词语大全 大街小巷造句_大街小巷中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:人凭志气,虎凭威势。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大街小巷造句_大街小巷中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 大街小巷造句_大街小巷中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 街头巷尾造句_街头巷尾中英文解释和造句

词语大全 大街小巷造句_大街小巷中英文解释和造句

大街小巷  dà jiē xiǎo xiàng









词语大全 街头巷尾造句_街头巷尾中英文解释和造句

街头巷尾  jiē tóu xiàng wěi








  • 眼下家家户户,街头巷尾, 人们都在谈论著改革运动。At the moment in every household, road and lane, people are discussing the reformation.
  • 这不是秘密,街头巷尾早已知道了。 It’s no secret. The whole world know it .

  • 这已是街头巷尾谈论的事了。 It is the talk of the town.

  • 街头巷尾安装摄录机会让我觉得更安全。 I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.

  • 他正处于将成年未成年的时期,老是在街头巷尾闲荡。 He’s at that awkward age always hanging around on street corners.

  • 街头巷尾,“小阿飞”们走私进来的墨镜上,贴著洋文商标。 the street, “hooligan” had smuggled in the dark glasses, close to the Yang-wen trademark.

  • 街头巷尾的普通人——听着真傲慢,那些不普通的人都是谁呢? The “ordinary man in the street” or “ordinary men and women” – very patronising. Who are the people who are so different and not ordinary?

  • 桂林人长期以来都当做早点来吃,街头巷尾,到处都有米粉店。 The laurel Lin’s person all considers as to e early to eat for long time, in the streets, all have a rice flour store everywhere.

  • 眼下家家户户,街头巷尾, 人们都在谈论著 改革运动 。 At the moment in every household, road and lane, people are discussing the reformation.

  • 龙舟舞,是在每年农历正月十五左右出现并在街头巷尾进行表演。 Dragon Dance is the first lunar month each year there and about 15 performances in the street.

  • 通过遍布街头巷尾的点卡销售点,将极大地推进瑞星杀毒软件的销售。 Dianka around the streets and lanes through the point of sale, will greatly promote the rising sales of antivirus software.

  • 每逢秋冬,遍布街头巷尾的大小羊肉店(馆)羊肉飘香,食客络绎不绝。 Every autumn and winter, the size of the lamb all over the streets and lanes Store (Museum) fragrance lamb, hanger-on stream.

  • 今天,在北京、上海的街头巷尾,到处都可以见到各种规模的图文快印店。 Today, in Beijing, Shanghai alleys, everywhere you can see the all sizes quick print shop.

  • 跑竹马,一般在农历正月十五元宵节闹“红火”时活动于广场或街头巷尾。 zhu ma run, the first lunar month, generally at 15 Festival downtown “fire” when the activities in the Plaza or the street.

  • 浪荡街头巷尾,一脚踩到刚刚凋落秋的叶子,赶着灯光,期盼著若缘的相遇; hang around the streets, just step on one foot autumn leaves litter in order to catch the light, and look forward to if the margin of the meeting;

  • 阿美族孩童长而翘的睫毛、慧黠的双眸与纯挚的笑声,荡漾在静寂的街头巷尾。 The Ami children with their long, curling eyelashes, their intelligent, artful eyes and their pure, sincere laughter, run about the quiet streets and alleys.

  • 发生于街头巷尾的是为活动,毫无疑问,胜利将会属于内贾德及其背后的政教统治。 So the battle for the streets may inevitably be heading for victory for Mr Ahmadinejad and the ruling clerical establishment behind him.

  • 很难做到100%覆蓋,比如那些街头巷尾只有两三个人的小休闲店等,难以监管。 Difficult to achieve 100% coverage, for example, only two or three individuals who the man in the street of small shops, such as leisure, it is difficult to regulatory .

  • 记者来到了拆迁所在地的居民当中,看到居民们正在街头巷尾谈论著拆迁后的去向问题。 reporters came to the removal of the residents of the location, see the residents are talking about the removal of the street whereabouts.

  • 曾有朋友说,若走在香港街头,就好像置身布景之中,街头巷尾都有电影电视似曾相识的场景。 Once some friends said that if walks in Hong Kong street corner, probably places oneself in the background, the streets and lanes have the scene which the movie television seems to have met before.

  • 字,几乎每天都挂在我们的嘴边。在学校里,在家里,以及在街头巷尾,甚至于在政府部门。现在,希。 was always on our lips. In school , at home, and on the street, and Government departments.

  • 由于这些原因,这部电视剧在石家庄备受关注,电视剧情和张宝林案一度成为石家庄街头巷尾的热门话题… For these reasons, this drama closely watched in Shijiazhuang, TV plots, and Zhang Baolin case became a hot topic in the streets of Shijiazhuang.

  • 《诗经》中的“国风”部分来自民间街头巷尾的谈说,讲述的很多都是普通人的日常生活,某些篇章不可避免地带有淫秽色彩。 The Folk Song (The Guofeng) of The Book of Songs (B. C 206~220 AD) is very popular folk, which narrates the mon people’s daily life. So some poems are a little porny trend.

  • 不知什么时候起,香薰成了街头时尚女子们口中的流行语,街头巷尾也悄悄地开起了许多香氛小店,就连电影的主题也都以香薰命名。 I wonder what time, selling has bee fashionable woman who mouth the word street, the street has quietly opened many Xiangfen store, even in the film are the subject of selling naming.

  • 然而西区仍保留它故有的气息,街头巷尾满布的手推车、药材、米铺和海味等各种气味、战前唐楼的结构遗迹,都诉说著这里的经历; Not only may you see the wooden trolleys, the deep slopes and the marks that pre-war tonglaus left after demolition, one may also smell the Chinese medicine and dried seafood in the Western District.

  • 在公交车上、在办公室里、甚至在街头巷尾,全民房地产成了一种现象,这句话也成为在普通老百姓的交际当中出现频率最高的一句话。 In the public car, the office or even in the street, the property has bee a popular phenomenon, the phrase has bee ordinary people in the home of one of the highest frequency.

  • 日前,一个精心策划的恶搞传遍纽约的街头巷尾:一份“高仿真版”《纽约时报》不仅宣布了美国从伊拉克撤军的消息,还刊载了很多大快人心的报道。 An elaborate spoof hit the streets of New York:a convincing fake of the New York Times announcing not just the withdrawal of troops from Iraq but a raft of other US liberal fantasies.

  • 日前,一个精心策划的恶搞传遍纽约的街头巷尾:一份“高仿真版”《纽约时报》不仅宣布了美国从伊拉克撤军的消息,还刊载了很多大快人心的报道。 An elaborate spoof hit the streets of New York: a convincing fake of The New York Times announcing not just the withdrawal of troops from Iraq but a raft of other US liberal fantasies.

  • 也许你喜欢的本地艺术家正在只有20个座位的小地方展示他的反传统艺术电影,《拜金狗》(又译《贝弗利吉娃娃》)也正在各式各样的街头巷尾上演。 While your favorite local artist is showing his anti-art film at the local 20-seater, Beverly Hills Chihuahua is playing down the street at the mega-multiplex.

  • 早在若干年前,这里黑人集中的地方,文明开发程度很低,暴力,吸毒,偷盗,刑事案件频频发生,社会治安极其混乱;街头巷尾,乱写乱画,脏,乱,差,不堪入目。 Many years ago, this city is a filthy black-populated area with under civilization characterized by street violence, drug-taking, theft and high criminal cases.

  • 街头巷尾造句相关



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