词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 春回大地造句_春回大地中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大地回春造句_大地回春中英文解释和造句

大地回春  dà dì huí chūn







  • 冰雪融化,大地回春,又是一个崭新的年头。 Melting snow, the earth Huichun, is a new year.

  • 大地回春生活富裕又有礼,人生虽短促却是愉快幸福的。 Spring is ing and people live richly and abundantly. Life is short but happy.

  • 慰问信全省粮食职工同志们,朋友们:大地回春,万象更新。 Condolatory letter saves missariat worker rades pletely, friends: The earth is rejuvenescent, every phenomenon is newer.

  • 大地回春,万象更新,迎来了充满希望和活力的二零零八年。 New year of 2008, full of expectation and energy, is ing with all sense of spring.

  • 八大巨星,卓依婷,大地回春,恭喜发财,新年歌儿大家唱,贺新年。 “Celebrates the new year” “Wishing you a prosperous new year” “New year song everybody sings” “Earth rejuvenation” Timi Eight Supe…

  • 一片柳林,枝头刚刚泛出嫩绿,使人感到虽是春寒料峭,却已大地回春。 Everywhere Liulin, the branch just spilled over light green, make the person to feel although is the chill in the air in early spring, actually already greatly rejuvenation.

  • 人们说,绿色使人觉得大地回春万象更新,是一种使人心旷神怡的颜色。 Police and Navy uniforms are blue. When people are sad, they say “I feel blue.”

  • 不知道的圆舞曲,这样就好。人都会学习长大。不管怎么说,大地回春了。 Different people in different places , each people do not know each other’s existence. So, who would also depend on whom?

  • 民间喜用的“三羊开泰”是一种吉祥语,它表示大地回春,万象更新的意思。 “SAN YANG KAI TAI ” is auspicious expression indicating that spring returns to the earth and everything looks fresh and gay.

  • 用“大地回春”来形容北京别墅市场的现状似乎有一些言过其实,市场的回暖,主要的原因在于供应的拉动。 Use “earth rejuvenate” to describe the status of the Beijing villa market seems to be some exaggeration, the market again, the main reason lies in the supply of pulling.

  • 按中国民间的传统,在一元复始,大地回春的节日夜晚,天上明月高悬,猜灯谜、吃元宵合家团聚、其乐融融。 According to Chinese folk traditions, in one Yuanfu before, the earth rejuvenate the festive night, the sky bright and guess riddles, eating Lantern family reunion enjoyable.

  • 绿色是冷色,是春季草坪的颜色。人们说,绿色使人觉得大地回春万象更新,是一种使人心旷神怡的颜色。工厂的机器大多被漆成嫩绿色。 Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing and relaxing color. Machines in factories are usually painted light green.

  • 大地回春造句相关


    词语大全 春回大地造句_春回大地中英文解释和造句

    春回大地  chūn huí dà dì







  • 至少春回大地,雷鸟也呼啸而返。 At least when spring es they roar back again.

  • 随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。 As spring warms the earth, all flowers begin to bloom.

  • 随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。 As spring warms the earth, al flowers begin to bloom.

  • 随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。 As spring warms the good earth, all flowers begin to bloom.

  • 春天,万物复苏,春回大地,鸟语花香。 Spring, all things recovery, spring, fine spring day.

  • 如今,又是一个春回大地。 Now, is a second spring.

  • 春回大地,肯定出现在这里的山区我的家。 Spring has definitely sprung here in the mountains of my home.

  • 春回大地,万象更新! Spring returns to the earth, the everything renewed!

  • 春回大地,万物复苏。 Spring recovery of all things.

  • 春回大地,生气盎然。 Spring answer the earth, exuberant.

  • 春回大地,万物复苏,所有生命都焕发出青春。 Spring answer the earth, everythings on earth anabiosises, all life coruscate gives youth.

  • 珀金斯称,随着春回大地,人们开始越穿越少。 But now that spring is in the air, Officer Perkins says, people are starting to wear less clothing.

  • 是的,是你们,我的美国同胞们,促使春回大地。 Yes, you, my fellow Americans have forced the spring. Now, we must do the work the season demands.

  • 春回大地,万物复苏是令人异常喜悦的一段时光。 The return of spring, and the revivification of nature, is a period hailed with unmon delight.

