词语大全 多才多艺造句_多才多艺中英文解释和造句

Posted 演员

篇首语:生活就是这样,别人看结果,自己撑过程。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 多才多艺造句_多才多艺中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 多才多艺造句_多才多艺中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

词语大全 多才多艺造句_多才多艺中英文解释和造句

多才多艺  duō cái duō yì








  • 多才多艺, 哪个厂不想请你。Any factory would be glad to have you with all your skill and experience.
  • 多才多艺是你与众不同的特性之一。 Versatility is one of your outstanding traits.

  • 他是最为多才多艺的演员。 He is the most versatile of actors.

  • 据我的朋友说,你是一个多才多艺的作家。 According to my friend, you are a versatile writer.

  • 约翰尼·德普可以说是演员当中最多才多艺的一个。 Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors.

  • 与这系列的画一道的是最令人感动和多才多艺的自画像。 Together this series is among the most moving and acplished autobiographies-in-paint.

  • 他是甲壳虫乐队中最多才多艺的歌手,不只是个民谣歌手。 He was the Beatles’ most versatile singer and not just as a balladeer.

  • 台湾第一个试管婴儿——张小弟,是个多才多艺的资优生。 Taiwan’s first test-tube baby, little Master Chang, is a gifted student.

  • 王力宏的多才多艺使得他对很多人来说是个“梦幻偶像”。 WANG Lee Hom is blessed with many talents that make him a “dream idol” to many.

  • 他是一个多才多艺的表演者,他能演能唱,能跳,能弹钢琴! He’s a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano.

  • 拉罕林肯是一个多才多艺的人,他本可以成为一名成功的演员。 Pulls Lincoln is rarely a man of many ability, he originally may bee a successful actor.

  • 这位女喜剧演员出演了风格迥异的影片,这证明了她的多才多艺。 As proof of her versatility, the edienne has appeared in films of extremely diverse character .

  • 很有趣的一家银行的广告:奥运就像生意场,成功需要多才多艺。 Olympics: like the financial business, to succeed you need to have a lot of skills.

  • 她是一个多才多艺的艺术家,既有精湛的画技,又有天使般的歌喉。 She is a multi-talented artist. She can paint like a pro and sing Like an angel.

  • 大量多才多艺的神童已经胜过了他们的父母,我们对此司空见惯了。 We have got quite used to the large number of versatile prodigies who excel their parents.

  • 她很多才多艺,在游泳跑步上是健将,在音乐艺术方面也很有天赋。 She is very versatile, running and swimming in the master is, in music and the arts are also very talented.

  • 他是个非常多才多艺的表演者,他会演戏、唱歌、跳舞,还会弹钢琴。 He is a very versatile performer, he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano.

  • 1983年新的优胜者以及后来的胜利者临是有史以来最多才多艺的飞轮。 The 1983 New Winner and the later Winner Pro were the most versatile freewheels ever made.

  • 时间是一个多才多艺的执行者。它飞行,前进,愈合所有创伤,用尽和告诉。 Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell.

  • 我一直认为你有九英尺高,比罗伯特·泰勒还要帅,比丘吉尔还要多才多艺。 I always thought of you as nine feet high, better looking than Robert Taylor and more versatile than Churchill.

  • 生活在一个其国民以专业化而非广博的爱好著名的国家,大前本人却多才多艺。 Ohmae is a man of many parts in a country whose people are known for specialisms rather than broad interests.

  • 她的爱和人格影响了四个多才多艺的女儿,使她们对爱高度忠诚,对一切充满了希望。 Her love and personality affected the versatility of four daughters, so that they have a high degree of loyalty for love, full of hope for all.

  • 戈登:这一次我想要一个多才多艺的艺术家,又会唱歌又会跳舞,而且不要总是那么疯。 Garden: This time I want a multi-talented artist, who can sing and dance and not be nutty all the time.

  • 一个新的模式来参加赞誉潘多拉系列多才多艺,袖珍个股:两用px4d为吉他和低音。 A new model to join the acclaimed Pandora series of versatile, pocket-sized units: the dual-purpose PX4D for guitar and bass.

  • 水元素,可能是元素中最多才多艺的元素,拥有强大的力量,快速的反应,强健的体格。 Water elementals, perhaps the most versatile of all the elementals, possess strong arms, quick reflexes, and hearty constitutions.

  • 该产品提供了一个双面干可擦写标记委员会和一个弹簧加载挂图持有人成为一个多才多艺的沟通工具。 The product offers a double-sided dry erasable marker board and a spring-loaded flipchart holder to bee a versatile munication tool.

