词语大全 大言不惭造句_大言不惭中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大言不惭造句_大言不惭中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 大言不惭造句_大言不惭中英文解释和造句
大言不惭 dà yán bù cán
大言不惭的人总是做的最少的人。 The greatest talkers are always the least doers.
酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。 Liquor talks mighty loud when it get loose from the jug.
酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。 Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug.
大言不惭地挖苦攻击网友,又想指责斑竹。 He attacked net friends and administrators, unblushing.
他们曾大言不惭地要领导五十个国家前进。 They had led fifty nations forward with much brave language.
他马上大言不惭地回答说,“第一盘,他没有输; He immediately answered with no blush, “In the first game he didn’t lose;”
他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。 His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment.
荷兰人总爱大言不惭地说他是从来没有见过的最勇敢的人! Hans was too obviously flattering by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen.
人们常常发现一位离了职的首相当年只不过是个大言不惭的演说家。 The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician.
意为“吹牛的人,大言不惭的人”,这种人往往喜欢吹嘘自己的地位。 A braggart who boasts about his or her status, usually exaggerating it. Tobig-note means to boast.
然而又大言不惭地承认几乎在生命中的每一个方面我们都存在共性呢? and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of our lives?
尽管他大言不惭,自吹自擂,事实恰好相反,他还太年轻,得不到女人的欢心。 In spite of his brag and boast to the contrary , he was too young as yet for women’s society.
刚收到成果没几天,祁老师让我帮忙写点经验,我也就大言不惭地答应下来了… Just received achievement several days, Mr. /Mrs. Qi has not let me help to write an experience, I also rodomontade plied down…
狂热的人们和大言不惭的人们从教堂讲坛上发出的各种谵语就不值得去理会了; The ravings of fanatics or charlatans from the pulpit may be unworthy of notice;
然而大言不惭的背后他正在推行供应经济改革,包括对动荡的劳动市场放宽政策。 Behind his bluster at the ECB he is pushing supply-side reforms, including a loosening of the gummed-up French labour market.
上个世纪的五十多年前,他早就以自身的矛盾折射出西方世界大言不惭的自圆其说; Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist, psychologist, and an actor who disguised promise and dastardliness, had argued the opinions of western world by reflecting his self-contradiction.
该冒充内行时便大言不惭,先给对方来个下马威,也许他心一虚,宰人的刀会手下留情。 Posing as the expert when it bragged, to give each other a Xiama Wei, his heart may be a true, human slaughter knife will be lenient.
我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。 I hate Diderot, he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire.
我可以再次变成那个曾经傍晚穿着我最体面的衣服穿过萨里公园大言不惭地对你许下承诺的人。 I can bee again the man who once crossed the Surrey Park at dusk in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life.
船长一见黑金刚的神色,再看看那几个方才还趾高气扬、大言不惭的小组成员,个个面有惧色。 The Captain saw the expression on Black King Kong’s face and then looked at the other Force members, just a moment ago so full of themselves and boasting.
“他胆敢-他胆敢–”贝拉楚克斯·雷斯坚语无伦次地说,“他居然敢大言不惭–下流的混血种–” He dared ‐ he dares ‐. shrieked Bellatrix incoherently, . he stands there ‐ filthy half‐ lood ‐.
安格斯先生大言不惭地说他要使另一家公司歇业,但他不得不收回他自己的话,因为这家公司比他的公司更新隆。 After all his boasting that he would drive the other pany out of business, Mr Angus had to eat his words for the other pany flourished more than his did.
卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。既非道德楷模,也不顾他人感受。 anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity.
我们为什么一味追求个性,认为这是生命的本质,继而又大言不惭地承认,几乎在生命的每一个方面,我们都存在共性呢? Why do we go on and on about individuality being the very essence of who we are and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of our lives?
他们还有很多东西需要向既有的太空技术大国学习,而且他们不想过分暴露自己的雄心,免得万一无法实现计划显得大言不惭。 They still have much to learn from the existing space munity and don’t want to be too overt about their ambitions at risk of looking like they’ve over-promised.
毕竟,我,劳伦斯。拉里。埃里森,一个退学生,怎么有脸敢面对国内最负盛名的学府的毕业生们如此大言不惭地大放厥词呢? After all, how can I, Lawrence Larry Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nations most prestigious institutions?
这实在是太令人惊骇了,我气的直发抖,简直不敢相信,在这么长的时间和这么多的证据面前,他们居然能大言不惭的说出这种话! I just can’t believe it, I am so angry that after all these years and so much proof they could do that.
这种曾经郑重其事地看待自己那一套拙劣的小学生作业并且大言不惭地加以吹嘘的德国社会主义,现在渐渐失去了它的自炫博学的天真。 This German Socialism, which took its schoolboy task so seriously and solemnly, and extolled its poor stock-in-trade in such mountebank fashion, meanwhile gradually lost its pedantic innocence.
无数的问题出现在我的面前,某些的自敖,狂羁,大言不惭,真的很让人伤心难过,毕竟,他们是我最亲近的朋友,为什么我就受不了他们这种气呢? Numerous problems I had before, some of the AO, mad Ji, Taiyanbucan, really very sad people sad, after all, they are my closest friends, why I could not take them this gas?
在这些小玩意当中,有我和初三的女伴们互传的小纸片,还有我的第一任男朋友的蹩脚情诗–还不是他自己写的,是他掏腰包请他的朋友代写的,然后大言不惭地跟我说是他自己写的。 There were all the notes my girlfriends and I passed throughout junior high, along with all the goofy poems my first boyfriend paid his friends to write and passed along to me as his originals.
词语大全 口出大言造句_口出大言中英文解释和造句
口出大言 kǒu chū dā yán
几杯酒下肚,他总要口出大言,吹嘘自己的经历。 After a few drinks, he always bees boastful about his experience.
口出大言 kǒuchūdāyán口出大言的意思和解释:说大话。形容说话狂妄。口出大言的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七回:“御者见考叔口出大言,更不敢上前,且立住脚观看。”口出大
口出大言 kǒuchūdāyán口出大言的意思和解释:说大话。形容说话狂妄。口出大言的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七回:“御者见考叔口出大言,更不敢上前,且立住脚观看。”口出大
要言不烦造句 1、讲电话时请要言不烦,节省通话时刻。 2、该书资料翔实,脉络清晰,评点文字也要言不烦。 3、这些即兴评价,要言不烦,准确恰当,既条分缕析,又溢满赞美之情,调动了学生情绪,调节了课