词语大全 天下太平造句_天下太平中英文解释和造句

Posted 天下

篇首语:青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 天下太平造句_天下太平中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 天下太平造句_天下太平中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 经纬天下造句_经纬天下中英文解释和造句

词语大全 天下太平造句_天下太平中英文解释和造句

天下太平  tiān xià tài píng








  • 天下太平, 万民乐业。The country is at peace and the people go merrily to their work.
  • 现在的世界还远远不能说是天下太平。 The world today is far from peaceful.

  • 每个小事情造成天下太平! cause every little thing gonna be all right!

  • 峰上还有讲经石,上镌“天下太平”四字。 There are stone-Jiang Jing, on Juan “Tianxiataiping” words.

  • 每个小事情天下太平。不该担心!不该担心! Every little thing gonna be all right.

  • 用来祭拜天地的祭坛,上书「天下太平」四字。 An altar used for offerings to Heaven and Earth is headed “peace to All Under Heaven. “”

  • 我希望天下太平。 I have a wish for peace.

  • 中国人始终希望天下太平,希望同各国人民友好相处。 Chinese people long for peace of world and wish all nation of world get alone well.

  • 中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。 The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.

  • 中国人民总是希望天下太平,希望全世界人民和平相处。 The Chinese people are always looking forward to global peace and friednship among all nations.

  • 看看别的夫妻过得天下太平,自己过得如此辛苦,梁红心灰意冷。 See other spouse pass the world is too smoothly, oneself pass so hard, bridge hearts grey desire is cold.

  • 心爱天下太平如己命是伟人、品质高尚的人,爱的方式有多样,您懂吗? Don’t you think that a person who loves people and the peace of the world just like his life is great and noble?

  • 陪老婆看电影,没想到看了部男人的电影。*兄弟情、手足义对天下太平的远大理想。 If you are a movie fans who wants to see a refined, artifical movie, then you can pass it.

  • 于是便有了一种论调:占领军一走,也就没有斗争的理由了(或:也就天下太平了)。 If the occupiers left, or so the argument went, so would the reason for fighting.

  • 但是儒与佛都建立在这个基础上,这样才能真正做到社会和睦、四海一家、天下太平。 The remembrance of our ancestors is the foundation of Confucianism and Buddhism, which is the source of harmony in society and peace in the world.

  • 即使明天就天下太平了,人民仍无法忘记上星期发生的事情,担心类似的动荡还会重演。 Even if things are resolved tomorrow, you cannot forget what has happened in the last week and whether it will repeat itself.

  • 我是说,如果故事是那种“敌寇败尽,天下太平”的类型,让男性作为领导者当然更好。 I mean, if it’s a story like, “everything will be fine once we defeat him, ” it’s better to have a male as a lead.

  • 事实上,早在中心11号文件下发后便有人认为从此天下太平,开始对耕地保护高枕无忧。 In fact, after 11 files allot early centrally somebody thinks from now on the world peace and tranquility, begin to protect have nothing worry about to farmland.

  • 在广东人的意识中,只要国家不乱天下太平,多捞点银纸比什么都重要,也比什么都安全。 In the consciousness of Cantonese, want a state only peace and tranquility of not random the world, than what paper of the much silver that gain a point is important, than what safe also.

  • 游戏介绍:由各路领袖参与的决定胜负的游戏,如果国家纷争也能用游戏岂不就天下太平!! These people illustrate : the leaders who decide the oute of the game. State disputes will also be able to play ift broken ! !

  • 我像一个笨蛋,蜷缩进自己的身躯,闭上眼睛,逃避著所有,以为什么都不去想就可以天下太平; I’m not such a girl who would escape when faced with difficulty. I’m not, never, .

  • 太平钟楼由“警钟长鸣,天下太平”而得名,敲响 4 吨重的大钟,您便可以体味吉祥永伴的感觉。 Taiping Bell Tower gets its name from “Always sounds the alarm, millennium is across the land. ” You can enjoy the feeling of perpetual panion of good luck while ring the bell of weight 4-ton.

  • 帏子灯,样式与万民伞相近,顶部固定一盏艺术灯,并饰有彩花,用帏子灯组成“天下太平”等字样或花样。 Sub-tent lights, umbrella style and the people close to the top of a fixed art lights and decorated with color flowers, tent with the position of sub-light “fine” and other words or patterns.

  • 但是儒学被定于一尊之后,社会的情形并不像儒家原来想象的那样美好,并没有出现大道一行,天下太平的效果。 However, Confucianism has been scheduled for a later, the lunwen114munity is not like the original Confucian thought of as beautiful, and not his party’s Road, fine.

  • 当有一天你自动放弃武力,你就完了。当然了,如果仅仅是和平集会游行就能够对抗恶性暴力,那么就真的天下太平了。 Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined… O sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people!

  • 一进肇兴侗寨的第一座鼓楼是信团鼓楼,该楼有一副永久性的对联:“鼓乐声声雄震当今盛世,楼阁巍巍讴歌天下太平。” And there is a couplet on the XintuanGulou Building with the words saying, “the sound of Gulou buildings can shock the world and the momentum of the its pavilions add the peace to the world.”

  • 贫富对立,历来是个严重的社会问题,亦向为人所津津乐道。远古时代是共产共食,肚皮吃饱天下太平,虽赤身裸体也纤毫无妨。 Fast ancient is to be produced in all feed in all, belly is satiate the world peace and tranquility, although take also fine is without hamper.

  • 不,那是真的,毛主席慈祥的特大号肖像画悬挂在那面象征著“天下太平”的墙上,建于15世纪的城楼之下是通往紫禁城的入口。 No, it’s real all right—an enormous portrait of a benevolent Chairman Mao dominating a wall of the “Gate of Heavenly Peace, ” a 15th-century towered entrance to the Forbidden City.

  • 但是如今,统一后的德国并非天下太平。尽管在过去15年间,原东德地区获得了巨额补贴,但在经济上,它仍然落后于原西德地区。 But it is an uneasy unity today, with the former east still lagging behind the west economically, despite receiving huge subsidies over the last 15 years.

  • 是鸟也,饮食自然,自歌自舞,见则天下安宁。”②《异物志》也说:“其鸟五色成文,丹喙赤头,头上有冠,鸣曰天下太平,王者有道则见。” There are bird behavior, and its like a chicken, colorful and the text, Phoenix fine-sounding name. is also a bird, eating a natural, since the songs from the dance, see the world peace.

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