  • 春回大地不延迟。 spring es without delay.

  • “口号农业”可以休矣高登元春回大地,万物复苏。 “Catchword agriculture ” can rest Gao Dengyuan spring answer the earth, everythings on earth anabiosises.

  • 春回大地,此时此刻,又有谁还惧怕那遥远的秋天呢? In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall?

  • 熊的夜访行动一直持续到春天,春回大地时,小鸟又开始歌唱了。 The bear’s nightly visits continued until the spring, when the forests became green again and the birds began to sing.

  • 春回大地之时,猴子“涉过小溪时”,“脚下疼得难受,竟倒在水里。 Spring answer the earth when, monkey ” when ford brook ” , “Ache afflictively below the foot, fall in water unexpectedly.

  • 树蛙实际上已经冻僵,成了一块冰疙瘩,春回大地时,它才融化苏醒。 Wood frogs actually freeze solid, like lumps of ice, and thaw out e spring.

  • 万物复苏,春回大地,新的一年随着时间的轮回又开始了一篇新的乐章。 Everything recovery, the spring returns to the land, the new year as the reincarnation of the time began a new movement.

  • 踏青是春回大地之际,到大自然欣赏春暖花开的春日景象,抒解严冬的郁结心绪。 Spring is a spring returns to the Earth, nature appreciation are blooming spring, relieve winter depression mood.

  • 不过,一个漫长的冬天之后,春回大地,万物复苏,争取的权利运动也再一次开始了。 But after a long winter the spring thaw has revealed a movement sprouting once more.

  • 春回大地,制定实验室和制造设施在美国和欧洲以及合作伙伴的领先供应商网纹辊辊和光印刷版。 Spring has formulation laboratories and manufacturing facilities in the US and Europe as well as partnerships with leading suppliers for anilox rolls and photopolymer printing plates.

  • 当时他为即将于夏天与妻子共谐连理雀跃不已,所以在漫长的严冬后春回大地之际倍感欢欣鼓舞。 The elated feeling of springtime after the long cold winter was augmented by his excitement of marrying his wife in the ing summer.

  • 每当春回大地,九龙山上野花竞放,蜂蝶飞舞,古椿百态,状似蛟龙出水,玄鹤展翅,犹如耕农扶犁,宫娥掌灯。 Whenever Spring wildflowers Jiulongshan peting on release, flying die ancient Chunnian attitudes, like the water dragon, Hok Yuen wings, as iff u li farmers, gong e zhang deng .

  • 一些科学家主张春天非是始于三月,四月,或者五月。他们认为当夜晚逐渐变短白天开始变长,就是春回大地之时。 Some scientists claim that spring is not March, nor April, nor May, Instead, they say it is the time when the nights are getting shorter, the days longer.

  • 花木感春而开,当春回大地又到了一年山花烂漫的季节时,处处阳光明媚、鸟语花香、遍地皆绿,这个时期正是全家踏青好季节! Plants blossom in spring when it is warm, sunny and the world is full of green and vigor, so it is a good season for a family outing.

  • 每当春回大地,被人誉为“花中西施”的杜鹃花就透著盎然的春意,怒放在游人云集的公园或园林中,令人赏心悦目,心旷神怡。 When Spring has been called “Beauty in Flower” shows the azaleas on the scene in the spring, visitors gathered in full bloom in the park or garden, the very enjoyable, relaxed and happy.

  • 这个仪式虽在隆冬举行,然而,我们通过自己的言语和向世界展示的面容、却促使春回大地–回到了世界上这个最古老的民主国家,并带来了重新创造美国的远见和勇气。 But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. A spring reborn in the world’s oldest democracy, that brings forth the vision and courage to reinvent America.

  • 春回大地造句相关



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    春回大地  chūnhuídàdì春回大地的意思和解释:好象春天又回到大地。形容严寒已过,温暖和生机又来到人间。春回大地的出处宋·周紫芝《太仓稊米集·岁杪雨雪连日闷题二首》:“树头

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    月明千里  yuèmíngqiānlǐ月明千里的意思和解释:月光普照大地。后多用作友人或恋人相隔遥远,月夜倍增思念的典故。月明千里的出处南朝宋·谢庄《月赋》:“美人迈兮音尘阙,隔千

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    词语大全 妙手回春造句


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