词语大全 大家风范造句_大家风范中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:恐惧自己受苦的人,已经因为自己的恐惧在受苦。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大家风范造句_大家风范中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 大家风范造句_大家风范中英文解释和造句
大家风范 dà jiā fēng fàn
这本书不错,沈先生真是大家风范。 This book is not bad, Mr. Shen is great.
演奏风格细腻、柔美而又不失大家风范。 playing style delicate, and yet we blend style.
“亭台水榭”,“池塘金鱼”,有“大家风范”。 “Pavilions Park, ” “goldfish pond. ” “We demeanor.
作品说明:此印章法匠心独具,不失为大家风范。 Remark: The position of the seal impression is of great ingenuity.
广州城中心不是“小家碧玉”越秀将显“大家风范” Guangzhou City Center is not “playing” Yuexiu will Hin “Everyone demeanor”
以质朴的木色为主调,大家风范中流露出亲切和细腻。 To simple wooden color-tune, everyone, revealed cordial and delicate demeanor.
华丽的色彩,优雅的造型,诠释了皇家现代家具独有的大家风范。 The magnificent color, the graceful modelling, has annotated everybody style which the imperial modern furniture is in sole possession.
在一阵阵热烈的掌声中,她唱完鞠躬下台,一招一式很有大家风范。 In the waves of warm applause, she bowed to step down over and over, a one-trick is all style.
这样就以一种东方人的“留白”美学观念控制的节奏,显出大家风范。 So with”stay white” of a kind of oriental esthetics idea control of rhythm, show everyone’s manner.
一位老人,站在讲台上,连续讲了一个半小时,仅此一点就见其大家风范。 An old person, stands on the platform, said continuously for one-and-a-half hours, only this spot sees its everybody style.
作为中国房地产界的龙头企业,华远地产的每个项目都彰显出优良品质和大家风范。 Regard Chinese estate as the bibcock enterprise of the bound, every Hua Yuan’s landed project reveals a good quality and everybody wind model.
李子和樱桃的果香夹杂着一丝皮革的味道。酒体结构复杂,单宁饱满,尽显大家风范。 This famous growth presents a plex and full-bodied structure noted for solid tannins.
从摄影美学的角度来解读这首诗,足见王维将中国画的技巧运用到诗歌创作的大家风范。 The text explains this pome form the visual angle of the esthetics of photograph. We can see the celebrity visage of Wangwei and how he exercised the skills of China paint on the writing of the poesy.
对品质的保证和对细节的把握是他们的擅长,他们的作品庄重典雅,俏皮却不失大家风范。 It is their speciality to the assurance of character and the assurance to detail, their work is grave and elegant, do not lose authority however wittily wind model.
上河村的建筑禀承了东方艺术的最大特点,涵蓄和自然,往往在不经意间显示出大家风范。 construction of village art which upholds the best features of the East, milder and natural, often in almost inadvertently show us demeanor.
尽管传闻汤臣一品只卖出了4套,但入夜之后整个楼盘灯光璀璨,有种毫不示弱的大家风范。 Despite rumors Tomson Yipin sold only 4 sets, but after nightfall the entire sale of Light and, in one of us without a sign of weakness demeanor.
古代的女人都以淑女为目标和准则,那么在当时只有裙子才能显示出女人的温柔和大家风范。 Ancient times’s women take virtuous young woman as goal and criterion, then could demonstrate the woman at that time only then the skirt gentle and everybody style.
省委书记、省人大常委会主任罗清泉为《资深院士王之卓》一书题词“学界泰斗,大家风范”。 Provincial secretary of the provincial People’s Congress Chairman Luo Qingquan as “senior academician Wang Zhuo, ” a book inscription, “the academic dean, everyone demeanor.
品尝特征:李子和樱桃的果香夹杂着一丝皮革的味道。酒体结构复杂,单宁饱满,尽显大家风范。 Tasting notes: Aroma of stone fruits (plum and morello cherry), of leather and sous-bois. This famous growth presents a plex and full-bodied structure noted for solid tannins.
如果有更完善的法律和行政制度把这种大家风范永久的延续下去,这将是中国乃至世界人民的瑰宝。 If we have the perfect law and the administer system keep this noble character continuing for ever, that would be the gem of China and the world.
以方锥形结构建筑的印度兴都教古庙,则表现出超凡脱俗的大家风范,象征著释迦牟尼教义的无边法力; Israel cone structure is the construction of India Hing Temple, show exceptional ability of all style, a symbol of the teachings of Sakyamuni preached practitioner;
现代画家如齐白石、张大千等更体现出大家风范,他们画的不一定真实,但任何人也模仿不出他们画的精髓! Modern artists such as Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, and so we better reflect style, the painting does not necessarily true, but no one they can not imitate the essence of painting!
