词语大全 坐收渔利造句_坐收渔利中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 坐收渔利造句_坐收渔利中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 坐收渔利造句_坐收渔利中英文解释和造句
坐收渔利 zuò shōu yú lì
这样更轻松,更有机会坐收渔利。 This is more relaxed, has the opportunity to profit from another’s strife.
美国撤离伊拉克会让伊朗坐收渔利。 An American retreat from Iraq will leave Iran the regional victor.
让南北两边的人杀个两败俱伤然后某个人坐收渔利。 Get the south and north side gangs to kill each other so someone else can take over.
做大业务的办法之一就是开采更多的金属,而不是在股市坐收渔利。 One way would be to search for more metal in the ground, instead of on the stockmarket.
当然,随着石油与天然气价格攀升,俄罗斯并非唯一坐收渔利的大赢家。 Russia’s government, of course, is not the only one to try to grab a bigger share of the takings as oil and gas prices go up.
但现在是它坐收渔利时候了:在竞争对手股价大跌时,它的股价增长了20%。 But now it is reaping the rewards: its share price has risen by 20% this year while most rivals’ have slumped.
如果货币以每年10%的速率下跌,她将从其不动产中每年坐收渔利10%的升值价值。 If prices fall at the rate of 10 percent a year, she is being rewarded for her antisocial act of hoarding at a 10 percent rate of interest in real terms.
当时的情况和现在一样,那些技术贩子和咨询师们发出警报,然后通过散布恐慌坐收渔利。 Then, as now, the alarm was sounded by technology vendors and consultants, who stood to gain from scare-mongering.
而作为欧洲主要能源供应国的俄罗斯随即回应以熟练的离间战术,自己置身幕后坐收渔利。 and the Russians, as Europe’s chief suppliers of energy, have proved adept at playing divide and rule.
一方面是政府主管部门不断出台抑制过热政策措施,另一方面房价节节攀升,开发商坐收渔利。 On the one hand government departments have introduced policies and measures to curb overheating, on the other hand, rising prices rise, developers seeking.
实际上,大多数国际博客主机服务在中国被阻挡,因此几百个中国国内博客主机服务供应商坐收渔利。 In fact, most international blog-hosting services are blocked in China, which provides a petitive boon to several hundred domestic blog-hosting services.
但是,如果允许那些国家用这种不可调和地互责来破坏此次会议,那么坐收渔利的胜利者们只会是伊朗和朝鲜。 But if they are allowed to destroy the conference in a blaze of recrimination, the only victors will be Iran and North Korea.
因为太空是开放的,谁有火箭都可以把载荷送入轨道,某些国家就想坐收渔利,而让其它国家负担太空管治的费用。 Because orbit is open to anyone with a launch-rocket handy, some countries may be tempted to let everyone else bear the costs of precaution while they reap the benefits.
此时,一些有商业头脑和市场意识的商人,开始以赋予楼盘“概念”的方式抢占先机,在一片混战之中“坐收渔利”。 At this time, some mercial minded traders and market awareness, began to give less “concept” approach to capture opportunities in the confusion of “left.
同时,中国方面又无意让反对北京的民进党政客们坐收渔利。这也许解释了为什么北京方面将矛头指向民进党而非马英九。 At the same time, Chinese officials have little desire to play into the hands of anti-Beijing opposition politicians – perhaps explaining the decision to blame the DPP rather than the president.
一位不愿透露姓名的英国官员,对法国第一夫人卡拉布妮到英国访问时艳光四射、猛抢镜头不表茍同,批评是为促销流行歌曲,坐收渔利。 The aim of the state visit is to further French/British cooperation, not to sell pop songs. It will appear to many that this is an attempt to cash in on what should be a dignified state visit.
“消灭了”很多区域性的竞争对手,如果现在经营方面受到影响,可能导致国美电器战线收缩,从而使得苏宁电器市场份额上升,坐收渔利。 “Eliminated” a lot of regional petitors, if the operation is affected, may lead to contraction front Gome, Suning Appliance so that the increase in market share, petitive boon to.
中英文对照:“消灭了”很多区域性的竞争对手,如果现在经营方面受到影响,可能导致国美电器战线收缩,从而使得苏宁电器市场份额上升,坐收渔利。 “Eliminated” a lot of regional petitors, if the operation is affected, may lead to contraction front Gome, Suning Appliance so that the increase in market share, petitive boon to.
词语大全 坐收渔利的意思_成语“坐收渔利”是什么意思
成 语 | 坐收渔利 |
成语读音 | zuò shōu yú lì |
成语解释 | 坐:不动。比喻利用别人的矛盾而从中获利。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语、定语;指人善于抓住机会。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 西汉·刘向《战国策·燕策二》:“今者臣来,过易水,蚌方出曝,而鹬啄其肉,蚌合而拑其喙。……两者不肯相舍,渔者得而并禽之。” |
成语例句 | 艾纳《新事旧编》:“骑虎难下,正好,让我慢慢来个~。” |
近 义 词 | 坐享其成 不劳而获 无功受禄 |
反 义 词 | 自力更生 自食其力 |
英文翻译 | reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger <profit from others’ conflict> |
俄文翻译 | извлекáть для себя пользу |
其他语言 | <德>wenn Schnepfe und Venusmuschel kampfen,freut sich der Fischer |
成语谜面 | 渔霸 |
词语大全 坐收渔利 [zuò shōu yú lì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
坐收渔利 [zuòshōuyúlì][坐收渔利]成语解释比喻利用别人的矛盾而从中获利。贬义[坐收渔利]成语出处明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》:“他日可以在里头看景生情;得些渔人之利。
渔利 [yúlì][渔利]基本解释用不正当的手段谋取利益[渔利]详细解释用不正当的手段谋取利益。《管子·法禁》:“渔利苏功,以取顺其君。”尹知章注:“饰诈以钓君利,谓之渔利。”宋