词语大全 因时制宜造句_因时制宜中英文解释和造句

Posted 景观

篇首语:恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 因时制宜造句_因时制宜中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 因时制宜造句_因时制宜中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 因时制宜   [yīn shí zhì yí]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 因时制宜造句_因时制宜中英文解释和造句

因时制宜  yīn shí zhì yí








  • 因时制宜法不同时期卖股票有不同的卖出方法。 Timely method to sell shares in different periods have different selling methods.

  • 医生与病人进行语言交流应注意因人而异、因时制宜和因地制宜。 When a doctor talks with his patient, his talk should vary from person to person, time to time and place to place.

  • 医生与病人进行语言交流应注意因人而异、因时制宜和因地制宜。 People have different genders, ages, occupations, social and financial conditions, characters and natures.

  • 随着内化碳成本的基本机制建立,我们可以因时制宜一直扩大这些目标。 With a basic mechanism in place to internalise the costs of carbon, we can always ratchet up the targets as reality sets in.

  • 中医讲究天人合一,治疗疾病要因时制宜,可见天气对人体是有影响的。 The Chinese medicine is fastidious about the beauty to unite, treats disease to adapt measures according to time, obviously the weather to the human body is influential.

  • 为方便协会能因时制宜,因此关于会员费、选举方法和议事程序将在各个附例中订明。 For the conveniences of the administration, issues like membership fees, election method &meeting procedures will be regulated by bylaws &regulations below.

  • 当然,每天的生活并不会完全相同,所以因时制宜制定不同的时间计划会对你有所帮助。 Of course, every day isn’t exactly the same as the next, so it may help you to make a different time budget for different days.

  • 因地、因时制宜地选用具有本土特色的设计手法是体现景观中文化内涵的最主要的因素。 due to, according to the local characteristics of the chosen design approach is reflected in the cultural landscape of the most important content element.

  • 在会员卡制作前会员卡制作后工序引进电脑控制设备等,不失为一种因时制宜的妥帖办法。 membership card before membership card after the introduction of puter-controlled equipment operation, and so on, is the 妥帖 way to respond to change.

  • 建立高标准苹果园,各地要因地、因时制宜,避免盲目性,明确栽培品种选择的一般原则。 For a high standard apple-orchard, every area should suit Measures to local conditions and different time, in order to prevent blindness, select cultivars need to be clear to the general principle.

  • 当一团乱麻似的问题抛给了瑞士银行家们时,他们会从容的解释,当然,你们没有因时制宜。 Put those questions to Swiss bankers and they will explain—very smoothly, of course—that you are decades out of date.

  • 在台湾我们协助本地的市场发展出因地因时制宜的计画,而且创造出有气魄而新的主动出击计画。 We help custom-tailor global programs for the local market, and create bold new initiatives in Taiwan.

  • 为促进资源使用效率,以厚植民众健康,运用模式能因时制宜,做动态的应变,才能随时达成全民最大的期望。 This HRA tool shall be modified dynamically over time and with changing locations in order to achieve both efficiency and equity in its application.

  • 土地利用和水土保持治理措施,需在可持续发展的前提下,系统地、有机地配置,不仅要因地制宜,而且要因时制宜。 Land use and conservation measures should be configured based on the sustainable development, which adjust measures not only to local conditions but also to specified periods.

  • 在我省经济发展的不同时期,不同地区,要因时制宜、因地制宜,合理选择采用开发性金融还是政策性金融手段支持地方经济发展。 The choice is had to be made to use Development Financial methods or National Financial ones in different area, situations or period of time.

  • 实施“分享制”要因企制宜、因时制宜、因人而异,“分享制”只是企业实现持续创新的必要条件之一,实施“分享制”不能唯“分享制”。 Profit-sharing system is one of factors of promoting enterprises sustainable innovation. We must adapt measures to the time and the situation to carry out Profit-sharing system.

  • 在激励内容上,主要包括物质激励、服务激励和心理激励三部分,结合企业自身情况和企业外部环境情况,因地制宜、因时制宜地采取有效的激励手段。 The Motivation contains material, serve and psychology tool. It is important to select effective way according to time and place, connect ing with enterprise and its environment.

  • 在农村生态文明建设实践模式的实际探索中,我们应因地制宜、因时制宜的制定符合我国各地区农村实际情况的科学合理、切实有效的生态文明建设与保护模式。 In practice, we should work out scientific and effective patterns for ecology civilization construction to adapt to the actual situation in the countryside in terms of time and locality.

  • 其思想使得超市在生鲜食品的经营过程中,可以利用计算机系统对食品质量、顾客需求、支付意愿、库存剩余做出迅速、准确地反应,因时制宜地制定出生鲜食品的价格。 It helps it react rapidly to the quality of the fresh food, the demands of customers, the wills of their payments and the inventory, and accordingly price the fresh food in the best time.

  • 但是,现代城市景观建设存在诸多不利因素与误区,因此,景观设计师一定要因地制宜,因时制宜,营造出一处处自然性与文化性统一的城市景观,美化城市环境,构筑真正的幸福家园。 However, the scenic spot design has much to be desired. The design should be a unity of nature and culture, which hecps to beautify the city and makes it a real and happy homestead.

  • 因时制宜造句相关


    词语大全 因时制宜   [yīn shí zhì yí]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    因时制宜   [yīn shí zhì yí]






    因时制宜( yīn shí zhì yí):根据不同时期的具体情况,采取适当的措施。出自 《淮南子·氾论训》。 更多→ 因时制宜


    随机应变 见风使舵 因地制宜 见机行事 因事为制 因时施宜 权时制宜


    刻舟求剑 一概而论


    一成不变 刻舟求剑 变化多端 变化莫测 因地制宜 投机取巧


    因时制宜 宜喜宜嗔 嗔目切齿 齿颊挂人 人生朝露 露胆披诚 查看更多


    Do the right thing at the right time


    词语大全 因地制宜造句_因地制宜中英文解释和造句

    因地制宜  yīndìzhìyí因地制宜的意思和解释:因:依据;制:制定;宜:适当的措施。根据各地的具体情况,制定适宜的办法。因地制宜的出处汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》:“夫筑城

    词语大全 因地制宜造句_因地制宜中英文解释和造句

    因地制宜  yīndìzhìyí因地制宜的意思和解释:因:依据;制:制定;宜:适当的措施。根据各地的具体情况,制定适宜的办法。因地制宜的出处汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》:“夫筑城

    词语大全 因时制宜   [yīn shí zhì yí]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    因时制宜  [yīnshízhìyí][因时制宜]成语解释根据不同时期的具体情况,采取适当的措施。[因时制宜]成语出处《淮南子·氾论训》:“器械者,因时变而制宜适也。”[因时制宜]

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    词语大全 因地制宜造句 因地制宜の例文 "因地制宜"是什麼意思

    因地制宜造句因地制宜の例文"因地制宜"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!對先進

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