词语大全 地老天荒造句_地老天荒中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 地老天荒造句_地老天荒中英文解释和造句
地老天荒 dì lǎo tiān huāng
我将是妳的情人,直到地老天荒。 I will be your Valentine until the end of time.
我将是你的情人,直到地老天荒。 I will be your Valentine until the end of time.
你说过地老天荒,你和我永不分离。 You have said that till eternity you and I are never to part.
她带来地老天荒的种子的消息。 it brings with is the message of the immemorial seed.
地老天荒就是最好的答案。 Homonym will be our best answer.
爱情不停站,想开往地老天荒需要多勇敢? If love doesn’t stopped, how much braveness should be needed to drive it to the etenity?
我希望我可以相信有人会爱我到地老天荒。 I wish I could believe there was somebody who would love me for ever.
关系密切的你知道,我爱你,直到地老天荒。 Darling you know I love you till the end of time.
海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! The seas dry up and rocks crumble, a 荒 , can’t change my love to you!
海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! Mind who, Delaotianhuang, this does not change my love for you!
她装作不耐烦,但是她可以一直等到地老天荒。 She pretended impatience, but she would wait for an eternity.
有没有那么一个人、肯借我一辈子的地老天荒。 Is there then a person is willing to lend me a lifetime of R & B.
乍现的光芒源于地老天荒,瞬息之影却诞生即老去。 Light is young, the ancient light, shadows are of the moment, they are born old.
地老天荒的爱的宣言如果有珠宝相伴从来都不显得荒谬。 Protestation[S] of undying[S] affection are never ridiculous when they are acpanied by emeralds.
红尘依旧有地老天荒的真爱,只不过时常被忙碌与疲乏替代。 Red the love is still there, but was busy and tired from time to time to replace.
他们庆幸生长在这个自由自在的时代,地老天荒,幸福无边。 They were glad to have been born in this age of freedom that allowed them to live happily forever after.
或许,当地老天荒,我们疏松的骨骼,再也禁不住岁月的重压。 maybe… when we are very very old, our bones are loose, can never bear the pressure from age…
从现在起,我们要将每一天填满幸福,直到地老天荒,我的小猪! From now on, we shall spend every single day fill with happiness, until the end of time, my pig.
愿永远像这样和你无忧无虑的,躺在一起知道地老天荒、海枯石烂… wanna lay like this forever, until the sky falls down on me…
但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,知道地老天荒。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever aider.
那些刻在椅背后的爱情会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出地老天荒的没有风的森林。 Those carved in the back of a chair will love like flowers on the cement and make the wind’S forests.
暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。 Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time. ——《Moulin Rouge》
暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。 Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time.
我实在告诉你们:直到地老天荒,律法上的一点一画都不能变动,皆要一一实现的。 I tell you this: as long as heaven and earth last, not the smallest letter or stroke of the Law will change until all is fulfilled.
暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。——同上。 Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time. ——《Moulin Rouge》
暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。——同上。 Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time. ——《Moulin Rouge》
再也没有方向也没有幻想,我思守到地老天荒,但愿忘记那忧伤忘记这迷惘,忘记曾许下的愿望。 Also does not have the direction also not to have the fantasy again, I thought defend in ancient times, hoped to forget that forgot this to be at a loss sadly, forgot once promised desire.
让爱消失是很难的,爱只能珍藏,无论何时何地,就是地老天荒,爱终究是爱,爱过的就会留有痕迹。 Let love lost is very difficult, love can only collections, regardless of when and where is the R & B, love after all, is love, and loved it will leave traces.
可遇见了正确的人又能怎样,不是不相信自己和他,只是害怕再地老天荒的爱情在时间和空间的面前也会苍白无力。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one , so that when we finnally meet the person, we will know how to be greatful.
因此,如果你不在喜欢一个人,你所需的只是蒙上耳朵,但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到地老天荒! So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all you need to do is cover you ears. But if you try to close you eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.
词语大全 天荒地老造句_天荒地老中英文解释和造句
天荒地老 tiān huāng dì lǎo
一直想追求一个天荒地老的爱情! Have always wanted to pursue a Tianhuangdelao love!
我多么想和你一起笑到天荒地老。 How I want to laugh with you to Tianhuangdilao.
也许天荒地老时,剩下的也仅仅是思念。 May be Tianhuangdelao, is the only remaining missing.
在黑夜里、牵着手走下去、就是天荒地老。 In the nighttime, pulls begins, was in ancient times.
我会爱你到天荒地老! I would love you for all eternity !
一个人,在默默的等待着属于自己的天荒地老。 One man, silently wait for his own death.
一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.
毕竟我不希望强求你什么,只想爱你直到天荒地老! Above all I do not wish to importune or promise you. I only want to love you to my last sight.
如果世界上只剩我和你,那么我将和你一起演绎天荒地老。 if in the world only remains me and you, then I will deduct together with you in ancient times.
这一姻缘,等了12年,等到天荒地老,也等到沧海桑田。 This marriage affinity, has waited for 12 years, when in ancient times, also waits till the vicissitudes.
不管天荒地老,尽管福气总有一天需要离开,我都会开心。 No mater how long it takes, no matter when the fortune get passes on, I am happy with it.
亲爱的,全忘了把,我曾说的天荒地老。 谁能帮我 翻译成英语? Dear, please forget the all what I said before about the forever!
我过去经常嘲笑那些总是等着白马王子爱她们到天荒地老的傻丫头。 I used to laugh at the kind of girl that is always waiting for her charming prince who’ll love her until the end of time.