  • 在它的呼吁的经典之作,传动器有使它多才多艺和方便运载的一条可移动的钯被镀的长的蛇链子皮带。 Classic in its appeal, the clutch has a removable palladium-plated long snake chain strap that makes it both versatile and convenient to carry.

  • 时间是一个多才多艺的演义者。他能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。 Time is a versatile performer. It flies , marchers on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. (so I will do well in it.

  • 简而言之,L是个很特别的天才,例如他会被称为是多才多艺的人:是个多很多事物都感兴趣和有不同的才能。 In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as “Renaissance man”:someone interested in everything and with many different talents.

  • 拥有让人着迷的美貌和非凡魅力,这位多才多艺的三栖艺人凭借电影中的歌舞表演而成为美貌与智慧兼备的明星… Blessed with exotic looks and oodles of charisma, this multi-talented triple threat sang and danced her way to fame as a brainy beauty in a smash movie.

  • 多才多艺造句相关


    词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

    博学多才  bó xué duō cái








  • 十年后的我将会博学多才,财运滚滚。 Ten years later, I would be a knowledgeable and weathy man.

  • 活着,为了学习:生活好者,博学多才! Learn and live: He that lives well is learned enough.

  • 他多方面的成就给人深刻印象;他博学多才。 his various achievements are impressive; his vast and versatile erudition .

  • 博学多才,一表人才,开朗乐观,风趣幽默。 Learned before, a table personnel, optimistic, cheerful, witty humor.

  • 博学多才的关于或组成所有或许多学科知识的; Knowledgeable about or constituting all or many subjects; prehensively broad.

  • 有的是博学多才的,什么都懂而且都可以来一套的; Some are learned many only then, anything understands moreover all may e a set;

  • 十七岁时为僧,博学多才,天文、地理、律历皆精通。 Seventeen-year-old monk at, and learned, astronomy, geography, history are proficient in law.

  • 博学多才的浮士德博士,睥睨生死,穷宇宙知识之极限; his learned Doctor Faustus looking life and death sideways, pursues to the endless universal knowledge;

  • 据说他是老子的弟子,博学多才,无所不通,尤长计算。 He is said to be disciples of Lao Tzu, and learned, no sense, especially long calculation.

  • 什么?你有看过天方夜谭么?你真是一个博学多才之士呀! What?You you have read the Arabian Nights?You are a learned people in it!

  • 尤为重要的是:我心目中的老师还是一个博学多才、见多识广的人。 Of particular importance are: the eyes of my teacher or a learned, experienced and knowledgeable.

  • 尤为重要的是:我心目中的老师还是一个博学多才、见多识广的人。 What to is an importance BE:I the teacher in the heart still a widely read many just, see much know wide of person.

  • 博学多才,好古文奇字,曾注释《尔雅》、《山海经》、《楚辞》等。 Learned before, and good word Ancient Qi, had Notes “Yi” and “Book of Mountains and Seas, ” “Songs of the South”.

  • 然而,若能把孩子培养得既博学多才又纯良仁善,结果便是锦上添花。 If, however, the child be trained to be both learned and good, the result is light upon light.

  • 他聪明、博学多才而且富有同情心。由于受到春日的监督而被他人取笑。 Personality-wise, he’s a knowledgable and passionate person on whom the role of Haruhi’s overseer is thrusted by others.

  • 他们需要竞争意识强,博学多才,懂多种语言,更重要的是要精通数学的人。 They wanted petitive, well-read, multilingual individuals who, above all else, had a proficiency in math.

  • 二女儿则是希望她博学多才,被人知晓,为人晶莹剔透,做一个品德高尚的人。 yonger daughter is hoping she will be brilliant, have a wide knowledge, be well know, and as transparent as the crystal, also excel in virtue.

  • 我最大的心愿不是博学多才,富有,声名显赫,有权利,或是好,只求容光焕发。 The supreme prayer of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerful, or “good, ” but simply to be radiant.

  • 斯塔尔先生博学多才却又生动活泼的叙事风格使得这本鸿篇巨著读起来不至于味同嚼蜡。 All this Mr Starr relates in an erudite but lively style that happily stops this long book from being indigestible.

  • 9看笑话: 威廉·F·巴克利是美国保守政界很有影响的人物,也是博学多才的编辑、作家。 9 see joke: Barkley of · of Williams · F is the figure with American conservative very influential political circles, also be erudite the editor of much ability, writer.

