词语大全 回心转意造句_回心转意中英文解释和造句

Posted 天主

篇首语:休言女子非英物,夜夜龙泉壁上鸣。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 回心转意造句_回心转意中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 回心转意造句_回心转意中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 回头是岸造句_回头是岸中英文解释和造句

词语大全 回心转意造句_回心转意中英文解释和造句

回心转意  huí xīn zhuǎn yì








  • 想要回心转意,却看不见回来的路。 Gonna turn back but you show me no way.

  • 我敢说你不出一小时就会回心转意。 I dare say you’ll think better of it in an hour.

  • 但他是不会让自己回心转意的。 But he will not let himself turn back.

  • 难道你想我回心转意,而我,却只能说… Didn’t think I’d turn around, and say…

  • 我就知道你会回心转意的。 I knew you’ll change your mind.

  • 也许他们会回心转意,接着赶快逃离这里! Perhaps they will e to their senses, and run away as fast as they can!

  • 我真的试过要使他回心转意,但他就是不听。 Eg:I did try to get him to change his mind, but he wouldn’t listen.

  • 或许他回心转意的事实本身就已经把一切都说明了。 Or maybe the fact that he had returned would speak for itself.

  • 他要劝导许多以色列人回心转意,归顺他们的上帝。 He will bring many of Israel’s people back to the Lord their God.

  • 现在你想回心转意,带上你的白马回到我身边已太迟了。 Now it too late for you, and your white horse to e around.

  • 他杀他们的时候,他们才求问他,回心转意,切切的寻求神。 When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned and enquired early after God.

  • 塞雷尼曰前回心转意,并表示即将与拉齐奥签下一份新的合约。 Matteo Sereni is performing a U-turn and is set to sign a new deal with Lazio.

  • 认识你而不能爱你,爱你却要回心转意,这两件事我都做不到。 To know you and not love you… To love you yet turn my heart away… These two things are impossible.

  • 联邦资助直到2011年依然有效,说不定到时候一些州长会回心转意。 The federal funds are available until 2011, should any of the governors have a change of heart.

  • 塔拉,回家,我先回家。我会想办法让他回心转意的。毕竟人每天都在变化。 Tara! Home! I’ll go home, and I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.

  • 所以,你该回心转意,摆脱你这个恶念,祈求主,或者可给你赦免你心中的妄想。 Repent of this wickedness of yours and pray to the Lord that, if possible, your intention may be forgiven.

  • 不然,他们的眼睛就会看见,耳朵也会听见,心里领悟,回心转意,我就治好他们。 Lest haply they should perceive with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart, And should turn again, And I should heal them.

  • 寅次郎立即回心转意,取消行程,当他得知早苗正打算与丈夫离婚时,心情更是忐忑。 However, he cancels his journey as soon as he sees the new employee, Sanae. Sanae is planning a divorce with her husband.

  • 永远为王的天主必要俯听我,而把他们赶走,因为他们不知回心转意,而又不知敬畏天主。 God, who sits enthroned forever, will hear me and humble them. For they will not mend their ways; they have no fear of God.

  • 只有通过使用相关软件让网络看上去更像是付费电视,这样才能令那些不上网者回心转意。 “Entertainment applications will be the key. If anything will pull in the holdouts, it’s going to be applications that make the Internet more akin to pay TV, ” he predicted.

  • 爸爸开始沿着漫天烟尘的道路往回走,我赶紧跳上车尾随在他的后面,一心希望他能回心转意。 Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he would relent.

  • 教导与学习是你目前最大的本事,因为它们不只潜移默化你的心灵,并且能帮助别人回心转意。 Teaching and learning are your greatest strengths now, because they enable you to change your mind and help others to change theirs.

  • 我希望是乐观的–因为…-我同意你的看法,是的…我对此回心转意了。-让大家自己去思考吧。 I rather like its upbeat – ’cause it’s… -I agree with you, yeah…I’ve e ’round to it. -Let everybody think for themselves.

  • 盟誓不与妻子交接的人,当期待四个月;如果他们回心转意,那末,真主确是至赦的,确是至慈的。 For those who take an oath for abstention from their wives, a waiting for four months is ordained; if then they return, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

  • 我真的不指望有一天能感动你,我只是相信,我也知道总有那么一天,你会明白我。至少你曾经回心转意。 I’m not mean moving you someday. I Just believe, and knowing that you’ll clearly understand me. Leastways, you’ve been changing.

  • 几时这一切事,就是我在你面前提出的祝福和诅咒,来到你身上,而你在上主你的天主驱逐你去的异族中,回心转意。 When these things e upon you according to this blessing and this curse that I have set before you, you will recall them among the nations where Yahweh, your God, has driven you.

  • 然而,照现在形势,他将可能加盟巴塞罗那、皇家马德里或者尤文图斯其中一家俱乐部—除非切尔西回心转意改变原来的想法,留下他。 But he is now likely to plete a move to either Barcelona, Real Madrid or Juventus — unless Chelsea make a dramatic and unexpected last-ditch attempt to keep him.

  • 但小派已经明白说过,他只会留下来为洋基效力或者宣布退休,而小老板也说即使超过10天的期限,他还是欢迎小派能回心转意留下来。 But Pettitte has already made it clear that he will play for the Yankees or retire, and Hank Steinbrenner said he could exceed the 10 days and still be weled back.

  • 可是太迟了,现在回心转意已经太晚了,你说那只是个小小的错误,认为我会像以前一样原谅你,如果你还在认为我在等你,那么你想错了。 It’s a little too late for you to e back, Say its just a mistake, Think I’d forgive you like, If you thought I would wait for you, You thought wrong.

  • 后来以色列人必归回、〔或作回心转意〕寻求他们的神耶和华、和他们的王大卫.在末后的日子、必以敬畏的心归向耶和华、领受他的恩惠。 And after that, the children of Israel will e back and go in search of the Lord their God and David their king; and they will e in fear to the Lord and to his mercies in the days to e.

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