词语大全 大气磅礴造句_大气磅礴中英文解释和造句

Posted 气势

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1、词语大全 大气磅礴造句_大气磅礴中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 气势磅礴造句_气势磅礴中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大气磅礴造句_大气磅礴中英文解释和造句

大气磅礴  dà qì páng bó






  • 虽一小件,能感到大气磅礴! Though it’s small, I can feel its vigour!

  • 本届春晚将营造大气磅礴的温暖氛围。 Spring Festival Evening Show will create the atmosphere of this majestic atmosphere of warmth.

  • 中国镖局大气磅礴、吞波涌浪的历史壮景。 Majestic Chinesebiaoju , swallowing the history of strong wave surge King.

  • 虽然诗句朴素、婉约,但却令人感到大气磅礴。 Although simple poem, Subtle, but the atmosphere is majestic.

  • 整部电视剧一气呵成,属大气磅礴的经典剧作。 The whole drama at one go, the Majestic is a classic play.

  • 她少有江南的小窗碧玉,却张扬出太行的大气磅礴。 the small window of her little Jiangnan jasper, but the publicity Taihang majestic atmosphere.

  • 2008年厦门卫视主题曲,大气磅礴,励志动听。 The theme song of Xiamen TV , 2008. It’s very magnificent and heart-stirring.

  • 她的风格多样,深沉雄浑,大气磅礴,颇多豪迈气象。 Her diverse style, deep forceful, Majestic, a lot of heroic weather.

  • 伟大的一生,像黄山一样奇峰迭起,像泰山一样大气磅礴。 A great life, such as Huangshan after another, like Qi, such as atmospheric as majestic Mount Tai.

  • 孟庆功同志的书法,运笔圆润流畅、浑厚蕴藉、大气磅礴。 Comrade the Meng Qinggong calligraphy, wields the pen clearly smooth, vigorous reserved and refined, the atmosphere boundless.

  • 大气磅礴的陈毅、邓小平也使人们认为四川并不是南方人的小家子气。 Majestic’s Chen Yi, Deng Xiaoping has led people to believe that Sichuan is not the southerners Xiaojiaziqi.

  • 这首诗具有雄浑的磅礴大气,诗人还竭力追求艺术形式的尽可能完美。 This poem is majestic and forceful, the poet tries his best to pursue the perfect of art.

  • 设计师将宫殿建筑式样的尖拱门引入家具制作中,彰显出大气磅礴的气势。 Stylist introduces the pointed arch of palace structure style furniture to make in, reveal the imposing manner with a boundless air.

  • 作品用裘皮、用土地的颜色来诠释传统,以及对这片时尚热土的大气磅礴的爱。 The series of fur garment with the earth color express its understanding for tradition , fashion, and spacious love .

  • 北京奥林匹克运动会的室外田径项目将会在大气磅礴的国家体育场“鸟巢”中举行。 Outdoor track and field events at the Beijing Olympics will take place at the gigantic National Stadium aka the Bird’s Nest.

  • 在大学里,我想它应该是一个兼容并包、海纳百川的地方,它不择细流、磅礴大气; In the university, I think it should be an inclusive, where the sea takes in hundreds of rivers, it is not the small streams, majestic atmosphere;

  • 大气磅礴的建设控股集团继龙联宝珠二大园林精品社区之后又推出橙黄时代的新新家园; Atmospheric shot of the Long-holding groups in the munity Baozhu two big garden products after the introduction of the new era of orange yellow home;

  • 使得人类回溯遥远的远古时代,于原始中体会野性的激情澎湃,于搏击中体会人类的大气磅礴! Enabled the humanity to recall the remote ancient times time, in primitive realized the fond of the countryside fervor rushed, in assaulted realizes humanity’s atmosphere boundless!

  • 而傅山的书法则磅礴大气,雄肆酣畅,线条上厚重有力,结构上多盘曲环绕,走的是以势取胜的路子。 and Fu Shan’s calligraphy is majestic atmosphere, hung earned the meantime, the thick lines on a strong structure on many twisting around, go on the road to potential success.

