词语大全 大智若愚造句_大智若愚中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 大智若愚造句_大智若愚中英文解释和造句
大智若愚 dà zhì ruò yú
大智若愚是-该沉默的时候沉默。 The greatest wisdom is to know when to keep silent.
这正应验了中国的一句话“大智若愚”。 This is true of the Chinese word “Dazhiruoyu.”
要在人世间取得成功,我们心须大智若愚。 To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise.
大智若愚(能隐藏自己才是最大的才能)。 It is a great ability to be able to conceal one’s ability.
他可是个大智若愚之人。 He is a great wisdom man.
噢,不。他相当聪明。你可知道大智若愚? Oh, no. He’s quite clever. Do you know still waters run deep?
天才的标志是大智若愚。 The genius is its simplicity.
他可是个大智若愚之人。 He is a people with wisdom while appears stupid.
他可是个大智若愚之人。 He is a man of wisdom appears slow-witted.
水深流静;大智若愚。 Still waters run deep.
现在我终于知道,其实他是大智若愚,没有说谎。 Till now I couldn’t understand his wisdom and his honesty, still waters run deep.
张飞呀,平时看你大大咧咧的,没想到你居然如此大智若愚。 Zhangfei, you usually look careless and inconsiderate. I do not expect you are actually so wise.
无痕,是大智若愚的聪慧,是大巧若拙的精妙,是大象无形的宽阔。 Traceless is Taizhiruoyu’s intelligence, is a refined big clever, if clumsy, is the invisible elephant wide.
装傻这事,假如干的好,叫大智若愚。发呆这事,假如干的好,叫做酷。 Utter words that do not hang together this thing, if work good, call bouncing thinking.
我喜欢普鲁特·泰勒·文森在保罗·纽曼的电影“大智若愚”中的表演。 I loved Pruitt Taylor Vince as Rub Squeers in the Paul Newman vehicle “Nobody’s Fool.”
琳达有一个物理学位和一个更高的数学学位,因此她是一位大智若愚之人。 Linda has got a degree in physics and a higher degree in mathematics, so she’s not just a pretty face.
琳达有一个物理学位和一个更高的数学学位,因此她是一位大智若愚之人。 Linda has got a degree in physics and a higher degree in mathematics, so she\' s not just a pretty face.
我认为,小李演技是到位的,他把郭靖的大智若愚演得不但神似,而且形似! I think that little Lee’s acting skill arrive, he Guo Jing of the wisest man often seems stupid play not only looking like, and likeness!
的确,“大智若愚”:诚实可靠,也就是信,其实就是人生成功的秘诀和妙法。 Yes, as the saying goes, “great wisdom doesn’t seem clever”: honesty and reliability, that is, trustworthiness or xin, are actually the smart method and the secret, to success in life.
那是否意味着···我们这群狂热粉丝得对大智若愚的时尚杂志助理说永别了? So should fans of the adorably dorky fashion magazine assistant start saying final farewells?
在藏民的眼里,藏獒的特点是大智若愚,大勇若怯,有着令人难以想象的预见性。 In the eyes of the Tibetan people, Tibetan mastiff is characterized by not reveal smart, courageous but not recklessness, is unimaginable predictability.
智慧是不能转嫁的,巴菲特“看不懂科技股”那种大智若愚的境界是难以企及的。 Wisdom is not passed on, Bafeite “fail to understand the technology stocks” is the kind of man the realm be elusive.
然后,男人就会发现,热恋时的自己真是自作聪明,而热恋中的女人才是大智若愚。 Then, man meeting detection, madly in love hour of oneself is really presumptuous, but madly in love medium of the woman be the wisest man often seems stupid.
成功人士明白,仁爱和假仁假义、大智若愚和愚蠢、博学和滥竽充数之间是有区别的。 Winners are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable.
你深信“大智若愚”【或者静水流深】,这也是为什么很多熟悉你的人从来没有真正地了解你。 With you it’s true that “still waters run deep, ” which is why many of your acquaintances never get to know you well.
智慧:女人的智慧是大智若愚,不到关键时刻,就让身边那些自以为比你聪明的男人为你效力吧。 W(Wisdom) intelligence:The chemisette intelligence is the wisest man often seems stupid, don’t arrive a turning point, let nearby those from think ratio you cleverness of man is your effect.
他们知道真心实意和虚情假意的区别,知道愚蠢透顶和大智若愚的区别,知道真材实学和假装博学的区别。 They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable.
莉达:不要单看人的外表,就敬而远之。正所谓大智若愚。经过改造后,他会有百分百的改变,况且他很聪明啊。 Rita: Don’t be put off by appearances, still waters run deep. After a makeover he’d look a hundred percent better and he’s smart.
一个人一旦拥有了一批仰慕者,他就会作出自认为合理其实非常荒唐的事;别人还会以为他的言行都是感情的升华或者是大智若愚。 has once secured a circle of admirers, he may be as ridiculous here as he thinks proper; and it all passes for elevation of sentiment, or learned absence.
如果当是偶像崇拜,马云说什么都不是问题,不管是疯人疯语,还是大智若愚,或是口若悬河,还是微言大义,只要是马云在说就行了。 If it is idolatry, Ma said what the problem is not, whether it’s crazy lunatic language, or Dazhiruoyu, or eloquent, or implication, as long as they are in Ma said that on the line.
词语大全 大智大勇的意思 成语大全
中文发音: dà zhì dà yǒng。
词语大全 大智若愚 [dà zhì ruò yú]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
大智若愚 [dàzhìruòyú][大智若愚]成语解释某些才智出众的人不露锋芒,看来好像愚笨。[大智若愚]成语出处宋·苏轼《贺欧阳修致仕启》:“大勇若怯;大智如愚。”[大智若愚]
大智若愚什么意思 大智若愚 【大智若愚的意思】很有智慧的人表面上好像很愚蠢。 【大智若愚的出处】宋·苏轼《贺欧阳修致仕启》:“大勇若怯;大智如愚。” 【大智若愚的书写】智;不能写作“志”。