词语大全 坚强不屈造句_坚强不屈中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 坚强不屈造句_坚强不屈中英文解释和造句
坚强不屈 jiān qiáng bù qū
词语大全 宁死不屈造句_宁死不屈中英文解释和造句
宁死不屈 nìng sǐ bù qū
面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。 Facing the enemies, our soldiers would die rather than surrender.
面对敌人, 我们的战士宁死不屈。 Facing the enemies, our soldiers would die rather than surrender.
在战争期间,许多人宁死不屈。 Many people preferred to die rather than surrender during the war.
向敌人投降?我们宁死不屈。 They preferred death to surrender in their struggle against the enemy.
精灵们自尊心很强,通常会宁死不屈。 The elves are a proud people, who would rather die than face dishonor.
我深信他们一定会宁死不屈。 I’m sure they would rather die than give up.
向敌人投降?我们宁死不屈。 Surrender to the enemy? We will die first.
我深信他们一定会宁死不屈。 I am sure they would (or: had) rather die than give up.
刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。 Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy.
他们在对敌斗争中宁死不屈。 They preferred death to surrender in their struggle against the enemy.
那个勇敢的士兵宁死不屈。 The brave soldier would rather die than give in.
在对敌斗争中,那些红军战士宁死不屈。 Those Red Army men preferred death to surrender in their struggle with the enemy.
那里是一群很强硬的、宁死不屈的武装分子。 “Here you are facing a very hardened sort of fighters, who are die-hard, ” Shah said.
我们的战士宁死不屈。 Our soldiers preferred to die rather than give in.
这位英雄宁死不屈。 The hero preferred to die rather than surrender.
那位英雄宁死不屈。 The hero preferred to die rather than surrender.
女英雄宁死不屈。 The heroine preferred death to surrender.
他说他宁死不屈。 He said he would die first.
士兵们宁死不屈。 The soldiers would rather die than surrender.
英雄们宁死不屈。 The heroes prefer death to surrender.
那士兵宁死不屈。 The soldier would sooner die than surrender.
战士们宁死不屈。 The soldiers would rather die than give in.
弹药耗尽后,我方战士们宁死不屈,纷纷跳出战壕,跟敌人剌刀。 Our fighters died game when they sprang out of the trench to fight the enemy with their bayonets after their ammunition had run out.
她之所以生的伟大是因为她面对残忍的敌人宁死不屈、大义凛然。 The greatness of her life is attributed to her courage to die rather than give in before the bloody enemy.
刑天即断首之义。传说他与天帝争神位,断了头,仍然坚持战斗,表现出宁死不屈的斗争精神。 Legend says he contended with God to get a god position, but got his head cut off, yet, he continued to struggle even without his head, showing an extremely indomitable fighting spirit.
数据表明,婚姻可以防止自杀。没错。数据同样表明:自杀可以防止婚姻。(宁死不屈,好样的!) Statistics prove that marriage is a preventive of suicide. Yes. And statistics also prove that suicide is a preventive of marriage.
酷刑之下,限期让他写下降书,张森林大义凛然,宁死不屈,充分体现出中华儿女不可辱的民族气节。 Under torture, the deadline for him to write down the book, Zhang forest morally Ningsibuqu fully reflects the sons and daughters of the national integrity can not be humiliated.
宁死不屈,是融进马竞人骨髓的建队精神,床单军团历任主教练从来都坚守着“宁在进攻中死亡,不在防守中偷生”的理念。 Ningsibuqu is Atletico into human bone marrow to build the team spirit of the successive sheets Legion coach always stick to the “rather died in the offensive, not defensive in drag on”.
它是对那些被纳粹捕抓的抵抗斗士们宁死不屈精神的追忆,还是对那些象马索一样悄悄地带领儿童穿越瑞士边界的人们的回忆。 It was a recollection, too, of the necessary muteness of resistance fighters caught by the Nazis, or quietly leading children across the Swissborder to safety, as Mr Marceau had done.
宁死不屈 nìngsǐbùqū宁死不屈的意思和解释:宁愿死也不屈服。宁死不屈的出处明·赵弼《宋进士袁镛忠义传》:“以大义拒敌,宁死不屈,竟燎身于烈焰中。”宁死不屈的例子许大马棒转
宁死不屈 nìngsǐbùqū宁死不屈的意思和解释:宁愿死也不屈服。宁死不屈的出处明·赵弼《宋进士袁镛忠义传》:“以大义拒敌,宁死不屈,竟燎身于烈焰中。”宁死不屈的例子许大马棒转
词语大全 誓死不屈造句 誓死不屈の例文 "誓死不屈"是什麼意思
誓死不屈造句誓死不屈の例文"誓死不屈"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!遭敵人
词语大全 威武不屈造句 威武不屈の例文 "威武不屈"是什麼意思
威武不屈造句威武不屈の例文"威武不屈"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!這是一
不屈不挠造句 1、不屈不挠是取得成功的唯一道路。 2、咱们因发挥不屈不挠的精神,勇于应对各种挑战。 3、对待难题,咱们要有不屈不挠的精神,这样才会取得成功! 4、我的父亲不屈不挠的拼搏才有这天
不屈不挠造句 1、不屈不挠是取得成功的唯一道路。 2、咱们因发挥不屈不挠的精神,勇于应对各种挑战。 3、对待难题,咱们要有不屈不挠的精神,这样才会取得成功! 4、我的父亲不屈不挠的拼搏才有这天
刚毅木讷 gāngyìmùnè刚毅木讷的意思和解释:刚:坚强;毅:果决;木:质朴;讷:说话迟钝,此处指言语谨慎。孔子称颂人的四种品质。刚毅木讷的出处《论语·子路》:“子曰:‘刚、
刚毅木讷 gāngyìmùnè刚毅木讷的意思和解释:刚:坚强;毅:果决;木:质朴;讷:说话迟钝,此处指言语谨慎。孔子称颂人的四种品质。刚毅木讷的出处《论语·子路》:“子曰:‘刚、
刚毅木讷 gāngyìmùnè刚毅木讷的意思和解释:刚:坚强;毅:果决;木:质朴;讷:说话迟钝,此处指言语谨慎。孔子称颂人的四种品质。刚毅木讷的出处《论语·子路》:“子曰:‘刚、
刚毅木讷 gāngyìmùnè刚毅木讷的意思和解释:刚:坚强;毅:果决;木:质朴;讷:说话迟钝,此处指言语谨慎。孔子称颂人的四种品质。刚毅木讷的出处《论语·子路》:“子曰:‘刚、