词语大全 大而化之造句_大而化之中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 大而化之造句_大而化之中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 春风化雨造句_春风化雨中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大而化之造句_大而化之中英文解释和造句

大而化之  dà ér huà zhī







  • 适任不二论学派则强调现象乃是梵之一种「大而化之」的显现。 The Visistadvaita school holds that phenomenality is a glorious manifestation of Brahman.

  • 在中国文化的传统中,对文本是大而化之的,更注重的是信誉。 In traditional Chinese culture, we prefer to pay more attention to the credibility than to the texts.

  • 我为人粗疏,大而化之,天下之人无一不是兄弟姐妹,遇事便选择退让逃避。 I am careless , carelessly, it is not the siblings that the people all over the world do not have one, anything crops up chooses to make a concession and escapes .

  • 这些公司的管理常常粗而不精,只是按照一些基本的规章制度大而化之地进行。 The management of these panies usually thick but not thin just turn according to some basic regulation systems of the ground carry on.

  • 在买方市场情况下,盲目地大而化之地发展某业,有违初衷,将受到市场惩罚。 Below buyer’s market circumstance, blindly big and the land that turn expands some line of business, have violate original intention, will be punished by the market.

  • 两种德行的意义与价值十分不同,任何大而化之的混淆都会带来严重的道德后果。 The significance and values of both virtues are different and any confusion of them will bring virtuous consequences.

  • 文化从来都不是一个大而化之的单一概念,它永远只是一个后缀,比如商业文化。 Cultural never offer a single concept, it always is a suffix, such as business culture.

  • 在软暴利已经结束的时代,还搞大而化之的营销概念,消费者早就出现审美疲劳了! Soft profits in an era has ended, Daerhuazhi engage in the marketing concept, consumers appear Shenmeipilao long ago!

  • 总体看来,此间的整个艺术学研究不够精细和深入,大而化之的言说方式是它的通病。 Generally speaking, studies in the field of art science needs to be deepened and elaborated in order to overe its over-generalization.

  • 面对不同的消费群体、不同城市的房地产市场,宏观调控都应大而化之,不分三六九等。 Face the estate market of different consumptive group, different city, macroscopical adjusting control answer big and change, do not divide etc.

  • 大衍之数既体现了中国古人对数的认识和崇拜,又蕴涵着其对数的审美和大而化之的审美态度; “Dayan” numbers reflect the Chinese ancients’ cognition and adoration of numbers as well as their tasting of numbers and great-change aesthetics attitude.

  • 大气要适度掌握,太大易流俗于妄自尊大,大而化之。太小易导致爱与人争风计较,不愿融通。 The atmosphere to moderate the hands of the arrogant too easy, Too easily lead to love and care about people, not finance.

  • 子路原本是个大而化之、好勇尚义的大老粗,他非常看不起读书人,总觉得这些人是不事生产,欺世盗名之辈。 Zilu was a tough, brash fellow with a sense of justice. He looked down upon scholars because he thought they were unproductive bums who cheated the society for fame.

  • 同样,一个材料很精细很柔软的物件,却采用“大而化之”的手法制作,也不一定就是女性意味浓重的家居用品。 Similarly, a material very sophisticated very soft target, but use “extensive” approach produced does not necessarily mean that Bush is female household supplies.

  • 书中涉及的各个主题,并不像通常的说教把理性思维的各种特征简单照搬,罗列成各种技能的表格,这样显得太大而化之了。 The principles covered do not map especially well onto the list of skills generally promulgated as characterizing critical thinking, which tends to be less domain specific.

  • 作为媒体而言,一个看点完了,也许就大而化之地过去了,但作为这个社会的一份子,我们任何人都无法停止对这些豪华别墅的继续追问。 As the media, an end point, perhaps Taierhuazhi to have passed on, but as a member of this society, we have no one can stop these luxury villas to continue the questioning.

  • 即使是巴拉克(EhudBarak)和沙龙(ArielSharon)-这两位强硬的以色列总理,曾经的战争英雄-在任期间,以色列对这些袭击也都大而化之了。 It got away with them, even when Israel was led by Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon, tough prime ministers who had been war heroes too.

  • 你的思考颇积极、正面,个性也较大而化之,所以就算是生气也会马上就反映、发泄,不会在心底放太久,所以相形之下,你的压力排解管道顺畅,也较不容易累积负面的情绪。 your way of thinking are mostly positive, so even you are mad, you don’t hide it inside, you let it out by some positive ways. That way, your pressure aren’t big.

  • 大而化之造句相关


    词语大全 春风化雨造句_春风化雨中英文解释和造句

    春风化雨  chūn fēng huà yǔ








  • 春风化雨润桃李,换来满园硕果香。 Run-giving spring breeze and peach, fruit garden in exchange for Shannon.

  • 蓝色海岸,泪水的咸,春风化雨地中海。 Between the salt water and the sea strand.

  • 读书是春风化雨,修得一身气质。终身受用; Learning is the spring breeze, cultivates one’s temperament for life;

  • 春风化雨、润物无声”-这是爱的最高境界。 The highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain -the serve without saying.

  • 春风化雨、润物无声」—这是爱的最高境界。 The highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain -the serve without saying.

  • 春风化雨、润物无声』—这是爱的最高境界。 The highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain -the serve without saying.

  • 春风化雨,润物无声”——这是爱的最高境界。 The highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain –they serve without saying.

