词语大全 因循守旧造句_因循守旧中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:知识为进步之母,而进步又为富强之源泉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 因循守旧造句_因循守旧中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 因循守旧造句_因循守旧中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 因陋守旧造句_因陋守旧中英文解释和造句

词语大全 因循守旧造句_因循守旧中英文解释和造句

因循守旧  yīn xún shǒu jiù








  • 我从来就不是一个因循守旧的人。 Even before, I was not a nine to five person.

  • 你很难使因循守旧的人接受新事物。 You cant teach an old dog new tricks.

  • 你很难让因循守旧的人接受新事物。 You can’t teach an old dog new trick.

  • 做事情要避免固执僵化和因循守旧。 Avoid rigid, set patterns of doing things.

  • 如果我们因循守旧,变革是不可能发生的。 And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were.

  • 在他那因循守旧的外表下面是坚韧的意志和勇敢的心。 Beneath his buttoned-down appearance was a tough mind and a brave heart.

  • 如同我们已经提到的,缺乏有用的想像力,只能因循守旧。 And as what we have mentioned above, lack of useful image nation will make people copy the old ways.

  • 如果您周围的人群因循守旧,您自己要勇于尝试、接受新颖。 When those around you are stubbornly stuck in their ways — try something new.

  • 现实中的人过于因循守旧,固步自封,习惯了向僵死的制度低头。 In the reality person too stuck to old ways, Complacent, is used to it has lowered the head to the deathly stiff system.

  • 戈菲尔普雷里就是一个极其乏味、因循守旧、充满虚伪和压迫的地方。 Gopher Prairie is a place of unbearable dullness, conformity, hypocrisy, and oppression.

  • 后者则因循守旧,以“国粹主义”者自居,对新思想、新知识持排拒态度。 the latter is conservative, with” ethnic chauvinism “by itself, to new ideas, new knowledge, the attitude of holding excluded.

  • 中国国画很少像西方人那样因循守旧,它反倒给画者提供了更自由的表达空间。 Chinese painting seldom follow the convention like westerners but gives the painter freedom to express.

  • 从我安装屋面和壁板的经验,我知道大供应商是重承诺的,小供应商是因循守旧的。 From my own experience installing roofing and siding, I learned about suppliers who were big on promises, but small on follow-up.

  • 为保持良好的发展势头,必须建立起科学合理的经营格局,不能按部就班、因循守旧。 To maintain good development momentum, must build scientific and reasonable management structure, cannot step-by-step, lockstep.

  • 我们的能力依旧,但是,那个因循守旧、保护狭隘私利、推迟不利决议的时代无疑已成往事。 Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions – that time has surely passed.

  • 为了这个目标,美国会跟其他国家一同为保护言论自由权、反对歧视行为及因循守旧作出努力。 To that end, she says the United States will work with other nations to protect the freedom of expression and fight against discrimination and negative sterotypystereotyping.

  • 把我们的事业全面推向二十一世纪就是要抓住机遇而不可丧失机遇,开拓进取而不可因循守旧。 To advance our cause into the 21st century in all-round way requires us to seize opportunities without fail, and blaze new trails instead of following the beaten track.

  • 但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年。 But a few the people who is fettered by old conventions opposes this reformation, this gives a gift one day , celebrate New Year obstinately on April 1 as before according to old Chinese calendar.

  • 因循守旧前所未有,投资人,董事和经理们用现金流模型评价表现,而这种评估方式已远远落伍。 The rot reached the top, with investors, directors and managers evaluating performance using cashflow models that were so long-dated that they broke even after their authors planned to retire.

  • 的“ G ” ,真正到它自己的冒险起飞时,因循守旧,仍然队伍之一,世界上最好的小康道路。 The “G” really es into its own when venturing off the beaten track and still ranks as one of the world’s best off-roaders.

  • 看看你的专业的现状,也许在和新人或者那些不因循守旧的人谈谈会发现当前实践中那些过时的东西。 Looking at your profession as it stands today, and perhaps by talking to some of its newer and more iconoclastic members, identify an aspect of current practice that is archaic.

  • 他们和其他市场毫无关联,这意味着在这样的市场上不用因循守旧,更容易操作花样繁多的投资组合。 They were heavily marketed as largely uncorrelated with other markets, meaning they didn’t move in lockstep with other markets, making them a good way to diversify a portfolio.

  • 换句话说,他们总是强调外在原因和客观原因,很少查找自身因素,这种因循守旧、自以为是的现象很严重。 In other words, they always emphasize external reasons and objective reasons, rarely find their own reasons, such lockstep opinionated phenomenon is very serious.

  • 如今,小说家们的创作目标不是力求题材上的新颖,就是力求风格上的标新立异,而不是因循守旧、墨守成规。 Nowadays novelists aim at novelty either in subject or in style, instead of following the beaten path of conventionality.

  • 为了维系乐坛老大的地位,周董和唱片公司“明智”地选择了按部就班、因循守旧,天王的才华横溢则渐行渐远。 ” In order to maintain the status of the Mother of music, record panies and Jay “wise” choice of a step-by-step, following the beaten track, the talented King is drifting further and further away.

  • 因循守旧带来的是平庸,只要我们崇尚所谓的“成功”,要想与众不同或反抗环境就绝非易事,而且充满了凶险。 Conformity leads to mediocrity. To be different from the group or to resist environment is not easy and is often risky as long as we worship success.

  • 于是,这些幸运的学生们也就被无意中剥夺了获得更大成功的可能性,他们因循守旧、亦步亦趋,不敢越雷池一步。 Hence, these lucky students also drive unintentionally deprival acquire a greater successful possibility, their lockstep, as well step also tend, dare not to overstep the utmost limit.

  • 但是,即便在那些强权政体不惩罚此种行为的国家,恪守等级的态度和归顺服从的传统,往往培育出知识上的因循守旧。 But even in countries where repressive regimes do not punish such behaviour, hierarchical attitudes and traditions of deference often breed intellectual conformism.

  • 而且,尽管许多农场主和农业专家认识到这种体制已经在崩溃之中,但一些既得利益者和因循守旧的人一直阻止变革的发生。 But while many farmers and agriculture experts agree that this system is breaking down, change has been blocked by an array of vested interests and a fear of disturbing the established ways.

  • 前沿市场交易量巨大,与其他市场没有多少关联,这就意味着在前沿市场不用像在其他市场一样因循守旧,这里有多样化投资组合的良好渠道。 They were heavily marketed as largely uncorrelated with other markets, meaning they didn’t move in lockstep with other markets, making them a good way to diversify a portfolio.

  • 因循守旧造句相关


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