词语大全 多如牛毛造句_多如牛毛中英文解释和造句

Posted 罪犯

篇首语:有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 多如牛毛造句_多如牛毛中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 多如牛毛造句_多如牛毛中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 茧丝牛毛造句_茧丝牛毛中英文解释和造句

词语大全 多如牛毛造句_多如牛毛中英文解释和造句

多如牛毛  duō rú niú máo








  • 那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛。At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox.
  • 欧洲的商业企业多如牛毛。 There are countless enterprises in europe.

  • 要让机器发生进化,我们得让他们多如牛毛。 To evolve machines, we’ll need huge flocks of them.

  • 我曾经住在一个罪犯多如牛毛而法律又软弱的地区。 I used to live in an area where criminals abounded and where the legal system seemed powerless.

  • 我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。 I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded or wITe the legal rule easystmed powerless.

  • 我曾经住在唯一罪犯多如牛毛而国家律法又软弱的地区。 I employ to live in an are nota wITe criminals abounded and wITe the legal system seemed powerless.

  • 在现代历史上用经济优势换取政治利益的例子多如牛毛。 In the modern history of the economic advantages in exchange for the political interests of an over-abundance of examples.

  • 他声称,那本书中的错误多如牛毛,连美国汉学家都能看出来。 He claims that the book’s over-abundance error, Sinologists of the United States can not even see.

  • 安 迪:不用那么麻烦,这种东西在我们要去的地方多如牛毛。 Andy: “Don’t bother; those are a dime a dozen where we are going.”

  • 上党梆子的班社在清代多如牛毛,且基本上是民办的“家生戏”。 Shangdang Bangzi classes clubs abound in the Qing Dynasty, and is basically run the “Health and opera house.”

  • 但是在当前的研究中,研究者发现那些父母的谎话多如牛毛,不尽相同。 But in the current study, researchers found that these parental fibs are hardly few and far between.

  • 多如牛毛的会议,讨论会以及研究会,使他们仅仅只是没有时间去钓鱼。 What with meetings, conferences, and seminars, they just simply didn’t have time to fish.

  • 眼前浮动的都是车、车、车,又要面对这多如牛毛的车,我无奈地坐起来。 Floating is car, car, car before, want to face this numberless as the sand car again, I sit up helplessly.

  • 一踏上美国的土地,就感到美国人的税,还有就是多如牛毛的各种摸奖。 one on American land, the Americans would feel more taxes, and is simply the Mojiang.

  • 东南部的高端景点,包括佛尔城堡在内,表示那里的欧洲游客多如牛毛。 Upmarket attractions in the south-east, including Dover Castle, say that they are being flooded by Europeans.

  • 市场上多如牛毛的指南类书籍也证明出版商在迎合著我们方便和实用的要求。 The glut of how-to books in our bookstores today is evidence that publishers are pandering to our practicality as well.

  • 在过去数十年,多如牛毛的法条、规范、行政命令和新的执业规定痛击了医师们; Over the past decade, a remarkable number of laws, rules, regulations, and new ways of doing business have hit physicians.

  • 今,京城的大街小巷,饭馆旅店多如牛毛,修车补鞋的更是三步一营、五步一哨。 Nowadays, the ave of the capital is off-street, restaurant inn is numberless as the sand, those who write car filling shoe is one chirp of one battalion of 3 paces, 5 paces more.

  • 喜欢运动的人随时可以「出发」到各种虚拟实境的运动场去,运动项目更是多如牛毛。 These designs are found in such great variety that the most bizarre features can be found. Sports enthusiasts can “set out” for any sports stadium whenever they please by means of Virtual Reality.

  • 要来品尝更具传统特色的食品,就可以在该市多如牛毛的店家中任选一家点上一份鱼肉薯条。 For a more traditional meal order a round of fish and chips from one of the city’s countless venues.

  • 卖不出去的房子现在多如牛毛,而房屋需求与新屋建造的必要,在未来许年内将会保持低档。 The inventory of unsold homes is now large; housing demand and new construction will be low for many years.

  • 我真希望我像杰克一样有个好人缘。我在这个城市几乎没有一个熟人,而他的朋友却多如牛毛。 I wish I were as popular as Jack. I know hardly anyone in this city, while he has friends to bum.

  • 在理论界,关于盈余管理的和各种研究已经多如牛毛,其中不乏经典的理论分析,深澳的模型论证。 In the area of accounting theory, there are already a large number of literature and researches about earning management, including some classic theories and patterns.

  • 从整个公司看,需要改革的地方还很,例,光是在公司汽车和人力资源方面的规定就多如牛毛。 There were similar examples throughout the pany, with hundreds of different policies for things like pany cars and human resources.

  • 中国几千年的封建社会对女性的束缚多如牛毛,程朱礼学提倡妇女要贞操守节,更将这种残酷的制度发挥到了极点。 Several thousand years of Chinas feudal society fettered women heavily. Zhu Cheng’s theory for rite encouraged woman to keep chastity to remain unmarried, give play to such cruel system to the limit.

  • 可是搞笑的林克却没有想到,囚禁公主的魔塔有21层,里面怪物,邪恶骑士多如牛毛,凭自己的力量完全是去找死。 But the link is not funny thought that the princess held a 21-storey tower demons inside monster, the evil knight Duoruniumao, with its own strength to go pletely dead.

  • 规范现在多如牛毛的房地产税费,将其调整到公共财政所要求的简明、透明和规范的程度等等,这些都是长期的追求目标。 Regulate real estate tax now exists, be adjusted to the requirements of the Public Finance concise, transparent and standardized level, and so on, these are long-term goal to pursue.

  • 规范现在多如牛毛的房地产税费,将其调整到公共财政所要求的简明、透明和规范的程度等等,这些都是长期的追求目标。 regulate real estate tax exists now, the adjustment will be required by the Public Finance concise, transparent and standardized level, and so on, these are long-term goal to pursue.

  • 华丽的罗曼史 描述男人邂逅女人、男人追求女人(也可能是,女人追求男人)并且从此过上幸福生活的故事多如牛毛。 Fine Romances Books in which man meets woman, man woos woman (or, woman woos man) and man and woman live happily ever after are a dime a dozen.

  • 建议:止损包括固定风险止损、见位止损、追价止损等,何使用仁者见仁、智者见智。关于何止损的资料多如牛毛,在此不做繁述。 Remendations: Stop including a fixed stop-loss risk, see Stop bit to recover the price of stop-loss and so on, how to use the benevolent see benevolence, the wise see Moses.

  • 多如牛毛造句相关


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