  • 忘不了春风化雨的笑容,荡涤了我们心灵上的尘泥; Life-giving spring breeze can not forget the smile, and cleaned up our minds on the dust;

  • 导演史蒂芬哈瑞克另有「春风化雨1996」等作品。 Director Stephen Zerk has “the good influence of education in addition 1996” and so on works.

  • 我演讲的题目是:春风化雨沐华夏,改革开放乘东风! I have a speech entitled: Chinese Mu life-giving spring breeze of reform and opening up by Dongfeng!

  • 老师对我们的关怀,就像春风化雨一样,滋润着我们幼小的心灵! Teacher to our concern, be like kindly influence of teacher and similar, moisten our young and small mind!

  • 你太天真了吧?我们是人!我又不是蔡元培,我也不会春风化雨。 How innocent you are? We are human! I am not Cai Yuanpei, who can make the salutary influence.

  • 惠特曼有一首名诗叫做「噢!船长,我的船长(中译:春风化雨。)」 A famous poem of Walt Whitman was “O Captain, My Captain.”

  • 选择了教育事业,选择了XX大学,春风化雨育桃李的信念便铭刻于心。 Select the education, choice of the XX University, Yu Tao Li’s life-giving spring breeze and faith will be engraved in mind.

  • 根据学科特点,在教学过程中有意识渗透节能减排教育,让春风化雨润物无声。 Based on subject characteristics, be intentional to put the idea of energy-saving and emission-reducing in teaching.

  • 春风化雨,硕果枝头,2000年建校,当年全国“希望杯”数学邀请赛,宋赞梅同学高中榜首。 Life-giving spring breeze, the fruit branches, the school in 2000, when the country “hopes Cup” mathematics, Song Mei Chan top high school students.

  • 中学的时候,我有一位陈老师,他介绍著名的电影——《春风化雨》给我,令我留下了深刻的印象。 In high school I had a teacher named Mr. Chen, who introduced me to a famous movie, “Dead Poet Society, ” Which has given me a deep impression.

  • 深藏的智慧终究是汉、隋、唐、宋的履印,春风化雨,在一只牛拖着一辆车进入函谷关很久以后到来。 The deep hidden wisdom was eventually the marks of Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Genuine teachings, arrived long after a cow pulled a cart and went into Han Gu Guan.

  • 春风化雨催千树,玉露滋花满万园。二十年的成就,渗透著各级领导的亲切关怀和社会各界的鼎力支持; The achievement of the past 20 years is inseparable from the leadership at different levels and the support of all circles.

  • 生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师,它常常春风化雨,润物无声地为我们指点迷津,给我们人生的启迪。 life of the elderly is a wise, life is a learned and knowledgeable teacher, it is often life-giving spring breeze, a silent lubricant us and give us inspiration in life.

  • 教师的关爱就是这样无所不包的博大与精深,春风化雨的深刻而从容,脱离世俗的平等和宽厚,毫无功利的清纯与洁净。 Caring teachers is so broad and deep all-enpassing, life-giving spring breeze and the calm of the deep, from the secular equality and generous, there is no pure and clean utilitarian.

  • ④生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师,它常常春风化雨,润物无声地为我们指点迷津,给我们人生的启迪。 life of the elderly is a wise, life is a learned and knowledgeable teacher, it is often life-giving spring breeze, a silent lubricant us and give us inspiration in life.

  • 丰富校园文活动,把思想政治教育的内容潜移默地渗透到学生的思想中去,从而收到“春风化雨,润物无声”的效果。 When the content of the ideological and political education is infiltrated into the students’ minds, better results can be achieved.

  • 本校为香港道教联合会于一九六九年创办的第一所津贴小学,向来秉承道教育的宗旨,春风化雨、作育菁莪迄今已有四十年。 Our school, founded in 1969, was firstly set up by the Hong Kong Taoist Association. Our school has educated our students under the Taoist education vision and mission for 40 years already.

  • 说的风花雪月的事情吧巴克莱《人类知识原理》“献词”:但是如果爵爷不是那样光风霁月,春风化雨,光明磊落,使人顽廉懦立,我仍不会把我这个可怜的成绩献给爵爷。 Yet, nothing could have induced me to make you this present of my poor endeavours, were I not encouraged by that candour and native goodness which is so bright a part in your lordship’s character.

  • 绿色校园在大学生的成长过程中具有巨大的隐性育人功能,其育人作用是课堂教学所替代不了的,它对大学生的熏陶、教育会在不知不觉中起到“春风化雨,润物无声”的作用,使大学生终身受益。 The beautiful campus environment has an important function in the process of students’ growth beyond the classroom. It influences the students step by step, which is beneficial to them the whole life.

  • 本研究以高雄县「春风」乡「化雨」国小三年级「百合」班(名)四位孩子–小敏、小山、小娟与小龙(皆为名)–为研究对象,进行近三年(八十九年二月到九十二年一月)的个案研究。 The research was done in class lily, a third-grade class of Hua-iu Primary School in Chuen-feng Village, Kaohsiung. Meanwhile, this case study proceeded from Feb. , 2000 trojan.

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    词语大全 胆大心小造句_胆大心小中英文解释和造句

    胆大心小  dǎndàxīnxiǎo胆大心小的意思和解释:形容办事果断,考虑周密。胆大心小的出处《旧唐书·孙思邈传》:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。”胆大心小的例子胆大心小造句