词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

Posted 赫斯

篇首语:宁给穷人一斗,不给富人一口。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 大显身手造句_大显身手中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

大显神通  dà xiǎn shén tōng







  • 在工作中,这位工程师大显神通。 This engineer showed his magic power in his work.

  • 哦,让我们看看,塔拉斯今天怎样大显神通啊。 Now do e and look how Taras has surpassed himself to-day.

  • 到了16日晚上,赫斯渥已经巧妙地大显神通。 By the evening of the 16th the subtle hand of Hurstwood had made itself apparent.

  • 虽然我左耳的重听极为严重,但这套软体仍然大显神通。 My hearing is severely reduced in my left ear, but the software worked despite this problem.

  • 没有工具,人是无能为力的;有了工具,人才能大显神通。 Without tools man is nothing, with tools he is all.

  • 翅片管用于制造各种高效率的热交换器,特别在余热利用方面大显神通。 Finned tube is used to product various of efficient heat exchanger devices, especially in the remaining heat using area.

  • 曾经只能在实战模拟中大显神通的各种战备武器,总算可以拂拭一新,派上用场。 Weapons of war, used only in endless training simulations, were dusted down and readied.

  • 之后的120年,推理小说不断推陈出新,各式侦探大显神通,但柯南道尔和他的福尔摩斯头上的光环却从不退色。 120 years later, whodunit kept on changing, all kinds of detectives showed their skills, but Conan Doyle and his Holmes would never fade away.

  • 大显神通造句相关


    词语大全 大显身手造句_大显身手中英文解释和造句

    大显身手  dà xiǎn shēn shǒu







  • 大显身手的时机到啦!Now’s your chance to distinguish yourself.
  • 他虽然很缺乏经验, 但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。Although much less experienced, he gave a good account of him self in the boxing match.
  • 于是,科学小天才布鲁斯大显身手! So, scientific little genius Bruce prowess!

  • 又该轮到观众朋友们来大显身手了。 it’s time again for our audience to show their skills.

  • 师傅在台上大显身手。 The Chef performing great show on stage.

  • 这是我们回答提问的机遇。这是我们大显身手的时刻。 This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment.

  • 新春佳节,祝你虎年大吉大利,大显身手,虎气冲天! Spring Festival, I wish you good luck Tiger, play an active role, tiger gas high into the sky!

  • 这是全球各地的实验室和科研机构可以大显身手的蓝图。 This is a worldwide laboratories and research institutions can flourish and the blueprint.

  • 参加诗社、欣赏画展或是出席舞会都是妳大显身手的好机会。 Attend a poetry slam, visit a photography exhibit or head out to a dance party.

  • 我让那个新来的理发师大显身手,噍她却为我做了这样的发式! I let that new hairdresser loose on my hair and look what she did!

  • 一个女孩被怪兽抓走了。吉德罗·洛哈,你大显身手的时刻到了。 A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has e at last.

  • 然而,在这些技巧中,你肯定至少会找到一条能在你下次演讲中大显身手。 However, among these six techniques, you’re sure to find at least one that will work well for your next speech.

  • 这种计算机配有内置全球定位系统,当你不知身处何地时它就会大显身手。 This puter has a built-in global positioning system. Just the thing when you can’t see where you’re going.

  • 你最兴奋的是可以积极参与任何比赛活动,因为这样你就可以在众人面前大显身手了。 What you like most is to be able to play an active role in events. In doing so, your initiative is highly pronounced.

  • 随着整个剧情临近尾声,大显身手的机会眼看没有了,她积蓄的情感似乎越来越高涨。 She seemed to be gaining feeling, now that the play was drawing to a close and the opportunity for great action was passing .

  • 最后,就是老板娘大显身手–用熟练的刀法,把厚薄适中的面粉块切成均匀的面条! Finally, the boss is showing her great skill of cutting the flour to the moderate thickness and width.

