词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

Posted 赫斯

篇首语:鸟往明处飞,人往高处去。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 神通广大造句_神通广大中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大显神通造句_大显神通中英文解释和造句

大显神通  dà xiǎn shén tōng







  • 在工作中,这位工程师大显神通。 This engineer showed his magic power in his work.

  • 哦,让我们看看,塔拉斯今天怎样大显神通啊。 Now do e and look how Taras has surpassed himself to-day.

  • 到了16日晚上,赫斯渥已经巧妙地大显神通。 By the evening of the 16th the subtle hand of Hurstwood had made itself apparent.

  • 虽然我左耳的重听极为严重,但这套软体仍然大显神通。 My hearing is severely reduced in my left ear, but the software worked despite this problem.

  • 没有工具,人是无能为力的;有了工具,人才能大显神通。 Without tools man is nothing, with tools he is all.

  • 翅片管用于制造各种高效率的热交换器,特别在余热利用方面大显神通。 Finned tube is used to product various of efficient heat exchanger devices, especially in the remaining heat using area.

  • 曾经只能在实战模拟中大显神通的各种战备武器,总算可以拂拭一新,派上用场。 Weapons of war, used only in endless training simulations, were dusted down and readied.

  • 之后的120年,推理小说不断推陈出新,各式侦探大显神通,但柯南道尔和他的福尔摩斯头上的光环却从不退色。 120 years later, whodunit kept on changing, all kinds of detectives showed their skills, but Conan Doyle and his Holmes would never fade away.

  • 大显神通造句相关


    词语大全 神通广大造句_神通广大中英文解释和造句

    神通广大  shén tōng guǎng dà








  • 这位先生神通广大, 与军政界关系密切。The gentleman was infinitely resourceful and had close contacts in the army and in political circles.
  • 心雨就是非一般的神通广大! Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!

  • 李四:他神通广大,和好多地区的商界关系密切。 Lisa: Because he is very resourceful and has many close contacts in the business circle.

  • 这位大导演神通广大,他可以左右董事会做出必要的改变。 The auteur has the juice with the board to make the necessary changes.

  • 在科学家看来,成人干细胞没有胚胎干细胞那样神通广大。 Adult stem cells are thought by scientists to be less than their embryonic equivalents.

  • 在科学家看来,成人干细胞没有胚胎干细胞那样神通广大。 Adult stem cells are thought by scientists to be less versatile than their embryonic equivalents.

  • 植物实在是神通广大,植物永不停息地在我们的周围创造奇迹。 Plants are the true fairies that are forever working wonders around us.

  • 因此他在生活的起点便得到了一位神通广大的朋友的帮助和保护。 Thus he got the help protection of a power befriend at the beginning of his life.

  • 因此他在生活的起点便得到了一位神通广大的朋友的帮助和保护。 Thus he got the help and protection of a power befriend at the beginning of his life.

  • 何况,得墨忒尔再神通广大,也没本事把女儿从哈得斯手中硬夺过来。 What’s more, Demeter and then the majority of supernatural powers, nor the ability to put her daughter from Hades from the hands of hard-won.

  • 从圣路易斯那些神通广大、令人敬畏的非凡人物中,派来了一名侦探。 One of those omniscient and awe-inspiring marvels, a detective, came up from St.

  • 通过进入婴儿名字营来秀出你宝宝神通广大的名字,从而完成该测试。 Put your baby name prowess to the test by entering the Baby Name Pool.

  • 这位漂亮的玉女神通广大,能呼风唤雨、移山填海,更能咏诗、跳舞哦。 The beautiful game on the foot of a magical wand that can do anything they want, reclamation and more open auditions, dancing, oh.

  • 佛教徒认为,观音菩萨是一位大慈大悲,救苦救难,法力无边,神通广大的菩萨。 To all Buddhist believers, the Goddess of Mercy is an omniscient and omnipotent god dedicated to the relief of afflicted and suffering humans.

  • 唐僧哪是你们能抓得回来的?他周围的几个徒弟个个神通广大。你们去了只有送死。 How can you get him?His prentices are so powerful that you won’t win .

  • 她这人是全国的人没一个不惧怕的,她早已使人人都相信她是个神通广大的妖妇了。 She was held in awe by the whole realm, for she had made everybody believe she was a great sorceress.