  • 从“风景”往南两公里,就是长安街,“十里长安”阅尽多少人间事,砺炼的那份胸怀何等磅礴大气; ” From the “scenic” two kilometres south, is Chang’an Street, “enter Changan” read to the number of human things, the report says chain mind how majestic atmosphere;

  • 这宝石嵌的很有点炫耀的意思,说白了就是“鲍鱼刷牙,鱼翅漱口”,关键是龙纹好,大气磅礴撑得住。 This bijou was a little florid, the main point is dragon veins are good, it could maintain boundless atmosphere.

  • 意鸣系列扑面而来的贵族气质和高雅品位,映衬著您的成功心境和超凡气度,让您倍感舒适惬意,大气磅礴。 The noble style and elegant taste of Yiming series show your successful heart and superior tolerance , and provide the feeling of fortable , satisfied and grand.

  • 5000平米宽敞的入口广场,一展园区的大气磅礴,30米宽的宏伟大门,恢宏壮丽,展现园区的企业尊贵形象。 The entrance square boasts land area of 5, 000 m2. The gate extends 30 meter’s wide. The grandeur layout conveys prestigious identity for the enterprises in the park.

  • 对储诗写景艺术,本文从构图中光影原理的运用,以声写景的感官互动,大气磅礴与细腻入微的交融三方面进行阐述。 His describing scenery art is illustrated from the picture of the jogging light and shadow, describing scenery with sound, and the fusion of majesty and exquisiteness.

  • 他的报告文学具有登高瞵远的格局和壮丽俊逸的笔调,大气磅礴,激情昂扬,具有鲜明的政论色彩,是一位有独特风格的报告文学家。 With features of far-reaching pattern, majestic tone and distinctive political characteristics, HUANG Gang became the excellent reportage writer with a unique style.

  • 埃斯库罗斯因其鲜货的人物描写和大气磅礴的戏剧诗而闻名遐迩,他的代表作品有《被缚的普罗米修斯》、《波斯人》和《阿迦门侬》。 Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon. Aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry.

  • 拥有10M、3M摇臂,软轨道、硬轨道,武汉中视文化公司的这些辅助设备,使拍摄出的画面动感十足、大气磅礴,是大型企业形象片的最爱。 Has a 10M, 3M rocker, soft track, hard track, Wuhan panies such as culture, auxiliary equipment, so that capture dynamic images, Majestic, is a large corporate image film favorite.

  • 张春梅的作品造型独特,粗犷质朴,气势流动,大气磅礴,具有强烈的生命活力,剪出了吉福祥和的五彩生活,剪出了民族的自豪和陜北人的风骨。 ZhangChunMei works distinctive modelling, straightforward and simple, spacious, and has strong vitality, cut out the colorful life JiFu peaceful, cut out the national pride and north of character.

  • 从正面看,湖湘文化中富于求新求变的变革精神、海纳百川的会通精神和磅礴大气是企业家所必需的创新意识、开放意识与战略眼光的深层文化基础。 On the one hand, the spirit of change, digest and great momentum in HuXiang culture are the cultural foundation of innovation, opening and strategic foresight.

  • 走过漫长人生旅途的人才能真切感悟到并且将它诠释出来,所以陈凯歌到了知天命之年,具备了深沉大气的心灵境界,才得以成全了这部大气磅礴的《梅兰芳》。 Come a long life of the people can reallyGanwu Dao and its interpretation, so Chen’s fate to know, has the atmosphere of deep spiritual realm, only to the benefit ofthe Majestic this “Mei Lan-fang.”

  • 大气磅礴造句相关


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    词语大全 滔滔不绝造句

    滔滔不绝造句  一:黄河水滔滔不绝地流了下来。气势雄伟,大气磅礴!  二:今年的"十一"长假期间,广州野生动物园等风景区的游客滔滔不绝热闹非凡。(劳淑盈)  三:辩论赛上他滔滔不绝的陈述著自我的观点。

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