词语大全 在人耳目造句_在人耳目中英文解释和造句
Posted 耳目
篇首语:须知少年凌云志,曾许人间第一流。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 在人耳目造句_在人耳目中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 在人耳目造句_在人耳目中英文解释和造句
在人耳目 zài rén ěr mù
名人像活在金鱼缸,很难避人耳目。 A celebrity may have to live in a goldfish bowl.
会面都是在公共场所.一点不避人耳目。 The meeting have all been in public places, without concealment .
会面都是在公共场所.一点不避人耳目。 The meeting have all been in public places, without concealment.
在视觉效果上,新版论坛让人耳目一新。 On visual effect, new edition forum lets a person find everything new and fresh.
从而“品酒会”在都市社交圈里渐渐让人耳目一新。 In order to “tasting” in social circles in the city gradually be refreshing.
在互联网,我们经常可以看到一些让人耳目一新的符号。 On the Internet, we can often see some new symbols.
微薄的轮廓,明快曲线,在转瞬间给人一种耳目一新的感觉。 Scanty outline, lively curve, the person gives a kind of sense that find everything new and fresh in in a flash.
曰:写情则沁人心脾,写景则在人耳目,述事则如其口出是也。 Expression: writing feeling is refreshing, then paint a portrait of the human eyes and ears of the narrative as it’s mouth is also.
避人耳目,在主流市场之外发起进攻,才是小企业生存的大智慧。 It is really a big wisdom totap the new markets out of the mainstream silently for a smallbusiness to survive.
《芙蓉花开》的运作手段和思路让人耳目一新,在全国都是创新。 The means and belief in the play’s operation refreshed are pleasantly astonishing and highly creative even in the whole country.
没有耳目的人,好比盲人生活在黑暗之中,不能做自己想做的事; A general without a group of spies is analogous to a blind man walking in the dark, he cannot do what he wants.
在摇滚的基础上融入豪气干云的陜西风情,给人耳目一新的感觉。 In the rock on the basis of Haoqiganyun into the life of Shaanxi, giving a fresh experience.
在双轨体制下市场体制的高效率昭彰在人耳目,为市场体制的改革创造了条件。 Since in the context of the two fold economic systems, the market system have showed high efficiency, thus created conditions for market-oriented reform.
在双轨体制下市场体制的高效率昭彰在人耳目,为市场体制的改革创造了条件。 What leave market system in double track system is efficient clear is in person information, the reform that is market system created a condition.
经过了在替补席上的调整,上场后,田超给人耳目一新的感觉,由其在进攻端。 After the adjustment of the bench, after the game, Tian Chao give a fresh experience, in its offensive end.
每次出门,即便是在漆黑的夜晚,她都尽可能地选择城中最僻静的小路来避人耳目。 When she did go out – even in the blackest night – she did her best to keep to the quiet back-alleys of Primordium where she would not be seen.
如果事物的外表在1878 年就能障人耳目,那现在就愈加错综复杂、令人真实难辨了。 If appearances were tricky in 1878, they have just bee trickier still.
王国维认为,有意境的作品应该是:“写情则沁人心脾,描景则人在耳目,述事则如其口出。” Wang Guowei’s view that there should be the mood of the work: “writing is fresh, the situation, depicted the King in the eyes and ears of the narrative of his mouth.”
我们把香蕉字母包里的字母片都在倒在厨房的桌子上,开始试着拼一些有然人耳目一新的名字。 We poured out our Bananagrams tiles on the kitchen table and started forming some inspiring words.
全新的设计理念、简约时尚的外观、方便实用的结构,给人耳目一新的感觉,在类似中透出特有的高丽气质。 Brand-new design philosophy, simplified and fashion appearance, convenient and practical structure. Completely fresh feeling of temperament of Koryo.
其作品造型别致,巧夺天工,淳朴逼真,给人耳目一新的视觉享受和立杆见影的装饰效果,在业内首屈一指。 His works unique style, wonderful workmanship excelling nature, simple life, giving a fresh and new and immediate visual decorative effect, second to none in the industry.
新奇家具的新奇之处在于在家具的外观、功能、材料、工艺等方面突破传统,给人以耳目一新的个性化享受。 New furniture, new furniture lies in the appearance, function, materials, technology and other aspects of traditional, giving to the enjoyment of refreshing personality.