  • 这种检测方法大有用武之地,甚至已经在《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密篇》中大显身手了。 The method is so promising, it’s already been featured on an episode of CSI: Miami.

  • 2月23日,俄罗斯总统普京在俄黑海沿岸著名度假胜地索契的一个滑雪中心大显身手。 Russian President Vladimir Putin skis at a skiing center, outside the Black Sea resort of Sochi on February 23, 2008.

  • 在美国东南部的训练基地,美国最新一批的突击队员正为在21世纪大显身手做着准备。 On the training grounds of the southeastern United States, America’s newest mandos prepare to do battle in the twenty first century.

  • 1月31日,在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯在一场垒球比赛中大显身手。 Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez catches the ball during a soft ball game in Caracas on January 31, 2009.

  • 在21世纪,很多大学极有可能会在(大学提供)服务而不是传统的学术研究方面大显身手。 f. There is high probability that in the 21st century a good number of universities will excel in service rather than conventional academic research.

  • 因此,我反对弃世逃遁,这种想法即使在上帝的荣光召唤我们大显身手时也在内心深处噬咬着我们。 Thus, I oppose the desire for oblivion that gnaws at our roots even as the light is summoning us to bloom.

  • 春节期间是我国手机短信使用率最高阶段之一,制作手机病毒的黑客自然不会放过这一大显身手的机会。 Spring Festival is one of the highest stage of our mobile phone usage correspondent, production mobile phone virus that hackers will not miss the opportunity to display their abilities.

  • 春节期间是我国手机短信使用率最高阶段之一,制作手机病毒的黑客自然不会放过这一大显身手的机会。 Spring Festival is one of the highest stage of our mobile phone usage restored, the production of mobile phone virus hackers will not miss this chance to demonstrate his abilities.

  • 电化铝(又名烫金箔,俗称烫金纸)作为现代烫金装潢最常用的材料之一,在烫金业务及工艺中大显身手。 Anodized (also known as hot gold foil, monly known as gilding on paper) as a modern gilding and upholstery of the most mon one in the gilding on business and technology es in.

  • 这时,让窗帘大显身手的时候就到了,好的窗帘不仅可以在保证光线的同时隔热防晒,更能够让居室四壁生辉。 Then, let curtains to display their abilities on the course, not only in ensuring good curtains while insulating your light, but allow room walls globe as tall.

  • 投石车可向敌军投掷巨石,于罗马时期古典战争中即已大显身手,但中世纪投石车射程远远超过罗马时代的前身。 The original Mangonel was first used in Roman times to fling large rocks at enemies. This Mangonel, though bearing some resemblance to its forebear, is far larger than its Roman counterparts.

  • 反对党的发言人是一位很能说服人的演说家,但我们仅给他5分钟时间发言——那会使他无法大显身手。好评(0。 The opposition spokesman is a very persuasive talker but we’ll only let him speak for five minutes—that should cramp his style.

  • 在社会主义市场经济中,公有制经济和非公有制经济,国有经济和非国有经济,都有自己的用武之地,可以大显身手。 In the socialist market economy, there is ample scope for the abilities of both public and State-owned economies and non-public and non-State-owned economies.

  • 和其他沧龙一样。大洋龙有被称之为翼状牙齿的特别牙齿,当大洋龙的下颚吞食倒霉的猎物时,这种特别的牙齿就能大显身手了。 Like other mosasaurs, Halisaurus has extra teeth called pterygoid teeth, that it uses to hold on to its prey while its jaw moves forward to swallow the hapless victim whole.

  • 大显身手造句相关



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    大显身手  dàxiǎnshēnshǒu大显身手的意思和解释:显:表露,表现;身手:指本领。充分显示出本领和才能。大显身手的出处大显身手的例子爱唱的人,就在舞台上痛痛快快唱吧!爱种

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    变化多端  biànhuàduōduān变化多端的意思和解释:形容变化极多。也指变化很大。变化多端的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·陈从善梅岭失浑家》:“这齐天大圣神通广大,变化多端。”

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