词语大全 奇形怪状造句_奇形怪状中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 奇形怪状造句_奇形怪状中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 奇形怪状的意思_成语“奇形怪状”是什么意思

词语大全 奇形怪状造句_奇形怪状中英文解释和造句

奇形怪状  qí xíng guài zhuàng








  • 旁边的巖石奇形怪状,把溪水缀得更加美。 Strangely shaped rock beside the stream is made up of more the United States.

  • 圭峰寺背山面河,形似凤凰,山石嶙峋,奇形怪状。 Temple Mountaingui feng surface river, like the phoenix, rugged rocks, strangely shaped.

  • 部族图腾:奇美拉,一种奇形怪状的强大梦中怪物。 Tribal Totem: Chimera, a powerful dream-spirit of variegated form.

  • 她看见了新郎,他正踩着一块奇形怪状的滑板朝教堂冲来。 It was the sight of her groom, racing towards the church on a strange-looking skateboard.

  • 那种奇形怪状由铅皮管和铁管构成的枝桠最先引起冉阿让的注意。 This odd espalier, with its branches of lead and iron, was the first thing that struck Jean Valjean.

  • 奇形怪状的面具在法国尼斯市的大斋节前的狂欢游行时一路摇晃。 Grotesque masks bob along in a burst of pre-Lenten revelry in Nice, France.

  • 这些名字中的每一个都代表文明底下的那些奇形怪状的毒蕈中的一种。 Each one of these names corresponds to a variety of those misshapen fungi from the under side of civilization.

  • 这样,她们就走进死神的大温室里去。这儿花和树奇形怪状地繁生在一起。 So they went into Death’s great greenhouse, where flowers and trees grew strangely into one another.

  • 我们大家围绕这张大桌拿着各种各样的盘子和奇形怪状的杯子和碟子进餐。 the big table where we all ate from different plates and odd patterned cups and saucers.

  • 之后,法拉戈号与船上那些奇形怪状的外星人、地球人们便只能依靠自己了。 Then Farrago and the mismatched aliens and Earthers aboard would be on their own.

  • 他伸出他那象馅饼盘一样大的手掌,上面有一只小小的、长得奇形怪状的小猫。 He held out a hand the size of a pie plate, in which lay a tiny, misshapen kitten.

  • 公园里、大楼和商店外竖立著的奇形怪状的雕塑,对这些,我们已经太习惯了。 Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. We have got quite used to them .

  • 好像设计这些奇形怪状的展品不仅仅为了给人感情上的,还有生理上的电击一样。 These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally, but to give them electric shocks as well.

  • 忽然又看见阿萱和许多人在大客厅上摆擂台,园子里挤满了三山五岳奇形怪状的汉子; Suddenly, he saw Ahhsuan and a number of other people performing a sword-dance in the drawing-room, while the garden swarmed with grotesque giants.

  • 几个世纪以来,选择性育种蹂躏著犬齿动物的身体,让它们变得奇形怪状,不成狼型。 Over the centuries selective breeding has pulled at the canine body shape to produce what is often a grotesque distortion of the underlying wolf.

  • 代替青石板的,只是一条横木,上面架著五六段奇形怪状、多节、僵硬、类似长条枯骨的木头。 The slab has here been replaced by a cross-beam, against which lean five or six shapeless fragments of knotty and petrified wood which resemble huge bones.

  • 但是,文字本身包括动物、植物及其他奇形怪状的符号。要破解这道谜题,需要真正天才的智慧。 But deciphering a language of plant, animal, and other oddly-shapes symbols would require the mind of a ture genius.

  • 这是没有规定的,原则上,不是奇形怪状,更不要过量的堆砌,否则,便成为(风水道具场)了。 This is not provided for, in principle, not peculiar, but not excessive making up, or else they will bee (fung shui props market).

  • 波动只是让天线产生感应电压,所以厂商推出那么多奇形怪状的天线,在收讯方面并不会增加任何助益。 A wave simply induces a voltage in an antenna, so many of the odd shapes and contraptions touted by marketers add nothing electrically.

