词语大全 大材小用造句_大材小用中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大材小用造句_大材小用中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大材小用造句_大材小用中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 匣里龙吟造句_匣里龙吟中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大材小用造句_大材小用中英文解释和造句

大材小用  dà cái xiǎo yòng








  • 那里的很多老师都是大材小用。 Many of the teachers there were overqualified.

  • 永远不要认为自己是大材小用。 Never think yourself above business.

  • 他拒不做那工作,说那是大材小用。 He refused the job, saying it would be (a) prostitution of his talents.

  • 你不认为这份工作对你来说是大材小用吗? Don’t you think you might be overqualified for this job?

  • 数据库系统的很多功能都用不到,大材小用。 it is a waste of database, because many functions of database system do not be needed at all.

  • 本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。 don’t burn down your house to frighten the mouse away.

  • 另外,很多人是临时工,大材小用现象大量存在。 And with so many people doing casual jobs, under-employment is massive too.

  • 能够证明自己大材小用的人,天将降大任于斯人也。 Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.

  • 用银杉来做棺木不仅是大材小用,更是一种违法行为! Silver fir do is not only a waste of talent coffin, is an illegal act!

  • 大材小用。 A big fish in a small pond.

  • 移民很可能穷困而且就业不足;有能力的人都被大材小用。 migrants are likely to be poor and underemployed; able people are kept underemployed.

  • 你待在现在的职位实在太大材小用了,经理让你升职了吗? You are so overqualified for your position here. Has the manager offered you a promotion yet?

  • 为什么他一直都喜欢大材小用呢?他可以有一个更好的职位。 Why does he always enjoy being a big fish in a small pond? He deserves a better position!

  • 为什么他总喜欢把自己大材小用呢?他可以做一个更好的职位。 Why does he always enjoy being a big fish in a small pond? He deserves a better position!

  • 真的很奇怪他们要是用来大材小用的做早餐倒是很容易被批准。 It seems strange that it is ok to make extravagant claims about breakfast cereals.

  • 雇用一个非常有经验的厨师去做三明治,这简直是个大材小用。 Employing an experienced chef to make sandwiches is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

  • 恐怕让一位懂得拉丁文和希腊文的绅士做这种事有点大材小用了。 I’m afraid it’s asking a great deal from a gentleman who knows Latin and Greek.

  • 当局会直接支援,这些小小的虫害对妳们而言,恐怕是大材小用了。 I’m afraid the minor harm caused by these insects will just be a waste of your skills.

  • “牛鼎烹鸡”这则成语得意思是比喻对有才的人使用不当,大材小用。 “Niu Ding Peng Ji”It refers to the inappropriate use of talented persons, like breaking a butterfly on the wheel.

  • 如果你聘雇一位有名的科学家在你的小公司工作,那他就是大材小用了。 If you hire a well-known scientist to work in your small pany, you will have a big fish in a little pond.

  • 不过,联邦的就业不足数字并不包括第二种人,即工作属于大材小用的那些人。 Federal figures on the underemployed, however, don’t count that second group — those who are overqualified for their jobs.

  • 陈认为,他研制的推进系统,仅执行飞往火星的任务简直有点儿“大材小用”。 Chang believes his system will be too good just to reach Mars.

  • 像你这样北京大学毕业的高材生,在这个小公司里当个小秘书,真是大材小用了。 It is totally a waste to have a top graduate from Peking University like you to work as a secretary in such a small pany.

  • 冬天是热水袋显身手的时候,但只用热水袋作为单纯的取暖设备的话,就有点大材小用了。 Winter is the time for hot water bag to show its paces, but if hot water bag is only used for heating, it would be a large material for petty use.

  • 中国人民大学的一位教授将这种现象称为“博士大跃进”,质疑博士的质量和和社会对博士的大材小用。 A professor from Renmin University of China calls this a “great leap forward” in Ph. D training, and challenges the quality of doctors and the society’s misuse of their talent.

  • 虽然所从事的工作对他们的能力而言都是大材小用,他们看重的是给子女更好的生活,而不是个人工作满足。 While the jobs they take are below their intrinsic capabilities, they’re focused on giving their children a better life, not personal job satisfaction.

  • 戴维斯是平常对自己的总冠军很谦虚,但是对于一个两年级的他来说,将他放在这支充满著天赋的球队上来说是大材小用。 Davis is also humble about the title, but says being a sophomore on such a talented team is rough on him.

  • 对于第一种情况,业务人员应与客户加强沟通,了解客户对产品性能等各方面的要求,并让有经验的技术人员把关,避免大材小用。 For the first scenario, better munication with our customers get performance requirements, and have experienced technical staff, to avoid waste of talent.

  • 到时候他们会让技术全面(大材小用的奢侈–)的加索尔回归到原本属于他的四号位,当需要打联防的时候比赛就会转成防守模式。 They will then have the luxury of putting Pau Gasol in his natural position at the four, and matchup to play defensive ball when they need to lock down teams.

  • 最佳适应算法是动态内存分区分配算法的一种。所谓“最佳”是指每次为作业分配内存时,总是把能满足要求、又是最小的空闲分区分配给作业,避免“大材小用”。 The so-called “best” means the operation of each memory allocation, always meet requirements, and also the smallest area allocated to idle operations, to avoid “a waste of talent.

  • 大材小用造句相关


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    词语大全 大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。 (打一字),大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。 (打一字)

      谜面:大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。(打一字)  谜底:秦

    词语大全 大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。 (打一字),大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。 (打一字)

      谜面:大材小用,小材小用,废材不用。(打一字)  谜底:秦