词语大全 大放厥词造句_大放厥词中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运险峰的人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大放厥词造句_大放厥词中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大放厥词造句_大放厥词中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 大放悲声造句_大放悲声中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大放厥词造句_大放厥词中英文解释和造句

大放厥词  dà fàng jué cí








  • 什么都不了解都大放厥词,对不起,送君四字“无知无聊”。 Anything did not understand all spouts rhetoric, to sorry, “ignorantly delivers Mr. four characters to be bored”.

  • 现在最后一根纽带已经断了,英国人正在大放厥词攻击我们。 The last cord now is broken; the people of England are presenting addresses against us.

  • 我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗? My patriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country?

  • 怎敢如此厚颜无耻,对着美国最高学院府的毕业生们大放厥词? have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nation’s most prestigious institutions?

  • 相反,伊斯兰青年党一司令官大放厥词,断言说外国军队将被消灭。 By contrast, a mander of the jihadist group known as the Shabab (meaning “Youth”) struck a cockier note, promising that foreign troops would be killed;

  • 这并非反对个人的言论自由,只是在反对有些人不经过大脑就爱大放厥词。 It’s not a stand against free speech. It’s just a stand against people talking dangerous nonsense.

  • 看到这些反对派大放厥词,我不禁想到眼前的是一种背叛-对地球的大背叛。 And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason —treason against the planet.

  • 在一个公开场合大放厥词,却又躲在阴暗的角落里只是她的经纪人出来道歉。 Spouting a stream of nonsense. And then she hid in a dark corner directing her broker out for the apology.

  • 什么样的音乐才能得到你的赞扬,是不是连你自己都不清楚,还在那里大放厥词! What kind of music do you get praise, not even you yourself are not clear, there is still a mandate!

  • 罗伯特松先生更喜大放厥词,譬如他说沙龙中风乃是上帝对他出卖以色列土地的惩罚。 Mr Robertson was even more given to outrageous statements, such as when he said Ariel Sharon’s stroke was God’s punishment for giving away Israeli land.

  • 你难道不认为我们有比查证某些人为了卖书而大放厥词的每一条污蔑更重要的事情吗? Do you not think we have better things to do than to chase up every … smear that anyone with a book to sell chooses to pump into the ether?

  • 查克·普林斯(CHUCK PRINCE)并不是花旗银行第一位大放厥词的执行官。 CHUCK PRINCE was not the first Citibank executive to put his foot in his mouth.

  • 在目前贫富悬殊拉大,贫富阶层分化的情况下,这样大放厥词只能加大贫富阶层的矛盾。 In the current disparity between the rich and the poor widening class divide of rich and poor, so she came out only to the rich and the poor segments of the contradictions.

  • 他回应表示其他队的球迷并不懂得足球的真谛,而仅仅是因为我们队成绩好而大放厥词。 He countered that the other teams’ fans were just expressing soul grapes and did not understand the real truth of football.

  • 没有政治家喜欢那些对自己大放厥词的媒体,意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼也不例外。 NO POLITICIAN likes a critical press and Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, is no exception.

  • 与此同时,尼克,这位前偶像组合98度的灵魂人物却在他的演唱会上卑鄙地对他的前妻大放厥词。 Meanwhile, the former 98 Degrees front man has been making snide ments about ex-wife Jessica at his concerts.

  • 我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?扪心自问,你们当中有多少不是飞蛾呢? Another said that many of the critics would leap at the chance to emigrate like a moth to the flame.

  • 我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?扪心自问,你们当中有多少不是飞蛾呢? My patriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country? Ask yourself, how many of you are not moths as well?

  • 既然你能单就艾弗森一个人的防守大放厥词,那么也请看看整支掘金队吧,尤其是一点也不防守的卡梅隆。 If your call out Iverson for his defense then call out your entire team, especially Carmelo…who doesn’t play a lick of it.

  • 去年5月,莎朗·斯通在出席戛纳影展时对中国汶川地震大放厥词,遭到中国公众乃至全世界网民的唾弃。 She was conspued by Chinese public and even the global Netizens due to her nonsensical talks about Wenchuan earthquake in China when she was present at the Cannes film exhibition in May last year.

  • “但是只有日本在不怀好意的大放厥词,”朝鲜外交部长说。他是指日本关于不接受朝鲜作为核国家的言论。 “But it is only Japan that expressed its wicked intention, letting loose a spate of balderdashes, ” the ministry said, referring to ments that Tokyo won’t accept a nuclear North Korea.

  • 如果我们的对手大放厥词,那没什么,我们关心的是场上的结果。(无论发生什么事)草皮上才能决出胜利者。 It is ok if our opponents want to talk big but our concern is to get the results on the field. (What happens on) the turf will always decide who wins.

  • 欧洲的银行正在以一种令人昏乱的步伐濒临倒闭,即使法国央行行长诺亚大放厥词“我们眼前的这一切毫不戏剧化”。 European banks were collapsing at a dizzying pace even as Christian Noyer, governor of the Bank of France, declared that “there is no drama in front of us.”

  • 数据无疑是詹姆斯球迷自认为LBJ比科比强的主要缘由,尤其还有诸如RickKamla这样的傻瓜对此大放厥词。 Hands down statistics is the main thing that is making LeBron fans think that he is better than Kobe, especially if you have idiots like Rick Kamla talking on the subject.

  • 虽然欧洲中央银行大放厥词,但是它可能不得不在比预期的时间更早的时间点上执行宽松的货币政策,从而遏制欧元的升值。 The ECB, for all its bluster, may have to loosen sooner than it would wish to in order to stem the euro’s rise.

  • 毕竟,我,劳伦斯。拉里。埃里森,一个退学生,怎么有脸敢面对国内最负盛名的学府的毕业生们如此大言不惭地大放厥词呢? After all, how can I, Lawrence Larry Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nations most prestigious institutions?

  • 提问还涉及到倍受争议的“莱特事件”,作为奥巴马曾经的牧师,莱特在他的教区布道时大放厥词,发表了极为偏执和愤怒的反美言论。 The controversy of Jeremiah Wright, Mr Obama’s former pastor who had made wildly paranoid and angry anti-American ments from his pulpit, was raised yet again.

  • 教育系主任杰罗姆·T·摩尔斐说,“那些自命不凡的老古板们站出来对方达大放厥词,但他们哪儿知道有多少人正为方达此举欢呼。” “The old muddy duddies just stood up and raved about her, “said Jerome T. Murphy, dean of the educational faculty. ” She wowed a lot of people more than they expected.

  • 委内瑞拉查韦斯来了,他一来就先大放厥词在接受美联社记者采访时,记者问他:“总统先生,你为何可以有时间来这里(中国)而却没有时间去联合国(纽约)”? Venezuelan Chavez has e, as soon as he es first to spout rhetoric when accepts Associated Press reporter the interview, reporter asks him: “Mr.”

  • 但必须声明的是,我选择球员的唯一依据是他们的表现,而不是他们的年龄,他们的身价或者他们的薪水。不能上场的确令人情绪低落,但在媒体面前大放厥词的却只有蒂亚戈。 It was my idea to sign him so I take all responsibility, but I play those who serve the team best, I don’t consider their age, or how much they cost, or how much they earn.

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