词语大全 回天之力造句_回天之力中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾当百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 回天之力造句_回天之力中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 回天之力造句_回天之力中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 回天乏术造句_回天乏术中英文解释和造句

词语大全 回天之力造句_回天之力中英文解释和造句

回天之力  huí tiān zhī lì








  • 鼓励在关键时刻,可有“回天之力”的功效。 Encouraging in the right time has an amazing effect.

  • 但这个时候朋友已无回天之力,只能寄希望于开发商能够信守当初的承诺。 But this time my friends had Huitianzhili only on developers to abide by the original mitment.

  • 然而面对90年代日本经济的极度萧条,政府的产业结构政策已无回天之力。 Face the exceeding depression of economy of 90 time Japan however, industrial structure policy of the government already did not have power capable of saving a desperate situation.

  • 然而面对20世纪90年代日本经济的极度萧条,政府的产业结构政策已无回天之力。 Confront 20 centuries however the exceeding depression of economy of 90 time Japan, industrial structure policy of the government already did not have power capable of saving a desperate situation.

  • 辽足到底会不会也像武汉队那样在大楼即将倒塌没有回天之力的时候来一次纵身一跃呢? Liaozu will in the end, like Wuhan team as the building is about to collapse did not Huitianzhili when it jumped to a jump?

  • 况且足球向来讲究团队作战,安贞焕一个人纵有回天之力还能把整个韩国队的阳虚给踢明白? Besides football team always stress of bat, one vertical Anzhenhuan a Huitianzhili also to the entire South Korean team kicked Yangxu understand?

  • 这么多年来,每当夜深人静时,听到他喉咙里发出的怪声,我心里就难受,恨不得有回天之力,治好他的病。 Such many years, when quiet at dead of night, hears strange sound which in his throat sends out, I at heart unfortable, wishes one could to have strength of the great power, cures his sickness.

  • 工人叫苦,厂长叫苦,领导叫苦,似乎谁也没有回天之力。然而,栾城县城关铸造厂靠“三严”在激烈的市场竞争中牢牢站稳脚根。 However, the area just outside a city gate of county of golden rain tree city casts a factory to rely on ” 3 severe ” are in intense market petition root of foot of firmly stand firm.

  • 当星期天注定成为昨天, 痛心, 困惑, 彷徨都将无回天之力。就让它们永远成为烛光, 咖啡, 音乐中的一种闲暇奢侈品吧。 Even if, how you wish forever on that Sunday , but it’s just turned out to be another day.

  • 但事实上,这些没有商业房地产操作经验的商业经理人也无回天之力,到了2003年中,天津街销售几近停滞,各项目面临“死盘”的危险。 However, these do not operate mercial real estate experience in mercial manager nor Huitianzhili, by 2003, almost stagnant sales Tianjin Street, the project faces “dead properties” dangerous.

  • 回天之力造句相关


    词语大全 回天乏术造句_回天乏术中英文解释和造句

    回天乏术  huí tiān fá shù







  • 斯皮兹现在是回天乏术了。 There was no hope for Spitz now.

  • “电路城”于去年申请破产,并最终回天乏术。 The electronics retailer failed to bounce back after filing for bankruptcy last year.

  • 阿波罗想尽各种办法要救他的挚友,但已回天乏术! Apollo tried every possible way to save his faithful friend, but to no avail!

  • 于是天平严重倾斜,大势已去,我的左手回天乏术。 So the balance is clined seriously. my left hand failed.

  • 如果没有电话,晚个十分钟左右,伤患可能就回天乏术了。 Without telephone, ten more minutes later would make the ambulance turn to mortuary instead of emergency room .

  • 莱恩说:「只要出现了树冠火灾,这些黄松林就回天乏术了。 “When a crown fire happens, this [Ponderosa pine] forest can’t go home again, ” Ryan says.

  • 而欧盟——全球治理的桥头堡——挽救里斯本条约依然回天乏术。 The European Union—the foremost champion of international governance—will be unable to revive its moribund Lisbon treaty.

  • 在四年的重组历程中通用已经损失超过800亿,它已经回天乏术了。 After four years of restructuring efforts during which it had lost more than $80 billion, GM was too enfeebled to stagger on.

  • 这句话有否定的意思吗?这样译可以吗?他还活着,可是所有人都回天乏术。 He was still alive, but beyond anything anyone could do for him.

  • 然而,随着现行经济政策的不断施行,萨尔科奇也会发现他自己也是回天乏术。 With the public finances already stretched, however, even Mr Sarkozy may find that he has little room for manoeuvre.

  • “乌拉尔”银行分析家斯莫林担心俄罗斯首富在金融危机重压下已经回天乏术。 “Ural” Smolin Bank analysts worry that the financial crisis in Russia’s richest man, has been under heavy pressure back to the days Lack of technique.

  • 一但这两个领域也烂掉,那么这个社会真的就是病入膏肓,即使是华佗再世,也回天乏术。 As soon as but, this two fields are also meshed to fall , this society real is disease enter paste Huang, even if China Tuo again Shi, also return day to lack skill “.”

