词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 妙手回春造句_妙手回春中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

大地回春  dà dì huí chūn







  • 冰雪融化,大地回春,又是一个崭新的年头。 Melting snow, the earth Huichun, is a new year.

  • 大地回春生活富裕又有礼,人生虽短促却是愉快幸福的。 Spring is ing and people live richly and abundantly. Life is short but happy.

  • 慰问信全省粮食职工同志们,朋友们:大地回春,万象更新。 Condolatory letter saves missariat worker rades pletely, friends: The earth is rejuvenescent, every phenomenon is newer.

  • 大地回春,万象更新,迎来了充满希望和活力的二零零八年。 New year of 2008, full of expectation and energy, is ing with all sense of spring.

  • 八大巨星,卓依婷,大地回春,恭喜发财,新年歌儿大家唱,贺新年。 “Celebrates the new year” “Wishing you a prosperous new year” “New year song everybody sings” “Earth rejuvenation” Timi Eight Supe…

  • 一片柳林,枝头刚刚泛出嫩绿,使人感到虽是春寒料峭,却已大地回春。 Everywhere Liulin, the branch just spilled over light green, make the person to feel although is the chill in the air in early spring, actually already greatly rejuvenation.

  • 人们说,绿色使人觉得大地回春万象更新,是一种使人心旷神怡的颜色。 Police and Navy uniforms are blue. When people are sad, they say “I feel blue.”

  • 不知道的圆舞曲,这样就好。人都会学习长大。不管怎么说,大地回春了。 Different people in different places , each people do not know each other’s existence. So, who would also depend on whom?

  • 民间喜用的“三羊开泰”是一种吉祥语,它表示大地回春,万象更新的意思。 “SAN YANG KAI TAI ” is auspicious expression indicating that spring returns to the earth and everything looks fresh and gay.

  • 用“大地回春”来形容北京别墅市场的现状似乎有一些言过其实,市场的回暖,主要的原因在于供应的拉动。 Use “earth rejuvenate” to describe the status of the Beijing villa market seems to be some exaggeration, the market again, the main reason lies in the supply of pulling.

  • 按中国民间的传统,在一元复始,大地回春的节日夜晚,天上明月高悬,猜灯谜、吃元宵合家团聚、其乐融融。 According to Chinese folk traditions, in one Yuanfu before, the earth rejuvenate the festive night, the sky bright and guess riddles, eating Lantern family reunion enjoyable.

  • 绿色是冷色,是春季草坪的颜色。人们说,绿色使人觉得大地回春万象更新,是一种使人心旷神怡的颜色。工厂的机器大多被漆成嫩绿色。 Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing and relaxing color. Machines in factories are usually painted light green.

  • 大地回春造句相关


    词语大全 妙手回春造句_妙手回春中英文解释和造句

    妙手回春  miào shǒu huí chūn







  • 她是个妙手回春的民间医生。It was said that she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life.
  • 要不是你妙手回春, 我早就见阎王了。But for your magic hand, I’d have long kicked the bucket.
  • 中国能否妙手回春治愈西方疾病? Can China cure the west’s ills?

  • 只有这两位医师能够妙手回春。 The two physicians alone could offer any hops when danger was extreme.

  • 中国能否妙手回春诊治西方? Can China cure the west’s ills?

  • 期望智慧的男人能妙手回春。 Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring.

  • 假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。 Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.

  • 为了感谢朱医生妙手回春的医术,患者家属送来了一面锦旗。 The relatives of the patient sent a silk banner as a way to thank doctor Zhu for his excellent skills.

  • 有一个关于扁鹊的故事:扁鹊游医诸国,他的医术高明,妙手回春。 One on Bianque story : Bianque Youyi countries, the medicine he smart, affirmed.

  • 杰森:妙手回春的神医对以为已经咨询了两年多的病人现在突然有了重大突破。 Jason: My day, listen the old miracle worker had a major break through with a patient I’ve been trading for two years now.

  • 目前中国的房地产业还存在着很多深层次的病症,必须动大手术才能妙手回春。 At present, China’s real estate industry is also facing many deep-seated disease, must be affirmed involve a major overhaul.