  • 淡雅的设计仍将继续保留着,而奇形怪状或不寻常的式样,通常都维持两三年左右,然后就被其他新的式样所取代。 The simple will remain. Odd shapes or unusual shapes usually last for a couple of years or so, then give way to something else.

  • 所罗门控制魔鬼的传说在一本称为“所罗门的遗嘱”的早期基督教作品里充分地阐述,它详细描述了奇形怪状的魔鬼。 This tradition of Solomon’s control over demons appears fully elaborated in the early Christian work called the “Testament of Solomon” with its elaborate and grotesque demonology.

  • 也有较大的迁徙生物,例如以磷虾为代表的虾类,还有无壳的小蜗牛和小水母等生物,以及其他各种奇形怪状的生物。 Larger migrators include the shrimp-like krill, animals that resemble small shell-less snails and jellyfish, and other fascinating creatures.

  • 这个村镇位于纽约市正东那个细长的奇形怪状的小岛上——那里除了其他大然奇观以外,还有两个地方形状异乎寻常。 It was on that slender riotous island which extends itself due east of New York—and where there are, among other natural curiosities, two unusual formations of land.

  • 家乡的核桃树,没有柳树那样长长的辫子,也没有“夫妻树”的奇形怪状,但是它可以结果,可以解解我这个小馋猫的嘴。 Home of the walnut tree, willow, as there is no long braids and no “husband and wife tree” of the grotesque, but it could be the result of possible solutions to this little solution I mouth.

  • 德国著名作曲家门德尔松的祖父摩西·门德尔松长得其貌不扬。除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。 Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German poser, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback.

  • 半睁开眼睛,他发现自己面对着一个奇形怪状的东西——这个黑色的、模糊不清的大东西,有着颤动的腿,还有发光的眼睛。 Half-opening an eye, he found himself staring at a monstrosity—a dark, indistinct mass of squirming legs and glittering eyes.

  • 很多新手十分“遵循”前辈的教导,一味从自然现象风水火沙之类的找灵感,但是做出来的衣服,实在让人费解,还奇形怪状的。 Besides, many starters sought for their afflatus from some natural phenomenas, like wind, water, fire, sand and so on, and those clothes look really bizarre for me.

  • 我们在巴克礼公园不但发现了许许多多奇形怪状的奇花异草,也探索到了各式各样的可爱动物们,更让我们学习到了更多新的知识! We have not only discovered many types of flowers and grasses in the Barclay Ritual Park, we have also explored all kinds of lovable animals, and let us study more knowledge!

  • 我常常在思索我们的青春,它真是一个奇形怪状的玩意儿,短短的身子偏偏拖了一个长长的尾巴,像翅膀一样招摇著,久久不肯离去。 I am thinking deeply about our youth frequently, it really is a grotesque gadget, the short body has towed a long tail, looks like the wing equally free, is not willing to depart for a very long time.

  • 无数恶劣、卑下、急躁、度过人生便消失在悠悠宇宙中的灵魂还几乎以原有形象存留在我们中间,凭借一个词的奇形怪状显现在我们的眼前。 A throng of evil, base, or irritated souls, who have traversed life and have vanished into eternity, linger there almost entirely visible still beneath the form of some monstrous word.

  • 奇形怪状造句相关


    词语大全 奇形怪状的意思_成语“奇形怪状”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音qí xíng guài zhuàng
    成语解释 奇:不同寻常。形容形状稀奇古怪,与众不同。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语;形容物体的外形。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 唐·吴融《太湖石歌》:“铁索千寻取得来,奇形怪状谁能识?”
    成语例句 柳青《创业史》第一部第一章:“霞光辉映着朵朵的云片,辉映着终南山还没有消雪的~的巅峰。”
    近 义 词 怪模怪样 非同寻常
    反 义 词 司空见惯
    英文翻译 grotesque or fantastic in shape or appearance
    日文翻译 へんな形,奇怪(きかい)なかっこう
    其他语言 <德>grotesk geformt <von sonderbarer Gestalt><法>forme bizarre <extérieur étrange>


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