  • 就在这名外科医师要转身离开时,一个突然的冲动告诉他应该检查一下这个男孩,确认他是否已经回天乏术。 The surgeon was about to turn away, when a sudden impulse told him to examine the boy and make sure there was nothing he could do to revive him.

  • 按说马希蒂回天乏术应该认输,但他偏就要坚持到底,结果让梁文博收光所有彩球,155:11拿下这一局。 Maxi Di Huitianfashu the ordinary course of events should admit defeat, but he must adhere to the side in the end, so that the results of Liang Wenbo ball close all the light, the Board had 155:11.

  • 当短期国债利率逼近零值时,有人认为货币政策已回天乏术;他们以为,美联储欲刺激经济只有降息这一条路可走。 The interest on Treasury bills was close to zero, and those who viewed interest-rate reductions as the only stimulus available to the Fed thought that monetary policy was now exhausted.

  • 虽然经过医疗中心医生们1个小时的奋力抢救,但还是回天乏术。下午2点26分,医院宣布迈克尔·杰克逊死亡。 Although doctors there spent an hour battling to revive Jackson, their efforts proved fruitless and he was pronounced dead at 2. 26pm.

  • 使用能直接作用于病毒的抗病毒药物是可行的治疗办法,不过许多H5N1病患都太晚就诊了,使用药物也回天乏术。 Antiviral drugs that fight the virus directly are the optimal treatment, but many H5N1 patients have arrived on doctors’ doorsteps too late for the drugs to do much good.

  • 此后,疾病即成为其艺术作品中的隐喻并且始终带有一种标志性的回天乏术的无力感:采用最轻质的材料,通常是羽毛; Illness became a metaphor for her as an artist and incapacity led to her insignia: use of the lightest of materials, feathers most of all;

  • 这家电子产品零售商在去年申请破产后回天乏术,它的破产将留下超过一千八百万平方英尺的空荡荡的场地,并令超过34000名雇员失去工作。 The electronics retailer failed to bounce back after filing for bankruptcy last year. It will leave more than 18 million square feet of vacant space and more than 34, 000 employees out of work.

  • 回天乏术造句相关



    词语大全 回天乏术造句_回天乏术中英文解释和造句

    回天乏术  huítiānfáshù回天乏术的意思和解释:回天:比喻力量大,能移转极难挽回的时势;乏术:缺少方法。比喻局势或病情严重,已无法挽救。回天乏术的出处回天乏术的例子后探得

    词语大全 回天乏术造句_回天乏术中英文解释和造句

    回天乏术  huítiānfáshù回天乏术的意思和解释:回天:比喻力量大,能移转极难挽回的时势;乏术:缺少方法。比喻局势或病情严重,已无法挽救。回天乏术的出处回天乏术的例子后探得

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    股肱之力  gǔgōngzhīlì股肱之力的意思和解释:股肱:大腿和胳膊。自己的所有力量。形容做事已竭尽全力。股肱之力的出处《左传·僖公九年》:“臣竭其股肱之力,加之以忠贞。其济,

    词语大全 股肱之力造句_股肱之力中英文解释和造句

    股肱之力  gǔgōngzhīlì股肱之力的意思和解释:股肱:大腿和胳膊。自己的所有力量。形容做事已竭尽全力。股肱之力的出处《左传·僖公九年》:“臣竭其股肱之力,加之以忠贞。其济,

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    缚鸡之力  fùjīzhīlì缚鸡之力的意思和解释:捆鸡的力量。比喻体弱无力。缚鸡之力的出处元·《赚蒯通》第一折:“那韩信手无缚鸡之力。”缚鸡之力的例子平日只会读书写字,刺绣描花,

    词语大全 缚鸡之力造句_缚鸡之力中英文解释和造句

    缚鸡之力  fùjīzhīlì缚鸡之力的意思和解释:捆鸡的力量。比喻体弱无力。缚鸡之力的出处元·《赚蒯通》第一折:“那韩信手无缚鸡之力。”缚鸡之力的例子平日只会读书写字,刺绣描花,

    词语大全 手无缚鸡之力造句_手无缚鸡之力中英文解释和造

    手无缚鸡之力  shǒuwúfùjīzhīlì手无缚鸡之力的意思和解释:连捆绑鸡的力气都没有。形容身体弱、力气小。手无缚鸡之力的出处元·《赚蒯通》第一折:“那韩信手无缚鸡之力。”手

    词语大全 手无缚鸡之力造句_手无缚鸡之力中英文解释和造

    手无缚鸡之力  shǒuwúfùjīzhīlì手无缚鸡之力的意思和解释:连捆绑鸡的力气都没有。形容身体弱、力气小。手无缚鸡之力的出处元·《赚蒯通》第一折:“那韩信手无缚鸡之力。”手

    词语大全 回天之力造句 回天之力の例文 "回天之力"是什麼意思

    回天之力造句回天之力の例文"回天之力"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!200

    词语大全 回天乏术   [huí tiān fá shù]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    回天乏术  [huítiānfáshù][回天乏术]成语解释回天:比喻力量大,能移转极难挽回的时势;乏术:缺少方法。比喻局势或病情严重,已无法挽救。[回天乏术]成语出处清·冯起凤《