词语大全 四书五经造句_四书五经中英文解释和造句
Posted 儒家
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词语大全 四书五经造句_四书五经中英文解释和造句
四书五经 sì shū wǔ jīng
“四书”窈窕,“五经”求索。 “Four Books” are fine, “Five Classics” are studies.
我的回答是《四书五经》《二十四史》等。 my answer is “the most celebrated the twenty-four histories”, etc.
如果四书五经变成恋人絮语,将是什么样的经典? If the Classics were transformed into love letters, what tradition would they impart?
少时家道殷实,7岁人私塾读“四书”、“五经”。 Fewer well-off family financial situation, 7-year-old school who read “Four Books”, “Five.
我的目标是赚够159分,然后下载全套的四书五经! My target is to collect 159 points and then download the full set of Four and Five Confusian Classics!
选读四书、五经、老庄、佛经、史记、诗文及西方文化经典。 Reading Four Books, the Five Classics, Lao-tzu, Zhuangtzu, Sutra, Shih-Chi, poetries and culture classics of the West.
一乡二里共三夫子,不识四书五经六义,竟敢教七八九子,十分大胆! One township 1 amount to three Confucian scholar, fail to see the Four Books and the Five Classics six justice, is it teach 789 son to have the audacity, very bold!
教育方针:以孔子的四书五经为原则,作为院童的生活以及未来的理念。 Education: Practice Confucius teaching, understanding of principle of life and to be independent in the future.
教育方针: 以孔子的四书五经为原则,作为院童的生活以及未来的理念。 Education: Practice Confucius teaching, understanding of principle of life and to be independent in the future.
赵(上左日右巨,下火)刻苦好学,熟读四书五经,有谋略,时人称颂之。 Zhao (on the left on the right giant, under the fire) hard to learn, read the Four Books and Five Classics, a strategy, when the people of praise.
儒学原理主要包含在九本书里,这九本书共分两部分:“四书”和“五经”。 The principles of Confucianism are mainly contained in nine Chinese works that can be divided into two groups: the Four Books and the Five Classics.
以至汉译西的工作却要由外人来完成,如最早译介四书五经的是理雅各等汉学家。 Translate a west work by going to 汉 but want to be pleted by outsider, if translated to lie The Four Books at the earliest stage five through of is managed an each etc. of 雅 Sinology house.
小学的课程还是四书五经那一套。由于祖父早先的训诲,赵树理在班上总是名列前茅。 The school curriculum was still based on the Confucian classics, and Chao, due to his grandfather’s patient drills, always stood at the head of his class.
儒家特别关注“和谐”的第一个字“和”,“和”常常出现在儒家的“四书五经”之中。 Confucians in particular emphasize the single-character term for “harmony” (he), which appears in all of Confucianism’s “Four Books and Five Classics” (si shu wu jing).
他这样征引他人的意见:“有人说要想了解中国,读《水浒传》要比读四书五经更有用。” “He cited the views of others: “Some people say that to understand China, read” The Water Margin “more useful than the reading of Four Books and Five Classics.
村塾学堂室壁上挂有字画,“四书五经”陈于案头,文房四宝列于几上,再现当年私塾面貌。 ” Cunshu school wall hung a word”Sishuwujing” Chen at the desk, Wenfangsibao out in a few, the private school that reproduce outlook.
也正因此,《四书五经》和八股文成为士人所学习的主要知识,其他无关应考的知识一概被摒弃。 Therefore, Four Books and Five Classics and eight-part essays became the main knowledge to be acquired and the knowledge that was not related to the examination was discarded.
“四书五经”及后来在此基础上繁衍的学说,都是制约每一个中国人包括皇帝、领袖在内的经书。 “Classics” and then on this basis, the doctrine of reproduction, are constrained every Chinese people, including the emperor, the leaders, including the classics.
到了明清时,《论语》更是因“四书五经”被列为科举的必考科目而受到了广大读书人顶礼膜拜。 To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the “Analects” is for “classics” was listed as a pulsory examination subject being the majority of scholars pay homage to.
他们的权威不再基于对四书五经的熟读和为乡村社会牟利而获得百姓的认同,更多的来源于对财富的拥有和政权的支持。 Their authority originated more from owning wealth and state power supporting than from be proficient in “Si Shu Wu Jing” and be admitted by rural people.
词语大全 四书五经的意思_成语“四书五经”是什么意思
成 语 | 四书五经 |
成语读音 | sì shū wǔ jīng |
成语解释 | 四书:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》;五经:《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》。指儒家经典。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作主语、宾语、定语;指儒家经典。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 汉·班固《白虎通·五经》:“五经何谓?谓《易》、《尚书》、《诗》、《礼》、《春秋》也。”宋·朱熹著有《四书集注》。 |
成语例句 | 鲁迅《二心集·上海文艺之一瞥》:“君子是只读~,做八股,非常规矩的。” |
英文翻译 | The Four Books and The Five Classics in China |
词语大全 五经解元 [wǔ jīng jiè yuán]什么意思
五经解元 [wǔjīngjièyuán][五经解元]基本解释科举乡试中以五经中式的特优者[五经解元]百科解释五经解元是指科举乡试中以五经中式的特优者更多→五经解元[五经解元]英文
词语大全 乡间水土 (打《四书》一句),乡间水土 (打《四书》一句)
谜面:乡间水土(打《四书》一句) 谜底:远人不服
词语大全 乡间水土 (打《四书》一句),乡间水土 (打《四书》一句)
谜面:乡间水土(打《四书》一句) 谜底:远人不服
四书 [sìshū][四书]基本解释1.指《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》四种儒家经典2.贾母因问黛玉念何书。黛玉道:只刚念了《四书》。--《红楼梦》[四书]详细解释《论语
赠刘五经[作者]齐己 [朝代]唐代往年长白山,发愤忍饥寒。扫叶雪霜湿,读书唇齿干。群经通讲解,八十尚轻安。今日江南寺,相逢话世难。《赠刘五经》作者齐己简介齐己(863年—937年)出家前俗名
赠刘五经[作者]齐己 [朝代]唐代往年长白山,发愤忍饥寒。扫叶雪霜湿,读书唇齿干。群经通讲解,八十尚轻安。今日江南寺,相逢话世难。《赠刘五经》作者齐己简介齐己(863年—937年)出家前俗名