词语大全 坐以待毙造句_坐以待毙中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 坐以待毙造句_坐以待毙中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 坐以待毙造句_坐以待毙中英文解释和造句
坐以待毙 zuò yǐ dài bì
我并不是说改革者们应当坐以待毙。 I’m not saying that reformers should give up.
成功者制造可能,失败者坐以待毙。 Winners make it happen; Losers let it happen.
不过,这并不意味着广东省正在坐以待毙。 But that doesn’t mean Guangdong Province is sitting idle.
跃马只能坐以待毙。 The prancing horse was a sitting duck.
之前我能想到最准确的反面品质是:坐以待毙。 Till then the best I’d managed was to get the opposite quality down to one: hapless.
之前我能想到最准确的反面品质是:坐以待毙。 Till then the prime I’d managed were to get the opposite quality down to one: hapless.
你坐以待币,钱币的币,我们坐以待毙,毙命的毙。 You sit and wait for money, and we sit and wait for die.
我们要么战斗到底,要么坐以待毙,没有折中的办法。 We had to either fight to the end or wait for our death. There was no middle point.
取得成就的人往往不会坐以待毙,他们常常会积极进取。 People of acplishment rarely wait and watch things happen. Instead, they always advance and make things happen.
而失败者却工作懒散,只是坐以待毙,看着机遇从身边走过。 The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by.
这将是我最后的目的地。我不会再坐以待毙。你说机不可失。 This gon be my final destination. No more sitting round havin my time wasted. You say its now or neve.
还有,当然,微软发出这些挑战时谷歌不会静静地坐以待毙。 And, of course, Google won’t be sitting idly as Microsoft addresses those challenges.
有关方面希望通过打通一条泄洪道来控制河水流向,而不是坐以待毙。 Authorities want to control the flow of water — rather than have the dam give way all at once — by creating a spillway.
对意大利的家具厂商而言,有一个情况是清楚的:坐以待毙并非出路。 For Italy’s furniture-makers one thing is clear: sitting still is not an option.
“我知道,陛下”拉申说,“但我们必须做点什么,才不至于坐以待毙。” “I realise that, Sire, ” said Rashin, “but there must be something we can do besides sit and wait to be destroyed! ”
但若我们还不尽快采取重大举措,仍旧坐以待毙,这种低靡可能将萦绕多年。 But it will be , if we don’t don’t take aromatic dramatic action as soon as possible.
当时奥巴马呼吁通过一项巨大的财政刺激计划,并坚持“坐以待毙不是办法”。 The president pleaded for the passage of a massive fiscal stimulus, insisting that “doing nothing is not an option.”
在当前环境下,中小企业选择坐以待毙,还是把握住企业信息化坐以待“币”? Below current environment, medium and small businesses chooses sit still waiting for death, still take handholding enterprise informatization in order to wait for ” money ” ?
中国注册会计师不能坐以待毙,应积极采取措施加以防范,同时正确认识自我,准确定位。 Facing inevitable challenges and the relevant chances, Chinese CPAS should take active precautions against petition.
如果预见到新一轮衰退与公共借款增加,金融市场、投资者与评级机构几乎不可能坐以待毙。 Financial markets, investors and the rating agencies could hardly hold their fire if they expected a new cycle of recession and higher public borrowing.
让我立刻行动起来吧,即使这行动不能带来成功,但是哪怕行动导致了失败,也胜过坐以待毙。 Let me act now even though my actions may not bring success for it is better to act and fail than not be act and flounder .
请签署以下的请愿书,并加入我们的行列,努力让(美国)国会了解,大家无法再继续坐以待毙。 Please sign the petition below and join us in our effort to let Congress know that we cannot wait any longer.
当一把锋利无比的达魔克利斯之剑高悬在我们头顶,而且随时都有可能掉下来的时候,我们能坐以待毙吗? When a very sharp Chris reached the magic sword hanging over our heads, and could fall at any time, we can not sit still?
要全面地思考问题,没有人希望这种情况发生,双方都是为了这个家好,你不能坐以待毙,也需要出一份力。 Consider all sides of the situation. No one asked for this to happen, and both of you have the best of intentions for your family, right?You can’t simply sit back. You’re fully capable.
