词语大全 大江东去造句_大江东去中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 大江东去造句_大江东去中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 大江南北造句_大江南北中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大江东去造句_大江东去中英文解释和造句

大江东去  dà jiāng dōng qù







  • 大江东去,浪淘尽千古风流人物。 The wonderful river flow to east.

  • 看流水悠悠,看那大江东去不回头。 Look at the long and great water flowing east and never back.

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 East the great river, the wave washes, eternity distinguished persons.

  • 大江东去成天墅,□处青山此鹧鸪。 River three wu yi scenery east to living in all the partridge castle, -“.”

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 east the great river, the wave washes, eternity distinguished persons.

  • 大江东去,(滚滚的长江向,) The Great (Youn-Tze)River eastward flows.

  • 画心,大江东去,心战。 Take me to your heart.

  • 大江东去,日出方。 East great river, East sunrise.

  • 大江东去,有的人奇迹般崛起,又泡沫般消失; East of Changjiang River to the Great, some people miraculously rise, and as the bubble disappear;

  • 回首过,苏轼的“大江东去”这一豪迈的壮举使我感动; In retrospect, Su Shi’s “River of No Return” This heroic feat so moved me;

  • 苏轼的自信,让他在挫折失意中,仍能大唱“大江东去,浪淘尽”; Su Shi’s self-confidence, frustrated in his frustration can still sing the “big jiang dong to wave”;

  • 经过数年打磨的城房地产犹如长江越过三峡一般,终于大江东去。 After several years burnish crossed the Yangtze River Three Gorges General’s Chengdong real estate like finally to the Great East of Changjiang River.

  • 您务必站在桥上眺望四方,大江东去,武汉三镇尽收眼底,大饱眼福。 While walking on the bridge, you can get a view of three parts of Wuhan . It is really a feast for the eyes.

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,多少英雄……那是一个辉煌的年代,充满了光荣与梦想; Great river east go, billow is cleaned out, how many hero… that is a brilliant time, was full of glory and dreamy;

  • 也就是说房价本身不必研究它,因为房地产发展的趋势就好像大江东去,谁都挡不住。 house itself is not to study it, because real estate development trends on the Great East of Changjiang River seems to Everyone can not stop.

  • 大江东去,淘尽了一时豪杰,也淘了我的少年容颜,可却无法淘我心底深处的那一抹带血的思念。 With a hero, a depleted Amoy and my young, but my heart to Amoy cannot erase the blood.

  • 坡披发仰天大呼“大江东去”,他面临的那些烦心琐事顷刻之间沉入滚滚波涛之中,消失得无影无踪。 Su Dongpo Screamed with hair untidy “Eastward the Yangtse River flows”, The upset things he faced fell into waves instantly, disappeared without a trace.

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物早已耳熟能详,而且坎坷的嘈杂更让人触目惊心,赞叹不已,更是自愧不如。 Jiangdong to big wavesalready familiar through the ages, and even more difficult startling noise, amazed, it is not quite.

  • 继续前往班夫国家公园,搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礡的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。还可参观著名景点如当年玛丽莲梦露拍摄名片「大江东去」的弓河瀑布,河水奔腾而下,非常壮观! In the afternoon, we will head toward the world renowned banff National Park, where we will ride the Gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain to Experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountains.

  • 上午游览班夫国家公园,搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礡的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。还可参观著名景点如当年玛丽莲梦露拍摄名片「大江东去」的弓河瀑布,河水奔腾而下,非常壮观! In the morning, we will head toward the world renowned Banff National Park, where we will ride the gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain to experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountains.

  • 大江东去造句相关


    词语大全 大江南北造句_大江南北中英文解释和造句

    大江南北  dà jiāng nán běi







  • 该饮料几乎一夜间红遍大江南北。 The drinks almost overnight Hongbian major north-south.

  • 为治病,任恢忠辗转大江南北多家医院; Mr. Ren Huizhong went to many hospitals across the country to treat his disease.

  • 公司的合作伙伴覆蓋大江南北及世界各地。 The pany partners covering the major north-south and around the world.

  • 纵横交错的高速公路、铁路横跨大江南北; criss-crossing the highway, railway across the river north and south;

  • 在曲阜,你举起的儒家大纛,飘遍大江南北。 In Qufu, you raise the banner of Confucianism, which flutters over south and north of Yangtzi River.

  • 本报讯电视剧《渴望》播出后,火遍了大江南北。 A television series “Desire” after the broadcast, across the Huobian.

  • 我们亦与国内大江南北的客户保持着非常友好的合作关系。 We will also liaise with internal customers across maintained very friendly relations of cooperation.

  • 未来几年,集团还将继续拓展业务范围,足迹遍布大江南北。 During the following years, the Group will continue to develop the operation scope through the whole country from north to east.

  • 他们现在工作在大江南北,却能够在这个网络社区里‘碰面’。 They work now in great river north and south, can be however in this network munity ‘ meet ‘ .

  • 健身房遍布大江南北,健身方式五花八门,你找到适合自己的了吗? So to get some fitness tips, we headed over to David’s gym, The Madison Square Club.

  • 通过几年的努力,公司的业务遍布大江南北,已成为观赏鱼界的优质品牌。 Through several years of efforts, the pany’s business all over the river north and south, has bee the ornamental fish industry quality brand.