  • 计算机是一种变化多端、神通广大的机器,因为它显示一千种图象,发挥一千种功能。 The puter is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves a thousand functions.

  • 而抉择是那样残酷:要打败牛魔王救紫霞,就必须戴上紧箍咒做回神通广大的孙悟空; The choice is so cruel: to defeat the devil to save cattle Zijin, they must wear a magic spell to do the vast supernatural powers back to the Monkey King;

  • 《星岛日报》的编辑,大概不认识互联网的威力,亦不知民间的监察者神通广大的一面。 Sing Tao’s editor probably does not realize the power of the Internet as well as the omnipresence of the civilian monitors.

  • 回来!唐僧哪是你们能抓得回来的他周围的几个徒弟个个神通广大,你们去了只有送死。 Come back. How can you seize tang monk back His disciple are all extraordinary. It is useless for you to go .

  • 牛魔王和铁扇公主的孩子红孩儿,修炼得道,神通广大,为益寿延年,他一心想各异唐僧肉。 Red Boy, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fans son, had cultivated his physical and mental capacities and possessed magic abilities.

  • 昨晚国务院宣布改善性住房取消二套房贷限制,这对一些神通广大的炒房团算是政策松绑了。 State Department announced last night to improve the housing of the abolition of mortgage sets limits on some of the magical powers of the majority of the real estate group is a relaxed policy.

  • 雅典娜和阿尔忒弥斯是出名的贞洁女神,又都以武艺高强,神通广大,闻名神界天国,还是不惹为好。 Athena and Artemis are well-known goddess of chastity, but also have skills in high-strength, supernatural powers the majority of, well-known munity of God Kingdom of Heaven, or not making as well.

  • 就算这个股评家神通广大,威力无比,那么了救了张三,张三解放了,但李四就会被套住,李四又要受苦了。 If go again Immanuel Li Si, li Si is solved to cover, but Wang Wu is met again bedding bag lives.

  • 通过保留汇源神通广大的且相当有钱的主席朱新礼,可口可乐扩张了它在中国的关系网,这能使它赢得跟多的生意。 By retaining the pany’s powerful — and now extremely rich — chairman, Zhu Xinli, Coca-Cola has increased its own “guanxi” in the country, which could help it secure more deals.

  • 种族不详,是一个神通广大的恶魔崇拜者。他宣称自己是第六家族的后嗣,但是没有任何证据证明他与这个家族的关系。 “Dagoth Thras” was a powerful daedra-worshipper of unknown origin who declared himself the heir of the Sixth House, though there is little evidence he descended from the vanished family.

  • 虽然世界冠军的头衔无疑意味着拥有特权,但要让一个坚决的、神通广大的政府组织一个稳获世界杯的球队,这几乎是不可能的。 Despite the undoubted prestige to be had by being champions of the world, it is extremely hard—if not impossible—for a determined and well-resourced government to create a World Cup-winning team.

  • 郑克群:你跟仲天骏一早就找设计部门开会讨论,我还以为你们有什么神通广大的办法,可以搞定资金的问题,原来还是要回去求威尔森。 Zheng kevin: you and andrew had meeting with design department early this morning. I just think what magic ways to solve the financing problem, but to beg from Wilson again.

  • 举办该论坛的度假胜地是由一名神通广大的私人企业家启动开发的,这名企业家在中国一家国有航运公司的财务支持下,完成了这个项目。 The resort hosting the forum was started by a well-connected private entrepreneur, who turned to a Chinese state shipping pany for financial backing to plete the project.

  • 我们这个时代有快速的旅行,一次性尿片,也有被抛弃的道德,一夜情,超重的身体,各种神通广大的药片,可以让人从欢愉到安静甚至死亡。 These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet, to kill.

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    大显身手  dàxiǎnshēnshǒu大显身手的意思和解释:显:表露,表现;身手:指本领。充分显示出本领和才能。大显身手的出处大显身手的例子爱唱的人,就在舞台上痛痛快快唱吧!爱种

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    词语大全 变化多端造句_变化多端中英文解释和造句

    变化多端  biànhuàduōduān变化多端的意思和解释:形容变化极多。也指变化很大。变化多端的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·陈从善梅岭失浑家》:“这齐天大圣神通广大,变化多端。”

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