词语大全 四通八达造句_四通八达中英文解释和造句

Posted 交通

篇首语:犀渠玉剑良家子,白马金羁侠少年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 四通八达造句_四通八达中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 四通八达造句_四通八达中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 四通五达的意思 成语大全

词语大全 四通八达造句_四通八达中英文解释和造句

四通八达  sì tōng bā dá








  • 铁路四通八达遍布全国。Railways ramified all over the country.
  • 乡村道路四通八达,村村开通电话。 Rural roads extending in all directions, every village telephone.

  • 张北区位优越,公路四通八达。 Zhang North-bit superiority, roads extending in all directions.

  • 各级公路交织成网、四通八达。 Interwoven into all levels of the road network extending in all directions.

  • 高邑县交通条件得天独厚,四通八达。 Gao Yi County, traffic conditions are very fortunate to be extending in all directions.

  • 岛上国防公路四通八达。 Defense of the island accessible by road.

  • 公路铁路四通八达。 Road Railway connected.

  • 山水秀丽,地理条件十分优越,水陆交通四通八达。 Beautiful scenery, is extremely advantageous geographical conditions, water and land transportation accessible.

  • 捷运市府站,公车站是世贸中心,多又快,四通八达。 Taipei City Hall MRT Station, World Trade Center Bus Station and many other bus and MRT lines.

  • 纵横交错,四通八达,交通便利,土地肥沃,人杰地灵。 Criss-cross, extending in all directions, transportation is convenient, the land is fertile, outstanding.

  • 交通网络四通八达贵港市加快构建桂东南区域性交通中心。 Traffic network extending in all directions: Guigang City is accelerating to construct a traffic center city in southeast area of Guangxi Province.

  • 公司坐落于蓟县经济开发区,公路铁路四通八达,交通十分便利。 Companies located in Jixian Economic Development Zone, highway rail-connected and is very accessible.

  • 企业位于中国山东省邹平县,紧靠济青高速公路,交通四通八达。 The pany locates in Zouping County, Shandong province and is close to Ji-Qing expressway which can extend to all directions.

  • 兰新铁路、甘新公路(国道312线)穿境而过,乡村道路四通八达。 Lan-Xin Railway, Gansu-Xinjiang Highway (State Road 312 lines) passing through the rural roads extending in all directions.

  • 辽宁省锦州市享有“锦绣之州”之美誉、文化底蕴厚、交通四通八达。 Jinzhou, Liaoning Province has the title of “the city of garden”, which has profound cultural background and convenient traffic.

  • 交通方面,有市乡公路直连108国道和大运公路,公路交通四通八达。 Transport, rural roads have direct City 108 National Road and Dayun roads, road traffic extending in all directions.

  • 帝濠酒店矗立于澳门市中心,地点四通八达,令你在澳门的旅程更舒适方便。 The Emperor Hotel is centrally and conveniently located to make your visit to Macau all the more enjoyable.

  • 泥阳镇交通便利,江武公路穿境而过,通村公路四通八达,并在逐步实建设。 Mud Town are easily accessible, jiang wu Highway passing through, pass the village roads extending in all directions, and gradually building it.

  • 桐景花园交通四通八达,从罗湖口岸往东行一路畅通无阻,往返深港轻松自如。 Tung tree King Garden served by good transport networks, the continued flow east from the Lo Wu Control Point, and the Shenzhen relaxed ease.

  • 区内现有高速公路出口四处,307国道、太汾路纵贯全区,四通八达,交通便捷。 Existing export around the highway, 307 national highway, too Fen north-south road in the region, extending in all directions, and convenient transportation.

  • 1949年后,公路运输事业逐年发展,形成了以桥西区为中心的四通八达的公路网。 After 1949, the year the development of road transport undertakings, has formed a district-centric Qiaoxi road network extending in all directions.

  • 山西省长治市财苑大厦位于长兴中路305号,市区核心地段,交通便捷、四通八达。 Shanxi Changzhi City Court Building, located in Changxing Choi Road No. 305, the urban core area, convenient traffic, extending in all directions.

  • 包兰铁路贯穿境内,3条国家级公路、2条省级公路和乡村公路纵横交错,四通八达。 Baotou-Lanzhou railway running through the territory, 3 national highways and provincial roads and 2 rural roads criss-crossing, extending in all directions.

  • 酒泉境内公路运输比较发达,312国道贯穿全境,而境内的城乡公路也是四通八达。 Jiuquan territory more developed road transport, 312 National Road runs through the whole territory, and also in the urban and rural roads extending in all directions.

  • 基础设施日臻完善,公路四通八达,通信条件先进,广播电视发展迅速,市场繁荣兴旺。 Improving infrastructure, road networks, advanced munications conditions, the rapid development of radio and television, the market is prosperous.

  • 江西富豪酒店位于四通八达司马庙立交桥和坛子口立交桥之间,与南昌名塔——绳金塔遥相呼应。 Regal Hotel is located between the Si Ma Temple and the Tan Zi Kou Overpass, Looking over the Shengjin Tower, the famous tower in nanchang.

  • 奉承一旦被识破,它就没有了立锥之地。但是人们听见的往往是相反的一说:拍马可以四通八达。 If flattery (insincere praise) is recognized, it will not succeed. One sometimes hears the opposite, Flattery will get you everywhere.

  • 在藏北牧区,四通八达的公路建设和穿梭如织的汽车,使昔日盐粮交换用的“犛牛驮队”成为历史。 In north Tibet’s pasture areas, the scene of streams of motor vehicles riding on highways that radiate into all directions has replaced that of caravans of yaks loaded with grain to trade for salt.

  • 它唱出一座座高耸的大厦,唱得卫星发射,唱得国人登月,它行走在四通八达的街道,回荡在我们心中。 It sang a seat high-rise buildings, sing satellite launch, people sing the moon, it is walking the streets extending in all directions, echoing in our hearts.

  • 作为发达国家的典型代表,日本在交通体系的规划布局比较完善,已经形成了快速便捷、四通八达的交通体系。 As a typical developed country, Japan has developed a highly advanced traffic system, which provides a very efficient and convenient network for people.

  • 四通八达造句相关


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    中文发音: sì tōng wǔ dá


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    词语大全 四通八达   [sì tōng bā dá]什么意思

    四通八达  [sìtōngbādá][四通八达]成语解释四面八方都有路可通。形容交通极便利。也形容通向各方。[四通八达]成语出处《晋书·慕容德载记》:“滑台四通八达;非帝王之居。”

    词语大全 脚手冰凉的句子


    词语大全 四通   [sì tòng]什么意思

    四通  [sìtòng][四通]基本解释谓与四方相通。[四通]详细解释谓与四方相通。《战国策·魏策一》:“﹝魏﹞埊四平,诸侯四通。”《史记·天官书》:“仓府廏库,四通之路。”《汉书