  • 一曲《卖花姑娘》也传遍了大江南北,动人心扉的歌声时时回荡在我们耳畔。 And its theme song is also well-known across China. Till now the moving song is still resounding as if it were always being sung near us .

  • 当今重庆火锅遍布长城内外,大江南北、四海之内均可同享重庆火锅之口福。 Chongqing hot pot all over the Great Wall today, both inside and outside, across and within the four seas can share the tasting of Chongqing hot pot.

  • 主要经营红瓜子、玉米、葵花子、土豆、辣椒等农副产品,客户遍及大江南北。 Red melon seeds main business, maize, sunflower, potatoes, peppers and other agricultural and sideline products, customers in the major north-south.

  • 清水祖师原只是泉州的乡土神,到了台湾,庇祐的对象可遍及大江南北人士了。 Originally just a local deity of the Chuan-chow region, since his cult spread to Taiwan the Pure Water Patriarch has taken people from north and south of the Yangtze under his wing.

  • 赵薇从草根蹦出来,忽闪著大眼睛,疯疯癫癫成为火遍大江南北的“小燕子”。 Zhao Wei jumped from the grass-roots, Hu Shan with big eyes, to bee crazy Huobian across the “Flying Swallow.”

  • 一曲《思念》似一只轻柔的蝴蝶仙子,飞越大江南北,向人们捎去温馨的节日问候。 A “missing” like a gentle butterfly fairies, flying over the north-south river, to the people Shaoqu warm holiday greetings.

  • 公司位于京沪高速无锡至江阴段道口处,长江公路大桥贯通大江南北,交通非常便利。 Company is located in the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed Wuxi to Jiangyin crossing paragraph, the Yangtze River Highway Bridge across through the traffic is very convenient.

  • 为了不让卷轴落入奸恶之徒的手里,为祸人间,无名武僧避而出走,足迹遍及大江南北。 In order to prevent reel from falling into the hands of followers of奸恶, havoc on people, anonymous monks and lay-away, across Tully.

  • 剪纸艺术最早可追溯到南北时期,与中国的造纸术同时出现,至今仍兴盛于中国大江南北。 The art of paper-cut may be traced back to a period as early as the tine of discovery of Chinese paper making and is still prosperous across across China.

  • 伴随着选秀节目《超级女声》红遍大江南北,金山网游联手天娱公司的炒作也到达一个高峰。 Acpanied by a draft programme “Super Girl” Hongbian major north-south, Jinshan online games entertainment pany jointly days of speculation has reached a peak.

  • 产品一上市,就得到大家的认可,分靡大江南北,同时,也打破了冬天热饮品种偏少的局面。 A product listed on the recognition by all, the name of major north-south, while also breaking the winter drinks less variety of situations.

  • 但是,正当这股商业地产热浪席卷大江南北之时,各种各样对商业地产的观点更是层出不穷。 But, when just when this merce is landed, heat wave sweeps across great river north and south, various landed to merce viewpoint is to emerge in endlessly more.

  • 房模这个词就像“非典”一样,短短几个月的时间传遍了大江南北,同时也引发了许多的争议。 Housing modules like the term “SARS”, a few months time avoid retaliation from, but also triggered many controversies.

  • 并以一日千里的速度向大江南北、长城内外迅速扩张,做凉皮生意,虽然不能使人一夜暴富,但能人人月赚几千元。 If you are low on mana or your absorbtion buffs are out you can use the Teleport spell to buy you some time for a recast of them.

  • 在让铜梁龙灯闪耀出中华民族夺目的理性之光的同时,不断地把巨大的欢乐和满天的吉祥,送到大江南北和五湖四海。 While let Tongliang Dragon Lantern shining with the eye-catching rational light of the Chinese Nation, we will never cease to bring tremendous joy and in numerous luck to all corners of the land.

  • 良晨坚持“老老实实做长线,实事求是干实事”的经营理念,以自身独特的营销模式,将良晨这个品牌叫响大江南北。 Good morning adhere to the “honest to do long-term, seek truth from facts stem practical” business philosophy to their own unique marketing model, will be good morning across the brand slogan.

  • 需外的沙家浜风景区,更是因为一典京剧《沙家浜》而名震大江南北,成为了常熟的旅游必不可少的一处红色旅游项目。 The Shajiabang scenic area outside the city was so famous because of , a Beijing Opera and has bee a must for a vocation in Changshu.

  • “七月流火”,热遍大江南北。当骄阳、酷暑、热浪笼罩神州大地的时候,祖国大陆各地港口呈现一片“高温”加“高产”的繁忙局面。 When scorching sun, intense heat of summer, heat wave envelops China earth, haven of motherland mainland each district presents ” high temperature ” add ” high yield ” busy situation.

  • 京剧本来是一种地方性的戏剧表演形式,由于它传遍中国大江南北,深受群众欢迎与喜爱,所以就慢慢演变成了代表中国艺术特色的全国性戏剧。 Originally a form of local theatrical plays, Peking Opera has developed and gradually spread nationwide, and then is considered the national opera due to its popularity across the country.

  • 大江南北造句相关



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    词语大全 蔚为壮观造句

    蔚为壮观造句  一:这天老师教了咱们一个成语叫做蔚为壮观。  二:谁曾忆料事如神,于大江东岸,火烧赤壁,蔚为壮观;只记得独木难支,既生瑜又复生亮,英雄无奈。  三:每到巨浪拍岸的日子,许多烟台人和外地