词语大全 天之骄子造句_天之骄子中英文解释和造句

Posted 成吉思汗

篇首语:时穷节乃现,一一垂丹青。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 天之骄子造句_天之骄子中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 天之骄子造句_天之骄子中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

词语大全 天之骄子造句_天之骄子中英文解释和造句

天之骄子  tiān zhī jiāo zǐ








  • 但只有第二类人才是天之骄子。 But fortune’s favored children belong to the second class.

  • 成吉思汗,天之骄子,只知道弯弓射鹰。 Genghis Khan, the Proud Son of Heaven, recognized merely bowing for eagles.

  • 仕宦之前,司马迁呈现出一种天之骄子的情怀; Before being an official, Sima Qian showed a feeling of heaven”s son.”

  • 通过层层升学窄门的早大学生,个个都是天之骄子。 Waseda students, having passed through hurdle after hurdle of petitive exams, are all haven’t favored children.

  • 犹如天之骄子般的大学生们为何选择断送自己的前程? As if do the university students of the god’s favored son sort why choose to break future prospects of send the oneself?

  • 现在随着硕士生的越来越多,他们也不是天之骄子了。 Now with the growing number of graduates, they are not God’s favored city for the.

  • 他笑得腰都弯了,说:“教练,天之骄子只有一个的。” He laughed, and then bent over and said, “Coach, there’s only one Chosen 1.”

  • 而事实上,华盛顿仍然正在回忆著这个曾经失意的天之骄子。 I’m not thinking about Washington. ” In truth, they are still thinking about him.”

  • 如果现在还有哪位大学生自称“天之骄子”,你一定会觉得相当“雷”人。 No college student now will call himself an unusually lucky person.

  • 这听起来可能奇怪,因为大学生曾经是社会上“最受宠/天之骄子”的人。 This may sound strange since college students used to be the “most favored” people in society.

  • 他们大张旗鼓地提供额外的诱因,只要能吸引这些天之骄子来登记就读就好。 So vigorously that they’re offering extra inducements if these kids will just sign with them.

  • 任何国家、社会、人群中都存在弱者,被称为“天之骄子”的大学生亦不例外。 The disadvantaged group exist in all walks of life without the exception of university students, the “God-favoured son”.

  • 作为“天之骄子”的大学生,在道德方面也表现出了某些与其身份不符的道德缺失。 College students, as”children of fortune”, have also demonstrated moral deficiency, which is inconsistent with their status.

  • 每个人都说他是一位得天独厚的天之骄子,事实上,他是经历多年辛苦工作才获得财富。 Everyone said that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but actually he acquired his fortune through many years of hard work.

  • 什么都不要辩解,还是回想下,我们这些大学生,这些所谓的“天之骄子”都做了些什么吧! Anything do not have to argue, or under the recollection, our these university students, these so-called “the God’s favoured one” have all made any!

  • 是您的心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新一代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。 Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health.

  • 在詹姆斯还未及可买香烟,赌钱,看黄片的合法年龄前,他就被冠以“小皇帝”“天之骄子”的称号。 LeBron was designated “The King” and “The Chosen One” before he was legally allowed to purchase cigarettes, lotto tickets, and pornography.

  • 天之骄子的高傲姿态消失,是好事,但取而代之的不是平衡心、平常心,而是一种自卑、浮躁和茫然。 It is good for the disappearance of university students’ superiority and stance . There are attitudes of self-contempt , fickleness and vacuity without detachment.

  • 老师您好!是您的心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新一代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。 Hello, teacher! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health.

  • 在很多人眼里,哈佛大学的学生才是真正的“天之骄子”:他们好像比别人更聪明、更上进、更有能力把握机遇。 According to a recent survey, undergraduate students at Harvard College often feel neglected by professors and that they don’t have as much fun as those in many other American schools.

  • 你就是天之骄子,你扮演着一个很小的角色,对社会也没有什么巨大的贡献,周围的人也没有感觉到你的与众不同。 Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

  • 围绕在孩子身边的,是许许多多美好的事与物,他们总是无忧无虑,尽情地欢笑,说他们是「天之骄子」,实不为过。 So they strive to give their offspring many beautiful things, to keep them free and smiling. Both parents and children of such families could be called particularly blessed by God.