广告语的定位为 “演绎时尚风范”,品牌形象以成熟、健康、充满喜悦的表情 体现亲和、自然的大家风范。 The image of the brand is reflecting natural and easy noble manners through mature, healthy and joyful expressions.
值得我琢磨的是如何借鉴拉尼娅王后维护世界和平的睿智,更重要的是充分展示东方金凤的大家风范和文化魅力。 It is necessary for me to learn the sagacity of the Jordanian queen about carry through the peace of the world.
郭德纲的话很有大家风范和掌门人气度,但想想其实不过是落花无情,流水也无意,一拍而散对双方而言已经是水到渠成的事。 Guo Degang, then you have style and the head of popular, but think about actually fallen flowers are ruthless, and has no intention of running water, and take a powder on both sides, is already ripe.
这或许是因为,作为国家性报刊,他们当然有着大城市的大家风范,而不带丝毫的小地方的底气不足,而这一点正是许多美国报纸的特点。 This may be because, as national newspapers, they have a certain metropolitan panache, and none of the provincial diffidence that is a hallmark of many American papers.
我在许多不同的国家赚钱,现在又担任一家全球性公司的首席执行长,这意味着我需要的财富管理师要有大家风范,且能在多个国家为我服务。 Having earned money in many different countries and now being chief executive of a global pany means I need a wealth manager who can think big and serve me across borders.
我以处子之心思忆著澳大利亚原始的自然之美,美国著名学府的成熟练达之大家风范,法兰西时尚和艺术之都的优雅格调以及新西兰所呈现的野趣盎然… I fondly recall the natural pristine beauty of Australia, the sophistication of America’s great universities, the style and glamour of France and the wild excitement of New Zealand.
懒者,是那些目中无人的自以为是者;是那些自以为自己是一贯正确的大家风范者;是那些对大自然的呼唤一味只能也只会用一个答案,即不动脑筋的“是、、”应声作答、听计从者。 The lazy, is the one who is learned but be aware of zero, considering itself always right, and responding the calling from the nature with only one answer, that is Yes.
懒者,是那些目中无人的自以为是者;是那些自以为自己是一贯正确的大家风范者;是那些对大自然的呼唤一味只能也只会用一个答案,即不动脑筋的“是、是、是”应声作答、言听计从者。 The lazy, is the one who is learned but be aware of zero, considering itself always right, and responding the calling from the nature with only one answer, that is Yes.
词语大全 林下风范造句_林下风范中英文解释和造句
林下风范 lín xià fēng fàn
林下风范 línxiàfēngfàn林下风范的意思和解释:林下:幽僻之境;风范:风度。指女子态度娴雅、举止大方。林下风范的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》:“王夫人神情散朗,
大家闺秀 dàjiāguīxiù大家闺秀的意思和解释:旧指世家望族中有才德的女子。也泛指有钱有势人家的女儿。大家闺秀的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》:“顾家妇清心玉映,自
大家闺秀 dàjiāguīxiù大家闺秀的意思和解释:旧指世家望族中有才德的女子。也泛指有钱有势人家的女儿。大家闺秀的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》:“顾家妇清心玉映,自
群策群力 qúncèqúnlì群策群力的意思和解释:群:大家,集体;策:谋划,主意。指发挥集体的作用,大家一起来想办法,贡献力量。群策群力的出处汉·扬雄《法言·重黎》:“汉屈群策
群策群力 qúncèqúnlì群策群力的意思和解释:群:大家,集体;策:谋划,主意。指发挥集体的作用,大家一起来想办法,贡献力量。群策群力的出处汉·扬雄《法言·重黎》:“汉屈群策
群起效尤 qúnqǐxiàoyóu群起效尤的意思和解释:大家一起向坏的学习。群起效尤的出处群起效尤的例子这些坏作风应该根除,以免~。群起效尤造句翻开历史的篇章就不难发现,很多战争
群起效尤 qúnqǐxiàoyóu群起效尤的意思和解释:大家一起向坏的学习。群起效尤的出处群起效尤的例子这些坏作风应该根除,以免~。群起效尤造句翻开历史的篇章就不难发现,很多战争
奇文共赏 qíwéngòngshǎng奇文共赏的意思和解释:少见的好文章大家一道欣赏。奇文共赏的出处晋·陶潜《移居》诗:“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。”奇文共赏的例子奇文共赏造句朴素
奇文共赏 qíwéngòngshǎng奇文共赏的意思和解释:少见的好文章大家一道欣赏。奇文共赏的出处晋·陶潜《移居》诗:“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。”奇文共赏的例子奇文共赏造句朴素
杀风景 shāfēngjǐng杀风景的意思和解释:损坏美好的景色。比喻在大家高兴的时候,突然出现使人扫兴的事物。杀风景的出处宋·苏轼《次韵林子中春日新堤书事》诗:“为报年来杀风景