词语大全 地旷人稀造句_地旷人稀中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 地旷人稀造句_地旷人稀中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 地旷人稀造句_地旷人稀中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 地广人稀造句_地广人稀中英文解释和造句

词语大全 地旷人稀造句_地旷人稀中英文解释和造句

地旷人稀  dì kuàng rén xī










词语大全 地广人稀造句_地广人稀中英文解释和造句

地广人稀  dì guǎng rén xī








  • 北方的大荒原地广人稀。 The wasteland of the north is scarcely populated.

  • 西藏地广人稀,地形地质复杂,高寒缺氧。 Tibetan ground wide person is rare, landform geology is plex, gao Han is anoxic.

  • 天高地广人稀。 Day upland wide person is rare.

  • 甘肃中部的一片山区,地广人稀,连草木都很少生存。 A mountain area in central Gansu , land is wide and people very few, even neither grass nor tree can barely survive .

  • 加拿大地广人稀,有丰富的水面资源和良好的自然条件; Canadian ground wide person is rare, treatment of the aquatic resources that has substantial water natural resources and Canada of good natural condition;

  • 清以前的汉中、兴安两府俱系封禁之区,山高林密,地广人稀。 Han Zhong and Xing An Fu were forbidden areas before Qing Dynasty.

  • 安东作出大胆的决定:跳出狭小的荷兰,把产品打入地广人稀的俄国。 Anton makes bold decision:  You is listed >? of dusk unlined upper garment infiltrates the product ground wide person’s rare Russia.

  • 干旱荒漠区地广人稀,易于实施生态移民,促使退化环境的自我修复; Arid deserts are sparsely populated, so it is easy to implement migration so as to restore the degenerated environment.

  • 即使在美国这个地广人稀的汽车王国,骑自行车的大多也属于中高产阶层。 Even in the United States, the sparsely populated “Land of Automobiles”, cyclists mostly belong to the middle or upper classes.

  • 地广人稀、土地贫瘠、山高沟深、土地较多,每个劳力平均耕作50亩以上。 Sparsely populated, barren land, mountain high Goushen, more land, labor each farming 50 acres more than the average.

  • 澳大利亚地广人稀,气候干燥,降水量少,水资源不丰富,自然条件不优越; Australian ground wide person is rare, climate is dry, fall is little, water natural resources is not substantial, natural condition is not advantageous;

  • 我国的沿边省(自治区)多为地广人稀、经济落后且少数民族集中分布的地区。 China’s border provinces (autonomous regions) are almost the areas which have very big land and sparse people and lagging economy, and in which the minority concentrates.

  • 察哈尔地区地处边疆,地广人稀,是一个近代以来经济文化比较不发达的区域。 The Qahar prefecture, which was located in the frontier, vast but sparsely populated, has been an undeveloped region in economy and culture since the modern times.

  • 对于地广人稀、交通不便、信息不通畅的西部地区来说,毫无疑问需要信息化的大力推进。 Inconvenience of rare to ground wide person, traffic, information is illogical of free western for the area, need to be advanced of informatization energetically without doubt.

  • 该乡地广人稀,地势高峻,多为山区和半山区,主要农作物为马铃薯、莜麦、胡麻和豆类。 Sparsely populated township, the high and steep terrain, mountains and more for the Mid-levels, the main crop for potatoes, naked oats, flax and pulses.

  • 两三年前人们常常会援引人口因素。地少人多的国家较之地广人稀的国家更容易联入宽待。 Two or three years ago demography was often cited: small, densely populated countries were easier to wire up than big, sparsely inhabited ones.

  • 但新疆地广人稀,农业发展潜力非常大,因此,研究新疆农业投入的实际效果有着重大意义。 But Xinjiang ground wide person is rare, agricultural development potential is very great, accordingly, the practical effect that studies Xinjiang agriculture is thrown is having great sense.

  • 西部高寒山区地广人稀,经济基础薄弱,自然环境恶劣,自然资源丰富,蕴藏各种矿产资源。 There are few population, unsubstantial economic foundation and bad entironment in Western high and cold mountain area, but the natural resource is so abundant(containing much ore resource).

  • 那时可谓地广人稀……地球供给那么富足,人们享用不尽;很大部分没有享用的,就白白浪费掉。 The people were so few and the earth was so big… the earth was giving so much that those people could not even absorb it all; most of it was going to waste.

  • 而北京恰恰相反,城里寸土寸金,房价高得可怕,郊区则地广人稀,大建经济适用房和中低档楼盘。 And Beijing on the contrary, the town land, a terrible price high, the suburbs are sparsely inhabited, the lunar month of thirty days of housing and low prices.

  • 美国的强大在于利用世界大战,夺得了全世界人才,完全继承欧洲技术,同时地广人稀少,资源丰富! The United States lies in the use of powerful World War II, won the talent in the world, full of technical succession Europe, while less sparsely populated, resource-rich!

  • 但岳阳县境内山峦起伏、沟壑纵横、地广人稀、交通壅塞,浙江与山西远距数千里,总不能使其如愿。 but the ups and downs of Yueyang County mountains, ravines horizon, the sparsely populated, traffic congestion, Zhejiang and Shanxi miles distance, so that it can not do so.

  • 在这个地广人稀的富有国家,拥有一栋花园洋楼,是大多数有份稳定工作的家庭很快可以兑现的美国梦想。 In this sparsely inhabited by the rich countries, with a garden’s Tower is the most stable part of the American family will soon be fulfilled dream.

  • 几千年来,南方一直在移民开发,原始森林、荒芜之地不断变为繁华的城镇,而西北部至今还是地广人稀。 For thousands of years, immigration has been the development of the South, primeval forests, barren land into the heart of the town, while Northwest is still Diguangrenxi.

  • 而欧洲的商业虽然也很发达,但其地广人稀导致的商业形态以及周日不营业的行业金规是我们很难学习的。 While the European business was developed, but its sparsely inhabited patterns and Sunday do not lead to mercial business sectors payment regulations are difficult to learn.

  • 许根太听说同伙被抓,四处躲藏,后来听说新疆地广人稀,推测不易被内地警方追踪,就逃到了新疆库尔勒市。 Root heard too many associates were arrested, gone into hiding and later heard that the sparsely populated Xinjiang, that was not easy to track the mainland police, fled to the Xinjiang city of Korla.

  • 澳大利亚大陆地广人稀,四面环水,是一个风景美丽气候宜人的国家,也是世界上独一无二的占据一整块大陆的国家。 Australia’s sparsely populated continent, surrounded by water ring is a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery in the country, is unique in the world to occupy a block on the continent.

  • 澳大利亚地广人稀,别墅是这个国家住宅产品中的主流,一栋洋房的开发商请来擅长做别墅的澳大利亚设计师,非常有远见。 Australia sparsely inhabited and residential villas is the country’s mainstream products, the developers invited a villa villa at the Australian designers to do very visionary.

  • 那里有的是`土地,总多于建房的面积,而且对于那些地广人稀城市中的不同区域,在声望或便利方面,通常没有太多选择的余地。 There is more land there than anyone could build on and usually not much to choose between the prestige or convenience of different areas of the spacious cities.

  • 由于本地区地广人稀、交通不便、县域面积大,县域发展是地区经济发展的主要基础,因此,研究川西北地区经济就需要加强对县域经济的研究。 Because of the region sparsely inhabited and traffic inconvenience, the development of the county area is the main base of the regional economic development.

  • 地广人稀造句相关



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