词语大全 因材施教造句_因材施教中英文解释和造句
Posted 学生
篇首语:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 因材施教造句_因材施教中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 因材施教造句_因材施教中英文解释和造句
因材施教 yīn cái shī jiào
对每个学习英语的人要因材施教。 For each person to learn English should be individualized.
正因为存在人格的差异,故有进行因材施教的必要。 Because of personality difference, it is necessary to teach according to students aptitude.
主张因材施教,有教无类,使每个学生都能有所得。 I try to teach the students according to their abilities, so that every one of them can benefit.
总之,孔子的教学是从学生的实际出发去因材施教的。 In a word, Confucius taught his students in accordance with their aptitude practically.
乡村职业教育对他们进行了针对性的教育,做到了因材施教; Village profession education reached to a situation where students were taught according to their aptitude;
分层次教学实验是郑州市高中搞的教学改革,是为了落实因材施教原则。 It is put on the order of the day for us to reform the teaching in the new century.
我觉得由于所带学生的年龄层不同,所以在教学当中一定要注意因材施教。 Since students differ in ages, we should pay attention to the so called “teaching students in accordance with their aptitude”.
学生来源的多元化要求大学教师具备因材施教的能力,促使学习过程个性化。 The greater diversity of students’ source of enrolment requires university teachers’ ability to suit their instruction to their students’ level in order to individualize the learning process.
既要着眼于全班同学,又要照顾个别成绩突出或能力较弱的同学,因材施教; Both must focus on all personnel schoolmate, and must consider the individual result prominent or ability weak schoolmate, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude;
学校已基本形成了“面向全体,注重基础,因材施教,多层次出人才”的办学特色。 The school has been basically formed, “for all the focus on the foundation, according to ability, a multi-level talent, ” school characteristics.
该实践较好地体现了区别对待、因材施教的教学原则,是体育教学中一项有益的尝试。 Such a practice successfully embodies the teaching principle of treating differently and teaching accordingly, which is also concidered as a beneficial at tempt in PE teaching.
教育专家称:男生们学习成绩落后,原因就在于教师没有针对男孩的特点,因材施教。 Education experts say boys are falling behind because teachers fail to nurture traditional male traits.
我会按照课程需要来安排我的课程,同时也会注意到不同学生的不同特点,因材施教。 I design the lesson to meet the needs of the class, while at the same time pay attention g to the individual needs of each student.
从微观层面看,要关注各地区、各学校课程情境的差异,要做到因地制宜、因材施教。 from the micro level, attention should be paid to various localities and situational differences in the school curriculum, to be in line with local conditions, their aptitude.
教育本身是一种科学,我们要懂得“因材施教”,才能尽可能地帮助到每一个受教育者。 Education itself is a kind of science, we should understand that “Teaching students according to their aptitude” in order to help every educated as much as possible.
在教学上,他主张因材施教,针对学生各自的特.汽施行不同的方法,教授不同的内容。 In teaching, he held teaching students according to their aptitude, using different methods and teaching differently according to the students’ characteristics.
在教学中主张和实施“因材施教,顺水推舟”的教学原则,对学生的艺术个性进行培养。 The principle of “teaching according to the students’ aptitude and the circumstances “is applied in cultivating students’ artistic characters.
在此基础上,提出对学校中不同层次的学生要进行因材施教、有效转变错误概念的建议。 On this basis, we suggested different levers of students in school should be taught in accordance of their aptitude carefully so as to transform misconceptions effectively.
在集体备课的基础上,各任课教师可以根据本班学生的不同情况因材施教,并制作独立的课件。 Each teacher is to work on his or her own teaching plan on the basis of the collective teaching plan.
实验显示,利用试题反应理论,可以得到个人化学习的效果,以达成因材施教及循序学习的目的。 Experimental results show that IRT applied to web learning can achieve personalized learning, and assist users to learn effectively and efficiently.
因而在德育过程中和方法上应该分层有序,有不同的教育重点和目标要求;运用不同的教育方法,因材施教。 In consequence, according to different levels, moral education should be carried out with different aims while focal point is put on different aspects.
其操作程序日趋完善,能够体现学生的个体差异,做到因材施教,区别对待,以利于学生终身体育意识的形成。 Further improve their operations to reflect the difference between individual students and do teaching, dealing with students in order to create awareness of life-long sports.
马力特色英语资深讲师,授课深入浅出,能准确把握学生心理特点,因材施教,在语音和语法教法上有独到见解。 An professional teacher for Horse Power Typicall English , who can get hold of the key points, grasp the students’ s mind, choose the correct teaching methods to the different students.
本人毕业于XX师范学院幼师专业,今年21岁,有爱心和责任心,对于不同阶段的幼儿,能针对小朋友因材施教。 I graduated from Teachers College teachers XX professional, this 21-year-old, have love and sense of responsibility, for the different stages of child care, children can focus on their aptitude.
因材施教、个性化学习是教育所追求的最高目标,但在传统教学的班级授课制中采用集体教学,要实现这一点是很困难的。 The teaching according to one’s aptitude and learning of individuation is the aim of education, but it is difficult to realize this aim in traditional teaching mode.
这项服务功能让你直接通过“电话”便捷地和外籍教师进行一对一的交流,针对你的口语和听力能力因材施教。让你直达英语听说巅峰。 With native English speaking teachers, this one-on-one service focuses on speaking and listening skills from the convenience of your telephone and pletely tailored towards your learning goals.
我校实行学分制。鼓励学有余力的同学提前毕业或辅修其它专业,注重因材施教,实行弹性学制。具体办法参照《西北工业大学学分制》。 The credits system is used in our university. We encourage those who have more abilities to graduate earlier or study another specialty. You can see its details in “The Credits System of NWPU”.
本人教学认真,并对小朋友/学生有充份的耐性,跟他们有良好的沟通,因材施教,教法新颖,使他们明白课本的内容及汲取更多的知识 。 Im willing to teach more students coz I love children a lot. Im sure that I have fully teaching experience and qualification to teach the children.
高职教育课程改革要遵循和贯彻新时期高等教育教学改革的指导思想,即“更加注重素质教育,重视学生创新能力的培养,注意学生的个性发展,全面因材施教”。 Courses reforming in high vocational college should be obeyed the directions reforming of the vocational education in new era. That is quality education should be strengthened.
学院为每个班级配备导师,全面指导并管理学生的学习。导师的工作主要体现在尊重差异,因材施教,指导学生的学习,关心学生的生活,帮助学生确立人生发展目标。 Every class has a tutor to direct their study , take care of their daily life and help them establish their proper life goals according to each individual circumstance.
词语大全 因材施教造句
因材施教造句 一:李老师实行因材施教的教育理念,不用同一种模式来塑造学生。 二:因此,研究班级授课制下的因材施教方法具有个性重要的好处。 三:关于确实病因的研究将会促进新的疾病筛选机制,并透过“
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材拼音cái 部首木笔画7五行木五笔SFTT[材]基本解释1.木料,泛指一切原料或资料:~料。教(jiào)~。素~。题~。就地取~。2.能力,资质:~干(gàn)。大~小用。因~施教(ji