词语大全 声情并茂造句_声情并茂中英文解释和造句

Posted 艺术

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1、词语大全 声情并茂造句_声情并茂中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 椿萱并茂造句_椿萱并茂中英文解释和造句

词语大全 声情并茂造句_声情并茂中英文解释和造句

声情并茂  shēng qíng bìng mào







  • 他的这一段描写简直是声情并茂。 This part of his description conveys both sounds, and feelings perfectly.

  • 声情并茂的二度创作。 two-degree creation in voice and affection.

  • 罗琦的确懂得如何声情并茂地演唱一首歌曲。 Rosie really knows how to belt out a song.

  • 第五步: 检查学生能否声情并茂地朗读故事。 Step 5: Check if the students can read the story with feeling.

  • 声情并茂的讲解使得同学们聚精会神地听着。 He talked actively while the students listened attentively.

  • 台词处理要求抑扬顿挫,声情并茂,点送清晰。 Dealing with lines delivery, it requires good rhythm, vivid facial expression, and crystal-clear pausing.

  • 难以往怀,金秋十月,我与同学们声情并茂地朗诵诗歌; It’s hard to forget the time when my classmates and I read a poem in October.

  • 当他声情并茂地发表演讲之时,他的支持者走上街头欢快舞蹈。 As he spoke, taut with emotion, its supporters were dancing in the street.

  • 字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。 Folk vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing.

  • 字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。 Fold vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing.

  • 你还可以带上你的靓照和旅游纪念品,声情并茂地描述你的种种体验。 You can bring your photos and souvenirs with you to add true atmosphere into your description of your various feeling.

  • 一系列的文章声情并茂的描述了这一地理现象和这个寂寥国家的文化。 A series of articles affectionately described the geography and culture of this obscure nation.

  • 中国一流汉教教授坐阵,年青教师陪你一起玩互动游戏,声情并茂,绘声绘色。 The first class Chinese-teaching professor and young but dedicated, enthusiastic teachers will characterize our education.

  • 那么,怎样才能使我们的歌唱增加艺术性而达到以情感人、“声情并茂”的效果呢? So, how can we increase the artistic quality of the singing in order to achieve emotional person, “extremely rich” in effect?

  • 只有以情带声,以声传情,声情并茂才能使作品蕴含的丰富多样的情感得到充分表达; Only a reasonable bination of remarkable voice and expression can convey the profound feelings of a musical artwork.

  • 但令她恼火的是,丈夫似乎并不领情,对她声情并茂的叙述,经常以“嗯啊”敷衍了事。 But those who make her rusty is, the husband appears not feel grateful, to her sentimental narration, often with ” hum ah ” muddle through one’s work.

  • 只有保持这种良好的关系,音乐歌唱艺术才能实现“声情并茂,技艺结合”的理想境界。 Only by maintaining this relation, can the singing art achieve the ideal state of “Both excellence of emotion and voice and bination of art and skill.”

  • 声情并茂是歌唱艺术最完美的艺术境界,要达到这样的境界,只有通过艰苦训练才能够实现。 Singing remarkable in both voice and expression is the most perfect art realm, to achieve this state, can only through hard training.

  • 音乐家的表演声情并茂,感动了台下的小朋友也不觉手舞足蹈起来,使观众们更是喜不自禁。 They had so much munication with each other and with the audience that their performance touched everyone’s hearts.

  • 而且“声情并茂”不仅仅是歌唱艺术的重要审美标准,还是欣赏者听觉审美标准的最高审美要求。 And “extremely rich” is not only important to the Art of Singing aesthetic standards, or those who appreciate hearing the highest aesthetic standards aesthetic requirements.

  • 格兰特将被拿来和年轻有活力的穆里尼奥相比,他最后一次来到训练场的时候做了声情并茂的告别。 Grant is bound to suffer in parison with the youthful and energetic Mourinho, who was given an emotional send-off after his final visit to the training ground early yesterday.

  • 因此,从某种意义上说,只有“声情并茂”才能够激发起听众强烈的共鸣,产生感人肺腑的艺术效果。 Therefore, in a sense, only “extremely rich” in order to stimulate a strong response from audiences, resulting in the effect of moving the art.

  • 网络聊天具有表达直白、绘声绘色声情并茂、创新性地使用语言、不规范地使用语言等一些语言方式特点。 The language using in Internet has some characters such as expressing directly, be remarkable for both voice and expression, creative language, informal language, etc.

  • 在课堂诵读中,我们还提倡教师声情并茂地范读,学生仿读,课堂上分角色朗读和配乐朗读,乃至诵读竞赛。 In class, the teacher can read with nice countenance playing an active part for students, to imitate the teacher.

  • 阐述通过歌词理解以明晰歌曲情感色彩、基调来准确把握作品,以达到演唱声情并茂、情真意切的艺术效果。 Elaboration through lyrics understanding by defined song emotion color, main key grasps the work, achieved sings songs in good voice and with feeling emotion sincere art effect.

  • 只有以情带声,以声传情,声情并茂,才能使作品蕴含的情感得到充分表达,才能使歌唱艺术达到完美的境界。 Only to the situation with the sound to the sound Regards, extremely rich, to make the work contains the full expression of emotions to make singing of the realm of perfect art.

  • 一次在不懂波兰语的人举行的宴会上,她用波兰语声情并茂地朗诵了一段话。她朗诵完时,观众们都热泪盈眶。 She once gave a dramatic reading in her native tongue at a dinner party of people who didn’t know Polish, and her listeners were in tears when she finished.

  • 在今天的市场中,许多人趋向于投放铺天盖地的广告,他们声情并茂的吹嘘道:他们的大多数网站将会给访问者带来商业收益。 to bee overwhelmed with the over hyped and highly charged writing that most web sites employ to gain visitors business.

  • 在今天的市场中,许多人趋向于投放铺天盖地的广告,他们声情并茂的吹嘘道:他们的大多数网站将会给访问者带来商业收益。 In today』s market place many people tend to bee overwhelmed with the over hyped and highly charged writing that most web sites employ to gain visitors business.

  • 要真正提高歌唱水平,既要注重声音完美的表现,又要讲究语言感情的表达,只有将声与情有机的结合在一起,歌唱才能声情并茂、感人肺腑、动人心弦。 If one wishes to improve singing, attention should be paid to the perfect representation of the sound on the one hand, and to the expression of the linguistic feelings on the other.

  • 声情并茂造句相关


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    词语大全 声情并茂造句


    词语大全 声情并茂造句


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    词语大全 手舞足蹈造句

    手舞足蹈造句  一:那个人在面试过程中一向在手舞足蹈,他不断说些‘我爱生活!’和‘哦,耶!’  二:音乐家的表演声情并茂,感动了台下的小兄弟姐妹也不觉手舞足蹈起来,使观众们更是喜不自禁。  三:他手舞

    词语大全 声情并茂的意思_成语“声情并茂”是什么意思


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    文情并茂  [wénqíngbìngmào][文情并茂]成语解释指文章文采和感情兼备[文情并茂]百科解释报错更多→文情并茂[文情并茂]英文翻译Wenmao

    词语大全 椿萱并茂的意思_成语“椿萱并茂”是什么意思
