为我带来世界杯资格,我将把他放在名单上。 If the most temperamental player in my team was still capable of bringing me qualification I would take him on board.
想象力、幻想以及逃避眼前环境的愿望被强烈地激发出来。空想、怀旧或是喜怒无常可能难以平复。 Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. Dreaminess, nostalgia, or moodiness may be hard to resist.
他令人捉摸不透,喜怒无常。有时非常可爱,会溺爱孩子。他清醒的时候相当爽朗。渴醉了就变得不可理喻。 He was a mercurial, volatile man who could be very charming and indulgent, and quite bright [when] sober, and could be a bitch on wheels when he’d had too much to drink.
我正在寻找一名温柔体贴的,安静的,并且不喜欢戏曲的女士!我喜欢甜女孩!不喜欢喜怒无常的恼怒的女孩。 I am looking for a loving and caring woman! Someone who is calm and doesn’t like drama. I like sweet girls! No moody angry girls please .
但我的眼睛总也离不开他那张蒙着眼罩的脸,他现在喜怒无常,嘴唇,下巴,眉毛动个不停,明显有些不耐烦了。 But I could not take my eyes off his blindfolded face. His expression kept changing, his lips, jaw, brow continually working, apparently beyond his control.
张先生说,妻子是贸易公司销售经理,打小练就一身功夫,当初就是她“强健的体魄、喜怒无常的个性”打动了他。 Mr Zhang said his wife, who is a sales manager at a trading pany, had studied kungfu since her childhood and that he was attracted to her “strong and independent temperament”.
当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如果不停地挠它痒痒,它就会发脾气哭闹——这就是“阳太郎”,日本发明的一款会像真正的婴儿那样喜怒无常的机器人。 It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby.
喜怒无常 xǐnùwúcháng喜怒无常的意思和解释:一会儿高兴,一会儿生气。形容态度多变。喜怒无常的出处《吕氏春秋·诬徒》:“喜怒无处,言谈日易。”喜怒无常的例子宝玉和黛玉是从
喜怒无常 xǐnùwúcháng喜怒无常的意思和解释:一会儿高兴,一会儿生气。形容态度多变。喜怒无常的出处《吕氏春秋·诬徒》:“喜怒无处,言谈日易。”喜怒无常的例子宝玉和黛玉是从
安时处顺 ānshíchǔshùn安时处顺的意思和解释:安于常分,顺其自然。形容满足于现状。安时处顺的出处《庄子·养生主》:“安时而处顺,哀乐不能入也。”安时处顺的例子他长期以来
安时处顺 ānshíchǔshùn安时处顺的意思和解释:安于常分,顺其自然。形容满足于现状。安时处顺的出处《庄子·养生主》:“安时而处顺,哀乐不能入也。”安时处顺的例子他长期以来
看破红尘 kànpòhóngchén看破红尘的意思和解释:旧指看透人生,把生死哀乐都不放在心上的消极的生活态度。现也指受挫折后消极回避、无所作为的生活态度。看破红尘的出处汉·班固
看破红尘 kànpòhóngchén看破红尘的意思和解释:旧指看透人生,把生死哀乐都不放在心上的消极的生活态度。现也指受挫折后消极回避、无所作为的生活态度。看破红尘的出处汉·班固
词语大全 哀乐中节 [āi lè zhōng jié]什么意思
哀乐中节 [āilèzhōngjié][哀乐中节]成语解释指哀伤和欢乐都适度[哀乐中节]成语出处故诗要哀乐中节[哀乐中节]百科解释哀乐中节(āilèzhōngjié)解释:中:合