广州市金圣斯皮具制品有限公司总经理黄辉古说,在这个游戏中,你要么坐以待毙,要么竭尽全力努力求生存。 ‘It’s a game of waiting to die, or doing what you need to do to try and survive, ‘ says Huang Huigu, chief executive of puter-bag and -accessory maker Guangzhou Kingsons Leather Products Co.
她对我说:“我的工作似乎一夜之间给了人们希望,所以人们不再坐以待毙,消极悲观,而是积极行动起来了。 “My job seems to have increasingly bee giving people hope, so that instead of doing nothing and sinking into depression, they take action, ” she tells me.
所谓程序,就是在我们开股东会的时候,把朱总撵开——他坐以待毙,什么也做不了,而且这也不是个人所能控制的事情。 So-called program, attend a meeting partner in us namely when, open Zhu Zong drive out — his await one’s doom, whats are done, and this also is not an individual can pilot thing.
在遥远的未来,给予我们生命的太阳将把我们吞没。此刻,我们正在太空射击场里坐以待毙,任何一个行星都有可能随时撞到我们。 In the far future, our life-giving sun will engulf us all. And right now, we are sitting ducks in a celestial shooting gallery, an asteroid might strike at any time.
罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森曾经写道,你不能逃避你的弱点,要不就奋起反击,要不就坐以待毙。如果真的是这样,为什么不从此时此就开始呢? Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, you cannot run away from weakness; you must fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?
词语大全 坐以待旦造句_坐以待旦中英文解释和造句
坐以待旦 zuò yǐ dài dàn
坐以待旦 zuòyǐdàidàn坐以待旦的意思和解释:旦:天亮。坐着等天亮。比喻办事勤劳。坐以待旦的出处《尚书·太甲上》:“先王昧爽,丕显,坐以待旦。”《孟子·离娄下》:“仰而思
坐以待旦 zuòyǐdàidàn坐以待旦的意思和解释:旦:天亮。坐着等天亮。比喻办事勤劳。坐以待旦的出处《尚书·太甲上》:“先王昧爽,丕显,坐以待旦。”《孟子·离娄下》:“仰而思
虚位以待 xūwèiyǐdài虚位以待的意思和解释:留着位置等待。虚位以待的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》:“宁可虚位以待人,不可以人而滥位。”虚位以待的例子虚位以待造句我心深处,
虚位以待 xūwèiyǐdài虚位以待的意思和解释:留着位置等待。虚位以待的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》:“宁可虚位以待人,不可以人而滥位。”虚位以待的例子虚位以待造句我心深处,
虚左以待 xūzuǒyǐdài虚左以待的意思和解释:虚:空着;左:古时以左为尊;待:等待。空着尊位恭候别人。虚左以待的出处《史记·魏公子列传》:“公子从车骑,虚左,自迎夷门侯生。
虚左以待 xūzuǒyǐdài虚左以待的意思和解释:虚:空着;左:古时以左为尊;待:等待。空着尊位恭候别人。虚左以待的出处《史记·魏公子列传》:“公子从车骑,虚左,自迎夷门侯生。
宽以待人 kuānyǐdàirén宽以待人的意思和解释:宽:宽容。以宽宏大度的态度来对待别人。宽以待人的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第六十回:“某素知刘备宽以待人,柔能克刚,英雄莫
宽以待人 kuānyǐdàirén宽以待人的意思和解释:宽:宽容。以宽宏大度的态度来对待别人。宽以待人的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第六十回:“某素知刘备宽以待人,柔能克刚,英雄莫
安坐待毙 ānzuòdàibì安坐待毙的意思和解释:坐着等死。指不积极想办法,坐等灭亡。安坐待毙的出处明·李贽《焚书·复邓鼎石》:“惟是世人无才无术,或有才术矣,又恐利害及身,百
安坐待毙 ānzuòdàibì安坐待毙的意思和解释:坐着等死。指不积极想办法,坐等灭亡。安坐待毙的出处明·李贽《焚书·复邓鼎石》:“惟是世人无才无术,或有才术矣,又恐利害及身,百