词语大全 大方之家造句_大方之家中英文解释和造句

Posted 大道理

篇首语:我会努力奋斗直到亮瞎你们的双眼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大方之家造句_大方之家中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大方之家造句_大方之家中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 小康之家造句_小康之家中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大方之家造句_大方之家中英文解释和造句

大方之家  dà fāng zhī jiā








  • 园虽狂妄,不敢傲慢,知必见笑于大方之家也。 Yuan although extremely conceited, dare not arrogant, know to be laughed in a generous house necessarily also.

  • 笔者在这里从新安全观的角度,谈了一点粗浅的想法,求教于大方之家。 The author hence offers some approaches for discussion from the angle of new security concept.

  • 说起现代文阅读,真有些老生常谈,怕谈不出什么新意,见笑于大方之家。在此只能略谈一二,请大家指教… Mentions the modern article to read, some platitudes, feared really could not discuss any fresh idea, is laughed in the natural family.

  • 本文结合我国当前中学语文教学的实际,阐述了中学语文教师素质缺失的原因,并提出了重建中学语文教师素质的一管之见,拟就教于大方之家。 It also puts forward the author”s personal opinions on how to reconstruct the level of petence for teachers of Chinese in middle schools_ to discuss with authorities.”

  • 大方之家造句相关


    词语大全 小康之家造句_小康之家中英文解释和造句

    小康之家  xiǎo kāng zhī jiā






  • 为什么说要培育更多的小康之家呢? Why do we say to cultivate more affluent homes?

  • 他们虽不很富足,也是一个小康之家。 Although they are very not abundant, also be a paratively well-off home.

  • 她出身于一个小康之家。 She es from a well-to-do family.

  • 小康之家,拥有康家! Well-off homes, home ownership, Culture and Sport!

  • 前段时间我提到应该更多的培育出小康之家。 ago I mentioned the name should be more fortable homes.

  • 已为未来的“她”准备了一个温馨的小康之家。 I have prepared a warm home for my lover.

  • 这一款小餐台是小康之家的风格,灵活便捷,节省空间。 Stage of this one small eat is the style of the home of well-off, agile and convenient, save a space.

  • 我来自一个小康之家,父亲是文员,母亲是图书馆管理员。 I came from a modest family – my father was an office worker and my mother was a librarian.

  • 中产之家如同小康之家一样,是人们心中富康人家的形象。 An as well-off home that produces in is same, it is the figure of the Fu Kang in people heart’s other people.

  • 社会上的小康之家越多,我们社会的经济就会发展的越好。 Community-home, the greater will be the economic development of our munity better.

  • 因为小康之家是最有利于社会的安定的,最有利于社会的繁荣的。 As a house is most conducive to social stability, is most conducive to social prosperity.

  • 地图上,贫穷和小康之家只有一线之隔,越偏僻的,通常也就是越贫困的。 On the map there is literally a fine line between poverty and prosperity. The more isolated areas are generally the poorest.

  • 如意门里的住户一般是在政治上地位不高,但却比较殷实富裕的小康之家。 Residents of house with Ru Yi Gates are generally those belonging to the social stratum of “Shi Min” who are quite well-off but lack in high political status.

  • 我们的四个现代化的概念,不是像你们那样的现代化的概念,而是“小康之家”。 Our concept of the four modernizations is different from yours. By achieving the four modernizations, we mean achieving a parative prosperity.

  • 李家当时在大王村中,虽然属于小康之家,但是常常遭受本村恶霸地主郝威的欺侮。 Li was king in the village, although belonging to a well-off homes, but are often subjected to bullying in the village landlord Howe’s bullying.

  • 玛莉安跟积葵及两位子女组成了中产小康之家,他们一直住在巴黎的高尚住宅区内。 Marianne, Jacques and their two children, Julien and Aude: an unremarkable middle-class family living happily in a wealthy district of Paris.

  • 但是,人的追求是完全不同的,有的人认为安居乐业就满足了也可以说叫-小康之家; However, the pursuit of people is pletely different, some people think that to live and work on it can be said to meet the call – well-off homes;

  • 在贫富两极之间还夹着小康之家、中产阶层,这样的市场构造,让不同市场定位的商品都找到所属的消费群。 Sandwiched between the very rich and the very poor are those who enjoy a fortable standard of living and the middle-class.

  • 另一方面,巴比伦的小康之家,很可能是两层的砖块结构,里面有十二间房子,里面和外面都涂上灰泥和石灰水。 The house of a well-to-do Babylonian, on the other hand, was probably a two-story brick dwelling of about a dozen rooms and was plastered and whitewashed both inside and out.

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