  • 过去的“天之骄子”,现在竟然要面对扣奖金,甚至丢工作的局面,一些基金私下里直抱怨:压力太大,日子实在难过! The past “Tianzhijiaozai, ” now has to face the withholding money, or even abandon the work of the situation, some funds privately plained that straight: too much pressure, really sad day!

  • 随着新世纪的到来,这个在世界海军中令人瞩目的“天之骄子”,作为美国海军的中坚,继续在蓝色的大洋中纵横驰骋。 As the new century, this striking navy in the world of “lucky” as the backbone of the U. S. Navy to continue to dash about the blue ocean.

  • 也是,生活在大学城中的我,触摸不到社会的真实气息,消息闭塞,导致了“惟我独尊”,以为上了大学真的就是天之骄子了。 Also, living in the university town of me touch less than the real social atmosphere, blocking the news, resulting in the “Exclusive”, that is really on the University of God’s favored city.

  • 本剧从历史的角度讲述了成吉思汗的一生,把成吉思汗视同凡人,集崇高和平凡,英明和失误,成功和遗憾于一身的一代天之骄子! Historically, this series puts the life of Genghis Khan on the screen as an ordinary man who may looks mon and yet outstanding, loses but wins mostly in his life!

  • 美国最伟大的讽刺小说家,密苏里州的天之骄子马克·吐温曾写道:“爱国主义永远支持你的国家,如果政府值得信任,爱国主义也支持你的政府。” As Mark Twain, that greatest of American satirists and proud son of Missouri, once wrote, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”

  • 本剧从历史购乐学的角度讲述了成吉思汗购乐学的一生,把成吉思汗视同凡人,集崇高和平凡,英明和失误,成功和遗憾于一身购乐学的一代天之骄子! Historically, this series puts the life of Genghis Khan on the screen as an ordinary man who may looks mon and yet outstanding, loses but wins mostly in his life!

  • 尽管在现实世界中失败者胜利的可能性小得令人沮丧,但我乐意坚持这种观点,那就是一旦他们获得胜利,他们会带来一些特别的东西,而这些是那些天之骄子们所不具备的。 Though it is depressingly rare for the underdog to win id like to cling to the idea that when they do, they have something special to offer that the over dog does not.

  • 尽管在现实世界中失败者成功的可能性小得令人沮丧,但我愿意坚持这种观点,那就是一旦他们获得成功,他们会带来一些特别的东西,而这些是那些天之骄子们所不具备的。 Though it is depressingly rare for the underdog to win in the real world, I’d like to cling to the idea that when they do, they have something special to offer that the over dog does not.

  • 天之骄子造句相关


    词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

    功成身退  gōng chéng shēn tuì







  • 我们做了该做的事,功成身退。 We did our thing and walked away.

  • 我离开搜狐,完全是功成身退。 I leave Sohu, it is pletely result retreat into the body.

  • 功成身退的旧钞成为门楣上的古董饰品。 A few pieces of “retired” money are now decorations for a door’s lintel.

  • 追求功成身退的人生理想; The pursue retires after meritorious service ideal of life;

  • 所以我们觉得是时候让当前设计“功成身退”了。 It is time to give our current look a very well deserved retirement.

  • 到时我便能功成身退回港, 继续寻觅自己要走的路。 Then I can finish my mission and back to Hong Kong to search my ongoing path.

  • 沪游资“功成身退”北上“避寒”楼市热钱弃沪投京。 Shanghai hot “career” for the “shelters” of the property market hot money vote Beijing Shanghai.

  • 一旦新的董事会选出继任者,格林斯泰因便将功成身退。 Once the new board of directors has selected a successor, he will retire.

  • 这时,那些由上海“功成身退”的游资动向就显得格外引人关注。 At that time, those from Shanghai “retire” hot trend was even more interesting.

  • 功成身退”是唐代乃至整个中国人的至善至美的完满的人生观。 “retires after meritorious service” is the Tang Dynasty and even the entire Chinese’s flawless perfect outlook on life.

  • 难道炒房客已经功成身退,还是坚定看好后市,或者资金链无妨? Is Real – has failed or firm promising market outlook, or funds chain harm?

  • 灵性一旦臻至它本具的直接交流之境,身体和奇迹便可以功成身退。 When spirit’s original state of direct munication is reached, neither the body nor the miracle serves any purpose.