我们在中国西部的甘肃省尽我们所能避人耳目地旅行在各草原,因为外国人特别是媒体还是被禁止前往藏区的。 We are in the grasslands of Gansu province in western China, travelling as inconspicuously as we can because foreigners, especially media, are still banned from Tibetan areas.
你穿西裤和皮鞋了,看惯了你牛仔裤、运动鞋的装扮,让人耳目一新。所以,在衣着打扮上花点功夫是值得的。 You wore trousers and leather shoes. It was very refreshing what different from that you usually wear. So, it’s worth making an effort to look well-dresses.
它的存在是因为读者欣赏使人耳目一新的刺激,毫不客气地提醒他们活在一个思相陈腐、道德低廉、哲学荒谬的世界里。 It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy.
比如2转的迷惑射击,炸弹投掷,都给人耳目一新的感觉,试问一下,除了枪还有什么职业在2转就有这么新新奇的技能? For example, 2 to confusion shooting, bomb throwing, gives a fresh and new feeling, to ask, in addition to guns, what career to have so many in the 2 new skills novel?
麦克拉论表示说:“我相信这次归来的欧文一定会让人耳目一新,他在国家队的那些年进了很多关键球,他早已证明过自己了。” McClaren said: “I think the likes of Michael Owen will be like a new signing because he has proved over the years that he scores vital goals.”
在上世纪末,这种新颖的图书销售模式,对当时仍然停留在依靠传统门店卖书的新华书店造成了极大的冲击,给人耳目一新的感觉。 At the end of last century, this new book sales model, at that time still remain in traditional stores sell books of the Xinhua Bookstore caused great impact on people refreshing feeling.
本次展会整体上给人耳目一新的感觉,它让人们看到了中国作为一个在平面设计领域的后起之秀希望在当代设计舞台上留下盛名的决心。 The exhibition as a whole is certainly refreshing and places China as a country determined to make its mark on the contemporary design world, despite being a late starter.
姚明在最初3个球季饱受外界批评,指出他打球作风太过被动,而且受到耐力和犯规问题影响。还常常无法上场打很久。但在上个球季,姚明以惊人耳目的方式回应了那些批评他的人。 Criticized during his first three seasons for being too passive and unable to play heayv minutes because of stamina and foul trouble, Yao answered his critics last season in a big way.
词语大全 在人耳目的意思_成语“在人耳目”是什么意思
成 语 | 在人耳目 |
成语读音 | zài rén ěr mù |
成语解释 | 为人们所听到看到,都已熟悉的事物。 |
常用程度 | 生僻 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语;指都已熟知。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 清·张岱《奇字问·序》:“近取《左(传)》、《国(语)》、《史记》……诸书在人耳目前者,聊摘其一二奇字解释之。” |
成语例句 | 章炳麟《满洲总督侵吞赈款书》:“豫省一灾,官吏以吞赈款兴大狱,昭昭~。” |
在人耳目 [zàiréněrmù][在人耳目]成语解释表示为人们所听到看到,都已熟知。[在人耳目]成语出处明·张岱《奇字问·序》:”近取《左(传)》、《国(语)》、《史记》……诸
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
耳目一新 ěrmùyīxīn耳目一新的意思和解释:耳目:指见闻。听到的、看到的跟以前完全不同,使人感到新鲜。耳目一新的出处耳目一新的例子如今一上船,便觉得另是一番风味,~。(清·
耳目一新 ěrmùyīxīn耳目一新的意思和解释:耳目:指见闻。听到的、看到的跟以前完全不同,使人感到新鲜。耳目一新的出处耳目一新的例子如今一上船,便觉得另是一番风味,~。(清·
耳目股肱 ěrmùgǔgōng耳目股肱的意思和解释:股:大腿;肱:手臂从肘到腕的部分。起到耳朵、眼睛、手臂的作用。比喻辅佐帝王的重臣。也比喻十分亲近且办事得力的人。耳目股肱的出处
耳目股肱 ěrmùgǔgōng耳目股肱的意思和解释:股:大腿;肱:手臂从肘到腕的部分。起到耳朵、眼睛、手臂的作用。比喻辅佐帝王的重臣。也比喻十分亲近且办事得力的人。耳目股肱的出处
掩人耳目 yǎnréněrmù掩人耳目的意思和解释:遮掩别人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象迷惑人,欺骗人。掩人耳目的出处《大宋宣和遗事》亨集:“虽欲掩人之耳目,不可得也。”掩人耳目的例