它是海誓山盟、天荒地老,是彼此心灵的避风港,是一生一世的承诺。 It is Haishishanmeng, Tianhuangdelao, is another haven for the soul is the whole life mitment.
有你的日子,天荒地老的承诺都显得如此的卑微。真的,有你,我已知足! There is your day, the day mitment with old wasteland seems to be such humble.
我一如既往地爱你,而且将来也会一直爱你,直到生命逝去(天荒地老)。 I love you like past and be able to continue to the future until ours life terminatinon.
但实际上,按随机概率来计算,你就等到天荒地老,也没法吃到这盆蛋糕的。 In fact, according to the machine of probability, even if you wait till the world faded away, you would still be unable to have this piece of cake.
但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remind in your heart forever abider.
但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,知道天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and reamins in your heart forever after.
但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化做一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.
但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 But if you try to close your ears, love turns into a tear drop and remaining in your heart forever aider.
爱情的美丽和可贵,不是誓言的多少和承诺的天荒地老,而是相互的包容和理解。 Love of beauty and value, not the number of vows and mitment of, but mutual tolerance and understanding.
情长路更长,还有更甜蜜的诱惑,舍不得去放弃,无论如何都拼凑不出天荒地老。 Affection long way is longer, still have sweeter temptation, hate to part with go abandoning, anyhow medley do not give day uncultivated land old.
一杯咖啡凉了,另一杯咖啡还在火炉上沸腾,我们的爱在咖啡屋里见证著天荒地老… however one cup of coffee getting cool , another cup of coffee is boiling. our love is certificated here forever…
他颇具实力和速度,他是我至今并肩作战最棒的球员,我希望能够与他搭档天荒地老。 He has quality and pace and is the greatest player I’ve ever played with. I hope to play with him for many years.
一个人的七夕,一个人仰望天空,一个人的天荒地老,一个人的花前月下,一个人的胡思乱想…… 可笑! A person’s Tanabata, a person looking at the sky, a person’s Tianhuangdilao a person’s Huaqianyuexia, a person’s cranky … ridiculous!
也许,终其一生你们也不会出现天荒地老的经典爱情对白,但是,你会因为有这样一个朋友,更加珍惜自己的生命,珍爱自己的生活。 Of course , you two will not have the oldest love story dialogues all your life , yet you will treasure your life because of his being in the world!
因此,如果你不再喜欢一个人,你需要做的只是蒙上耳朵。但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all you need to so is cover your ears, But if you try to close your heart forever aider.
因此,如果你不在喜欢一个人,你所需要的做的只是蒙上耳朵。但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪流在你的心中,直到天荒地老。 So if you stop liking a person you used to like , all you need todo is cover your ears . but if you try to close your eyes , love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.
透过《澳大利亚》这部气势磅礴的爱情史诗,导演巴兹·鲁赫曼不但打造了别开生面的视觉盛宴,并将带领观众经历一场天荒地老的浪漫冒险。 With his new film, director Baz Luhrmann is painting on a vast canvas, creating a cinematic experience that brings together romance, drama, adventure and spectacle.
天荒地老 tiānhuāngdìlǎo天荒地老的意思和解释:指经历的时间极久。天荒地老的出处唐·李贺《致酒行》:“吾闻马周昔作新丰客,天荒地老无人识。”天荒地老的例子天荒地老造句
天荒地老 tiānhuāngdìlǎo天荒地老的意思和解释:指经历的时间极久。天荒地老的出处唐·李贺《致酒行》:“吾闻马周昔作新丰客,天荒地老无人识。”天荒地老的例子天荒地老造句
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老天拔地 lǎotiānbádì老天拔地的意思和解释:形容老年人动作不灵活。老天拔地的出处老天拔地的例子老天拔地造句老天拔地造句相关辨析成语的数量色彩:成语中能表示数量的很多,其
破天荒 pòtiānhuāng破天荒的意思和解释:指从来没有出现过的事。破天荒的出处宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷四:“唐荆州衣冠薮泽,每岁解宋举人,多不成名,号日‘天荒解’。刘蜕舍人
破天荒 pòtiānhuāng破天荒的意思和解释:指从来没有出现过的事。破天荒的出处宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷四:“唐荆州衣冠薮泽,每岁解宋举人,多不成名,号日‘天荒解’。刘蜕舍人
破天荒造句 一:今年晚些时候新版国家小学教程发行时,进化论将破天荒的囊括其中。 二:缅甸国家电视台和广播电台破天荒地广播了该国民运领导人昂山素季的竞选演讲。 三:但那些最受关注的参展商中,破天荒
词语大全 天长地老 [tiān cháng dì lǎo]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
天长地老 [tiānchángdìlǎo][天长地老]成语解释犹天长地久。[天长地老]成语出处明·高濂《玉簪记·词媾》:“两情浓同下蓝桥,战兢兢欢娱较少,成就了凤友鸾交,休忘却天
天之骄子 tiānzhījiāozǐ天之骄子的意思和解释:骄子:父母溺爱骄纵的儿子。老天爷的宠儿。原指强盛的北方民族胡人,后也指为父母溺爱、放肆不受管束的儿子。天之骄子的出处《汉
天之骄子 tiānzhījiāozǐ天之骄子的意思和解释:骄子:父母溺爱骄纵的儿子。老天爷的宠儿。原指强盛的北方民族胡人,后也指为父母溺爱、放肆不受管束的儿子。天之骄子的出处《汉