  • 过了些时候,耶稣回到了加利利海,一大群曾目睹他那妙手回春的神迹的人追随着他。 Some time later Jesus withdrew to the farther shore of the Sea of Galilee, and a large crowd of people followed who had seen the signs he performed in healing the sick.

  • 人们买房子大多不愿要底层和顶层,而哈尔滨一些开发商“妙手回春”,使原来滞销房成了抢手货。 People are reluctant to buy a house top to bottom, and while some developers Harbin “validity” to the original unsalable Housing became hot demand.

  • 稳定的房价对于减少拖欠贷款,强化银行的资产负债表以及恢复信贷的流通将起到妙手回春的作用。 Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the banks’ balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.

  • 导致该基金项下的资产降到了危险点以下。联邦存款保险公司要赶紧在90天内妙手回春补齐不足。 This has pushed the fund’s holdings below a trigger point that requires the FDIC to craft a “restoration” plan within 90 days.

  • 自学医术的成功在母亲的生命极限内,妙手回春,治好了母亲的重症肌无力,这是怎样的一种奇迹啊! The success of self-study medicine in the mother’s life within the limit, shut when the mother’s cure myasthenia gravis, which is a kind of miracle ah!

  • 一些所谓的“外星人质”本来就十分富于想象力。他们宣称自己看到过鬼,而且能够通灵或者妙手回春。 Several of the alien abductees were already prone to fanaticizing and also claimed to have seen ghosts and have psychic or healing abilities.

  • 为了保护医生和病人之间的关系,并且让好的医生继续妙手回春,我们必须减少无谓的、琐碎的医疗纠纷。 To protect the doctor-patient relationship, and keep good doctors doing good work, we must eliminate wasteful and frivolous medical lawsuits.

  • 而对于拉法本人来说,如果能够在冬季转会窗通过一些办法妙手回春,也许本赛季以来对他的质疑声就能够消退。 And for Benitez, a bit of shrewd operating in the transfer market may go some way to help remove the sense of negativity which has surrounded the Spaniard pretty much all season.

  • 惊心动魄,消除敌意,凶神恶煞,天赐神力,回春妙手,守护天使,幸运之日,治愈伤口,防毒奇术,魔法伤害。 Bought Spellbooks Mind Blast, Charm, Mass Fear, Heroism, Healing Touch, Guardian Angel, Lucky Day, Cure Wounds, Protection from Poison, Harm (G.

  • 结果奇迹出现了,梁希森竟然妙手回春,玫瑰园重新焕发了光彩,从著名的烂尾楼一跃成为京城高档别墅的代名词。 As a result of a miracle, it gives Liangxisen, Rose Garden re-radiate the glory, from the famous unpleted residential flats it became Principal luxury villa off.

  • 这张图我想做成签名,可以吗?看上去有点粗糙,象是截图,希望大大妙手回春~_~暂时想不出什么好的语句加上去。 We can do nothing but to see the times go by in the path which God has chosen.

  • 旧报纸的新生(妙手回春)︰为了促进回收纸的想法,将教导学生「树」对自然环境的重要性。并进行利用旧报纸制造再生纸。 Newspaper Paper:To promote the idea of recycling, students will be taught about nature and the importance of trees. Following that, each class will be making paper from recycled newspaper.

  • 破玻璃能修吗?左边缺了一角的仪器(红光为氦氖雷射光束),在许玉钏的妙手回春下,不但修好了,还因应需要在管内加了支小玻璃管。 On the left, a broken instrument (the red light es from a laser); on the right, the same instrument repaired. Hsu has even added a little tube inside.

  • 人类丰富的想象力也是一个重要因素。一些所谓的“外星人质”本来就十分富于想象力。他们宣称自己看到过鬼,而且能够通灵或者妙手回春。 A rich imagination was also at play. Several of the alien abductees were already prone to fanaticizing and also claimed to have seen ghosts and have psychic or healing abilities.

  • 妙手回春造句相关



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    词语大全 妙手回春造句


    词语大全 妙手回春造句


    词语大全 成语“妙手回春”造句