  • 我是很羨慕范蠡的人生之路,功成身退,让人生又经历了有一次的经历。 I am very envious of the life of Fan Li Road, will have served its purpose, so that life and lived through the experience once.

  • 他预计华兴资本将是职业生涯的终点站,自己在功成身退后希望多一点时间去陪家人。 He is expected to Huaxing capital will be the terminus of his career, after its done in the hope that a little more time Qupei family.

  • 中国文化人强调“功成身退”,“功成”指人生价值得到实现,其本质力量有物可证; The Chinese cultural workers stressed that “retires after meritorious service”, “the merit bees” refers to the life value to obtain realizes, its essential strength has the thing to prove;

  • 现在我们来到范蠡桥上,是为纪念范蠡而造。象征范蠡在越国当官和功成身退以后的历史。 Now we’ve e to the Fan Li Bridge, built in Memory of Fan Li, his official career in Kingdom Yue and his retirement life after achieving great success.

  • 他那卓越的生涯,体现了一个加利福尼亚人的最美好的愿望和奋斗目标,而现在他要功成身退了。 All that a Californian might wish or strive to be had been exemplified in his distinguished career now drawing to a close.

  • 他那卓越的生涯,体现了一个加利福尼亚人的最美好的愿望和奋斗目标,而现在他要功成身退了。 might wish or strive to be had been exemplified in his distinguished career now drawing to a close.

  • 石墩是古时候制甘蔗糖的器具,自从机器发明后它即功成身退,目前放置在庙后方公园的凉亭内。 The stone block was a tool which was extensively used to make sugar from sugar canes. But after the sugar-making machine was invented, such a stone block was no longer used.

  • 另一个因素是中国传统文化尤其是道家自由超越精神的对他的影响,功成身退、永忆江湖归白发。 Another factor is China’s traditional culture, especially Taoism freedom beyond the spirit of his influence mission acplished, Wing Yi rivers and lakes owned by white hair.

  • 于是当功成身退之后,他们选择了与江风共舞,邀明月狂歌,骑白鹿于青山绿水之间,共满天繁星一醉,何等逍遥自在。 So when will have served its purpose, they chose to dance with the wind Jiang invited Poets moon, riding a white deer in the mountains between the starry sky were a drunk, how freely.

  • 虽然他当时的年收入仅有1.2万美元,他仍迅速累积了一大笔财富,而且以壮年之姿功成身退,隐身于繁忙的幕前作业之后。 He used it so effectively that, although he was then making only $12, 000 a year, he accumulated a great fortune, and retired from active business while still a young man.

  • 虽然他当时的年收入仅有1.2万美元,他仍迅速累积了一大笔财富,而且以壮年之姿功成身退,隐身于繁忙的幕前作业之后。 Edison. He used it so effectively that, although he was then making only $12, OOO a year, he accumulated a great fortune, and retired from active business while still a young man.

  • 《蔡泽说范雎功成身退》是《战国策》中极富特色的说辞,是为游说国相,要求取而代之,从中我们能看到战国策士成功的原因:生存环境的宽松,思想倾向的务实,游说手法的有力。 It aims at persuading the prime minister to retreat and we can realize the successful reasons: fortable living conditions, practical thought tendency and strong lobbying approaches.

  • 功成身退造句相关



    词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

    功成身退  gōngchéng shēn tuì功成身退的意思和解释:身:自身,自己。指大功告成之后,自行隐退,不再复出。功成身退的出处《老子》第九章:“功成、名遂、身退、天之道。

    词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

    功成身退  gōngchéng shēn tuì功成身退的意思和解释:身:自身,自己。指大功告成之后,自行隐退,不再复出。功成身退的出处《老子》第九章:“功成、名遂、身退、天之道。

    词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

    功成身退  gōngchéng shēn tuì功成身退的意思和解释:身:自身,自己。指大功告成之后,自行隐退,不再复出。功成身退的出处《老子》第九章:“功成、名遂、身退、天之道。

    词语大全 功成身退造句_功成身退中英文解释和造句

    功成身退  gōngchéng shēn tuì功成身退的意思和解释:身:自身,自己。指大功告成之后,自行隐退,不再复出。功成身退的出处《老子》第九章:“功成、名遂、身退、天之道。

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