  • 他自幼开始博学多才,通晓天文地理、文学、历史以及农学,尤其在医疗保健术达到炉火纯青的地步。 When he was young, he studied and mastered various classics, especially those related to medical and health measures, but also astronomy, geography, literature, history, and agriculture.

  • 隐居会稽(今浙江绍兴),性好山水,博学多才,有隐逸之志,游放十余年,作《遂初赋》以表达自己的情趣。 Huiji live (now in Shaoxing, Zhejiang), a good landscape, learned, Hermit ambition, You put more than 10 years, “was given at the beginning” to express their own taste.

  • 一只青蛙从洼地里潮湿的家蹦了出来,大声对所有的野兽宣称:“我是一个医术高明、能治百病、博学多才的医生!” Once upon a time a Frog came forth from his home in the marshes and proclaimed to all the world that he was a learned physician, skilled in drugs and able to cure all diseases.

  • 对文学真正的喜爱不同于博学多才,正是因为阿卡什先生身上那种钟爱文学的狂热劲,才唤起了我自己对文学的欣赏。 A genuine delight in literature is much rarer than erudition, and it was this enthusiastic enjoyment in Akshay Babu which used to awaken my own literary appreciation.

  • 博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。 He was not only a famous Confucian scholar, but also a versatile classic in Cizhang, Shushu, astronomy, music, history and literature.

  • 我喜欢浪漫高雅睿智,内心世界丰富,生活阅历广,博学多才,重情义,懂女人,能常给女人惊喜,有男人味道的感性的阳光男人… I like romantic and elegant and knowledgeable, full of life experiences, can know what the woman need in soul and body…

  • 三个世纪前,博学多才的ChristopherWren爵士预言道:“当人类极目远望,发现类地系外行星的那刻必将到来。” THREE centuries have passed since the polymath Sir Christopher Wren predicted that “a time will e when men will stretch out their eyes—they should see planets like our Earth.”

  • 他说,不可能存在这种情况,因为《物种起源》一书从开始动笔到最终完成经历了漫长岁月,许多博学多才之士都对觉得该书很有说服力。 This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men.

  • 你可以称呼阿契博得.麦克列许是一个博学多才的人,亦即他不但多才多艺,而且兴趣广泛。或许你也是一个博学多才的人呢。你的兴趣跟天分是什么呢? You could call Archibald MacLeish a Renaissance man, meaning he had many interests and talents. Perhaps you are a Renaissance person too. What are your interests and talents?

  • 博学多才的保守派编辑兼作家,影响美国保守派政界至钜的〕巴克利曾有一句名言,说他宁可被波士顿电话簿前两千名用户统治,也比哈佛那些教职员要强。 William F. Buckley famously said he’d rather be governed by the first 2, 000 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard. But he didn’t be-lieve those were the only two options.

  • 博学多才造句相关



    词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

    博学多才  bóxuéduōcái博学多才的意思和解释:学识广博,有多方面的才能。博学多才的出处《晋书·郤诜传》:“诜博学多才,环伟倜傥,不拘细行,州郡礼命并不应。”博学多才的例子

    词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

    博学多才  bóxuéduōcái博学多才的意思和解释:学识广博,有多方面的才能。博学多才的出处《晋书·郤诜传》:“诜博学多才,环伟倜傥,不拘细行,州郡礼命并不应。”博学多才的例子

    词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

    博学多才  bóxuéduōcái博学多才的意思和解释:学识广博,有多方面的才能。博学多才的出处《晋书·郤诜传》:“诜博学多才,环伟倜傥,不拘细行,州郡礼命并不应。”博学多才的例子

    词语大全 博学多才造句_博学多才中英文解释和造句

    博学多才  bóxuéduōcái博学多才的意思和解释:学识广博,有多方面的才能。博学多才的出处《晋书·郤诜传》:“诜博学多才,环伟倜傥,不拘细行,州郡礼命并不应。”博学多才的例子

    词语大全 博學多才造句 博學多才の例文 "博學多才"是什麼意思

    博學多才造句博學多才の例文"博學多才"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!這位博

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    多才多藝造句多才多藝の例文"多才多藝"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!你多才

    词语大全 多才多艺   [duō cái duō yì]什么意思

    多才多艺  [duōcáiduōyì][多才多艺]成语解释具有多方面的才能和技艺。褒义[多才多艺]成语出处《尚书·金訑》:“予仁若考;能多材多艺。”[多才多艺]成语造句我们丁老师多

    词语大全 多才多艺的意思_成语“多才多艺”是什么意思


    词语大全 多材多艺的意思及近义词 成语大全


    词语大全 博学多才的意思 成语大全
