词语大全 天崩地裂造句_天崩地裂中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 天崩地裂造句_天崩地裂中英文解释和造句
天崩地裂 tiān bēng dì liè
就算天崩地裂,我也要完成任务。 Come hell or high water, I’ll finish the task.
即使天崩地裂,我爱你的心永远不变。 Even if the sky were to fall, I would still love you forever.
即使天崩地裂,我爱你的心永远不变。 Even if the sky were to fall, a I would still love you forever.
三分钟后,我觉得整个交易大厅天崩地裂。 Three minutes later, the entire trading floor erupted.
第四是自然灾害,天崩地裂让公司一下子没有了。 Fourth, natural disasters, allowing panies at no seconds.
即使伤心总是难免的,但不要因此觉得天崩地裂。 Although sad always be hard to avoid, but do not feel the day is cracked dyingly accordingly.
也许我被解雇得正是时候,刚好赶在天崩地裂之前。 Maybe I had been fired at the perfect time, right before everything fell apart.
如果彼此心里都牵挂著对方,即使天崩地裂也毫无关系。 If their hearts are concerned about each other, even if there is no relationship between Dante ‘s Peak.
全部骑兵已经冲上了高地,并且出现了有如天崩地裂的局面。 All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.
突然天崩地裂洪水泛滥,将大地全部淹没,只剩伏羲兄妹二人骑在葫芦上漂流。 The whole of the earth was submerged, leaving only Fuxi and Nuwa sailing in a calabash gourd, floating on the river.
大地似乎在天崩地裂之后感到疲惫了,没有了任何声响,只能听到人们重重的呼吸声。 The land seemed tired after shocked and roared. There was no sound but people’s heavy breathing.
大地似乎在天崩地裂之后感到疲惫了,没有了任何声响,只能听到人们重重的呼吸声。 The earth seemed to feel tired after the explosion, without any sound only the heavy breathing could be hurt.
断想七:在政治生涯中,需要靠山,但山总会有倒的时侯,一旦天崩地裂,靠山又如何! Thoughts Seven: the political career, the need for backing, but there will always be brought down by mountain time, once Dante ‘s Peak, backing and how!
在天崩地裂之际,灾区教师用舍身忘我、拼死保护学生的英勇行为,奏响了最动人的乐章。 In the earth cracking, teachers’ heroic that sacrificed themselves to protect students set the virtue music.
在中国,不用等到天崩地裂,不用等到天灾人祸,金钱早已在人们心中划上一道道残忍的伤口。 In China, Dante ‘s Peak do not have to wait, do not wait until the natural and man-made, money has long been zoned in on people’s minds Road cruel wound together.
一阵阵痛过后,果然产下的是一个“石胎”,一阵天崩地裂,石胎分为两半,从中迸出了大禹。 Suddenly the heavens fell and the earth split, and the “Stone Embryo” was divided into 2 parts, which Yu jumped out of.
也许就在刚才,他们还上课、上班,还在田地里耕作……可在天崩地裂之后,就是无声无息的痛。 Perhaps in earlier, they have class, work, the fields are still in farming…… Tianbengdelie, is the silent pain.
新总统会在几天之内认命经济团队的主要成员,以此来安慰投资人,告诉他们保尔森下台不会天崩地裂。 The president-elect may name the main members of his economic team within days to reassure investors that the replacement of Mr Paulson will be seamless.
这个“存在”既可以“风平浪静、和风细雨、轻歌曼舞”,还可以“飞沙走石、枪林弹雨、天崩地裂”。 The “being” can “be calm and tranquil, like a gentle breeze and light rain, sing softly and dance with grace and ease; ”
他们甚至都还没有时间思考,还没有来得及躲避——天崩地裂,这场惊天大灾也许不曾酝酿,就已让数万人罹难。 They even have no time to reflect on, not enough time to escape – Tianbengdelie, this may not Jingtian major disaster brewing, so that tens of thousands of people have been killed.
1923年时,一场天崩地裂的地震重创了该地区并摧毁了许多建筑物,但莱特的帝国饭店却只有遭受了一丁点的损伤。 When a devastating earthquake hit the region in 1923 and destroyed many buildings, Wright’s Imperial Hotel suffered very little damage.
男人不想让她过早的与女儿交流,他不知道,当多年的谎言揭穿,女儿脆弱幼小的心灵将会是怎样一种天崩地裂的痛苦。 ‘Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest’ was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart.
在大学生活的时光中,不论是情爱萌动,还是天崩地裂,或是在劫难逃,她的网友S一直都在她最需要的时候及时送来她需要的慰藉。 During the life at campus, whenever she was in sweet love or bitter betray, her cyber-mate S always brought fort and consolation to her.
他从后面使用我,我撑在他的床头,没脑子地哼哼著舒服的小调。在一场天崩地裂的极乐之后,我一头扎进他的枕头里,睡的跟死一样。 He took me from behind as I clung to his headboard screaming with pleasure until I jolted into an almighty orgasm, dropped my head into his pillow and fell into a deep sleep.
词语大全 天崩地坼造句_天崩地坼中英文解释和造句
天崩地坼 tiān bēng dì chè
其声所至之处,天崩地坼,江河倒流。 The voice Suozhi of the Department, the days of collapsing to crack, rivers back.
天崩地坼 tiānbēngdìchè天崩地坼的意思和解释:崩:倒塌;坼:裂开。象天塌下、地裂开那样。比喻重大的事变。也形容巨大的声响。天崩地坼的出处《战国策·赵策三》:“天崩地坼
天崩地坼 tiānbēngdìchè天崩地坼的意思和解释:崩:倒塌;坼:裂开。象天塌下、地裂开那样。比喻重大的事变。也形容巨大的声响。天崩地坼的出处《战国策·赵策三》:“天崩地坼
地坼天崩 dìchètiānbēng地坼天崩的意思和解释:坼:开裂;崩:倒塌。地裂开,天崩塌。原指地震,后多比喻重大变故。地坼天崩的出处《战国策·赵策三》:“天崩地坼,天子下席。
地坼天崩 dìchètiānbēng地坼天崩的意思和解释:坼:开裂;崩:倒塌。地裂开,天崩塌。原指地震,后多比喻重大变故。地坼天崩的出处《战国策·赵策三》:“天崩地坼,天子下席。
地裂 [dìliè][地裂]基本解释1.由于地壳变动而土地开裂。《后汉书·和帝纪》:“秋七月乙巳,易阳地裂。”《宋史·外国传二·夏国下》:“﹝绍兴﹞十三年三月,地震,逾月不止;地