词语大全 大动干戈造句_大动干戈中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 大动干戈造句_大动干戈中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 倒载干戈   [dào zài gān gē]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 大动干戈造句_大动干戈中英文解释和造句

大动干戈  dà dòng gān gē







  • 奥斯卡值得这么大动干戈吗? Are Oscars Worth All This Fuss?

  • 所谓“微换季”,其实不需要大动干戈。 The so-called “micro-seasons”, in fact, do not need to Taidonggange.

  • 如果一两声简单的低吼能够解决的事,就不要大动干戈。 If you can sort something out with small noise, don’t bark.

  • 脉冲发生器和电池的更换不必像植入手术那样大动干戈。 Replacement of the generator/battery is a less involved surgery than the original surgery to implant the pacemaker.

  • 现如今,到处可以看到人们在为争汽车车位而大动干戈。 Nowadays, we always find people are fighting for a parking lot.

  • 但这种分割方法是不能改变的,假如想调整则要大动干戈。 But it is unalterable that this kind breaks up a method, if want, adjust should touch war greatly.

  • 为了让形态产生微小的变异,他都不得不对基因大动干戈。 He’d have to really push the genes miles around to move an inch in form.

  • 焦点网新闻]本报讯上海将对旧住房的改造“大动干戈”。 The transformation of the old houses “to resort to arms.”

  • 那个女孩,好像也不是什么歹徒的模样,用得着教授大动干戈吗? That girl was not a bit like a thug and did it deserve such a blowup?

  • 了解到,令“观筑”业主们如此大动干戈的便是社区的供电问题。 understand that the “concept ensures” owners so resort to arms is the power of munity.

  • 要求:你未来的小姨希望给你办一次派对,但你不想如此大动干戈。 Request: Your future sister-in-law wants to throw you a shower, but you don’t want the fuss.

  • 因为是这两年新盖的楼,居室布局挺合理,完全不用大动干戈改动结构。 This is because two newly built floor room layout very reasonable, there is no need to resort to arms structural changes.

  • 没第三条路走。统一是必然。但适当的时机出现时,也许还不用大动干戈。 No third path. Unification is inevitable. But when the right time, and perhaps do not have to Dadonggange.

  • 为数不少的人在拥有商品住宅后,入住前要大动干戈,砸地铲墙,重新装修。 A large number of people in possession of residential, to resort to arms to the former, to shovel hit the wall and re-decoration.

  • 那是在1812年,美国和英国为了争夺殖民地而大动干戈,打得不可开交。 It was in 1812, the United States and Britain to scramble for colonies and Dadonggange, play over.

  • 因此,此次监管部门大动干戈地进行全行业的大调查,应该是加强监管的信号。 Hence, the regulatory authorities to carry out the whole industry upside down a large survey is to strengthen the supervision signal.

  • 就象过去的人类为争夺化石燃料、矿藏和金属这些工业时代的原料而大动干戈一样。 just as past generations fought wars over fossil fuels, mineral and metals-the raw resources of the Industrial Age.

  • 正当这些沿海公司为争夺行业老大而大动干戈之时,争夺地区行业龙头的序幕也悄然拉开。 legitimate panies to pete for the coastal industry wants to resort to arms and the time for the industry leading regional prelude also quietly started.

  • 13岁时,在和父亲大动干戈之后,他从家逃到学校的操场,这里正是二六帮聚集的地方。 At 13, after a fight with his father, he fled from his house to his school’s playground, where some members of the Two-Six gang were meeting.

  • 在过去两年中,来自华东科技大学经济学专业,20岁的梁宇就常常在圣诞前夕同女友大动干戈。 For the last two years, Liang Yu, a 20-year-old economics major at East China University of Science and Technology, has had big fights with his girlfriend on Christmas Eve.

  • 因此,在抡起铁锤大动干戈之前,有必要对住宅的结构类型和是否是承重墙有个明明白白、清清楚楚的认识。 Thus, in select cases Tiechui resort to arms, the need for the type of residential structures and whether it is a waste load, clear awareness.

  • 水管工人皮特是专为那些时间紧凑、不想大动干戈而又想玩得开心的人们量身打造的一款快节奏的益智游戏! Plumber Pete is a fast-paced puzzle game ideal for people who are short on time, low on monkey wrench but wanna have fun!

  • 而有些市民买下二手房后,又对房子格局和装修风格不满意,于是不惜对房子“大动干戈”,改动房屋结构。 Some people buy second-hand housing, and the pattern and decoration of the house style was not satisfied, then at the house, “to resort to arms, ” changes to the housing structure.

  • 看到如此大动干戈的降价举措,也许很多消费者有些不解:难道高端品牌还要靠降价促销来拉拢消费者的心吗? That the so Taidonggange price reduction initiatives, some consumers may not understand a lot: Is it high-end brands also have to rely on price promotions to draw consumers do?

  • 冬拥湖用各种手段在创造一个简单明了的世界PVP区域,使用很多游戏体验、事件等等来刺激玩家在这里大动干戈。 Wintergrasp is a kitchen-sink attempt to create a single, intense focus for world PVP, with more involved gameplay and set event times to galvanise players into fighting.

  • 最近在南奥塞梯的战斗也许是格鲁吉亚人挑起的,但大动干戈的是俄罗斯,并且这几年其一直在这一冲突上火上浇油。 The latest fighting in South Ossetia may have been triggered by the Georgians, but it was largely engineered by the Russians, who have, over the years, fanned the flames of the conflict.

  • 近日,美国伊利诺伊州两名警察为了营救一群跌入下水道的鸭子而大动干戈。让两名警察欣慰的是,小鸭子安然无恙的被救了出来。 Recently, tow cops fight for saving a crowd of ducks, falling down the sewer. Anyway, all ducikies are safe finally; it makes the tow policemen relief.

  • 究其原因,第一间房子的两只猴子一进房间就看到了地上的食物,于是,为了争夺唾手可得的食物而大动干戈,结果伤的伤,死的死。 The reason for the house the first two monkeys into a room on the ground to see the food, therefore, in order to pete for the food at your fingertips , resulting in injury of injury, death, death.

  • 北京没有什么手段能够重振出口,但还是拥有可观的实力可投入提振国内需求:它有足够实力大动干戈一番,下令银行放贷,并限制资本流出。 Beijing has few means of reviving exports, but a decent amount of ammunition to blow on boosting domestic demand: it can afford to pump prime, order banks to lend and curtail capital outflows.

  • “随着经济不断增长,全球范围内的缺水困局将愈加严重……越来越多与水相关的地区(国际)纷争很可能即将发生”。此前,他已公开谴责那种为淡水资源不惜大动干戈的野蛮行径,“缺水之处,兵燹连连。” “As the global economy grows, so will its thirst…many more conflicts lie over the horizon, ” he said, after deploring the fact that “too often, where we need water, we find guns.

  • 大动干戈造句相关


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    倒载干戈   [dào zài gān gē]






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