词语大全 在所不惜造句_在所不惜中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 在所不惜造句_在所不惜中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 在所不惜造句_在所不惜中英文解释和造句
在所不惜 zài suǒ bù xī
为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。 No price is too high for winning their support.
侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。 “Yes, even if it costs me my life, ” said the dwarf.
他们做事会采取主动,即使这样做要冒风险也在所不惜。 They are prepared to take the initiatives, even when there is a risk in doing so.
这也就要求我们心甘情愿地付出,遭受痛苦也在所不惜。 This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts .
如果你是拿破仑星座生日,我就是你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜! If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you!
小心照看好自己。如果这意味着搞垮其他所有人,也在所不惜。 You look out for yourself. If it means screwing over everyone else, so be it.
股东牺牲公司的长远健康状态在所不惜,只关心经理人是否让股价快速上升。 They are concerned about managers doing things that drive up the share price quickly at the expense of a firm’s lasting health.
不过泰国等地的农民似乎仍愿意等待出口价提高,为此就算违约也在所不惜。 But farmers in Thailand and elsewhere appear to be willing to wait for higher prices, and to default on contracts if necessary.
他们要尽一切努力挫败对手的计划,哪怕是因为压价弄垮了自己的生意也在所不惜。 They’ll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition, even at the risk of under pricing themselves out of business.
同时现场深鞠三躬,一再要求导演阿甘“收自己为徒”,“担柴挑水,在所不惜。” “At the same time, on-site deep bow three-Ju, repeatedly asked the director Forrest Gump” for his close followers, “and” Tam fetching water and firewood, and expense.
侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。你能告诉我如何才能破除咒语吗?』 “Yes, even if it costs me my life, ” said the dwarf. “Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken?”
任何训练,你必须具备一直将你原有的极限往前推一步的意愿,即使因此摔车也在所不惜。 With any drill, you have to be willing to push your limits a bit and keep them in case you will fall.
他无法抵拒那种召唤,不能不用肉眼去看那隐蔽著的东西,哪怕一瞬间就要死去也在所不惜。 He might not refuse, were Death himself waiting to strike him instantly, once he had looked with mortal eye on things rightly kept hidden.
虽然房价居高不下,但还是有越来越多的人想拥有自己的空间,即使成为“房奴”也在所不惜。 Although prices high, but still have more and more people want to own their own space, even bee a “Housing Slave” is so.
今年规模最大的一次赛车快开始了。所有参赛者都尽全力争取获胜,把车开到解体了也在所不惜。 The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.
酋长卫队皆从部落勇士中精心选拔而出,随时卫护酋长安危,为恪尽职守哪怕付出自己生命亦在所不惜。 The War Chief travels nowhere without a guard of honour. Chosen from only the strongest of braves, these men will fight to the death to protect their Chief.
我们都渴望着来自别人的爱,渴望别人都爱护我们而不伤害我们。这才是真正的受,即使自己受伤害也在所不惜。 We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us. This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.
经济奇迹正转变成普遍的、现实的灾难,太湖蓝藻事件表明,为了今天的GDP政绩即便明天没有水喝也在所不惜。 The blue green algae incident in Taihu Lake (located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province) proved that the CCP does not care if there is water to drink tomorrow, as long as there is GDP today.
但是健在的钢琴家中有多少人会冒着如此的风险坦露心声,如此坦率大方地追寻自己的灵感,即使出错也在所不惜呢? But how many pianists alive are so willing to risk so much, to think aloud, to feel their way so openly and generously – even at the cost of wrong turnings?
我要保持对人的生命的无尚敬畏,从其最处形态,即便受到威胁也在所不惜;我决不会以我的医学知识与人类道德为敌。 I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from its beginning; even under threat. I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.
旦拥有这些技巧,不去运用它们便会带来罪恶感,即使这些技巧的运用没有任何功用,或只会带来负面功用.在所不惜。 Once these skills are acquired, it seems sinful not to use them, even if the usage has no utility or negative utility .
同盟反抗军的男男女女都献身于以自由为原则,坚守民主的事业,为目睹帝国的毁灭,他们前仆后继,英勇就义,在所不惜。 The men and women of the Rebel Alliance are fiercely dedicated to the principle of freedom and their belief in democracy, willing to lay down their lives to see the fall of the Empire.
15实际情况是,许多西方人为了追逐更多的个人目标,可以置家庭生活于不顾,即使这样做会牺牲自己家人的幸福也在所不惜。 The truth is that many Westerners let the pursuit of more individualistic goals interfere with their family life, even at the cost of the happiness of their family members.
这个世界欺骗了我,我必须给予还击,我不会放掉任何一丁点儿属于我的幸福,哪怕付出的代价是从此坠入地狱,我也在所不惜。 The world had lied to me and I must give back, I will not put off any little belong to me happiness, even pay is from hell, I also.
这也就要求我们心甘情愿地付出,遭受痛苦也在所不惜。否则,我们心中就不会有真爱,我们带给周围人的就不是安宁,而是不公正。 This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.
我一定要作一番彻底搜查,哪怕房屋夷为平地,园子里的树木全都连根拔起,也在所不惜,我决不让我寻找被谋杀的朋友的坟墓归于失败。 I will have such a search made as shall level that house to the earth, and root up every tree in these gardens, rather than I will fail in finding the grave of my murdered friend.
根本的原因就是想伟大及想富有的骄傲与自私的欲望在作怪;愚妄的人想尽方法要达到这个目的,即使他们这样做会妨碍邻居也在所不惜。 The root cause is pride and a selfish desire to be great and rich, which the fool will try to attain by any means, even though it harms his neighbour.
我们和埃布尔兰很相似,我们所想所说的,有时就像他一样,因为我们要做利己的事,就是利用别人也在所不惜,或因为我们害怕会有甚么不测。 Abram is a lot like us. Sometimes we think and talk the way he does here because we want to work things to our advantage, even if it means using others, or because we fear what might happen.
共和党候选人约翰•麦凯恩主张将伊拉克战争进行到底,即使是要驻军一百年也在所不惜,而两位民主党候选人都承诺2009年初从伊拉克撤军。 For the Republicans, John McCain has said that America must finish the job even if it lasts a hundred years. Both Democrats promise to start withdrawing troops in early 2009.
词语大全 无所不包造句_无所不包中英文解释和造句
无所不包 wú suǒ bù bāo
无所不至 wúsuǒbùzhì无所不至的意思和解释:至:到。指没有不到的地方。也指什么坏事都做绝了。无所不至的出处《论语·阳货》:“既得之,患失之,茍患失之,无所不至矣。”无所不
无所不有 wúsuǒbùyǒu无所不有的意思和解释:什么都有(多指不好的事物)。无所不有的出处唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:“始见台阁相向,门户千万,奇草珍木,无所不有。”无所不有的例子
无所不有 wúsuǒbùyǒu无所不有的意思和解释:什么都有(多指不好的事物)。无所不有的出处唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:“始见台阁相向,门户千万,奇草珍木,无所不有。”无所不有的例子
无所不包 wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的
无所不包 wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的
无所不为 wúsuǒbùwéi无所不为的意思和解释:没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。无所不为的出处《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。”无所不为的例子今专务游荡,~,
无所不为 wúsuǒbùwéi无所不为的意思和解释:没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。无所不为的出处《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。”无所不为的例子今专务游荡,~,
无所不通 wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所
无所不通 wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所
无所不能 wúsuǒbùnéng无所不能的意思和解释:没有什么不能做的。指样样能做。无所不能的出处宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》卷二十一:“近岁迎紫姑者极多,大率多能文章歌诗,有极工者,予