词语大全 奇货可居造句_奇货可居中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:未知的事物总是被人以为奇妙无比。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 奇货可居造句_奇货可居中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 奇货可居造句_奇货可居中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 操奇计赢造句_操奇计赢中英文解释和造句

词语大全 奇货可居造句_奇货可居中英文解释和造句

奇货可居  qí huò kě jū








  • 事实上,精确的调查实属奇货可居。 Accurate investigation is, in fact, a rare modity.

  • 它们的一部分价值正是来自奇货可居。 It is part of their value from the rare modity.

  • 过来看,大蒜奇货可居,有人以此暴富。 Come and see. Some became millionaires for hoarding garlic as a rare modity.

  • 市场的法则是奇货可居! Market rules is to enjoy high!

  • 苏州河穿越上海是当地一景,临江楼盘向来奇货可居。 Shanghai Suzhou River crossing is a local King, Linjiang always enjoy high prices.

  • 每个流言都使他的商品从一文不值变得在市场上奇货可居。 Each rumor built the value of his stock until his worthless holdings had bee the most precious modity on the market.

  • 上海房地产市场蒸蒸日上,房地产人才就日益显得奇货可居。 Shanghai property market seen, increasingly appear to enjoy high on the real estate professionals.

  • 易宪容认为,市场经济“奇货可居”的法则在为开发商所利用。 Yixianrong believe that the market economy “to enjoy high” in the rules for the use of developers.

  • 甚至与人分享而非奇货可居,关爱他人而非炫耀自我有可能蔚然成风。 Sharing instead of hoarding, and caring instead of flaunting may even bee fashionable.

  • 在他们眼中,北京的房产既是炫耀性的消费品,又是奇货可居的投资品; In their eyes, the property is off of Beijing consumer, but also enjoy high investment goods ;

  • 一方面,可见当地房地产的确是奇货可居,目前已经到了无房可买的程度。 On the one hand, it is to enjoy high local real estate currently has no room to Buy extent.

  • 从潘石屹的谈话中,可以感觉到,对于拍卖的商铺,可谓是奇货可居,待价而沽。 From Pandanyi conversation, we can feel for the auction of shops, it is to enjoy high waiting for a buyer.

  • 甜味食物在自然环境下总是奇货可居,这是因为它所含的糖能够提供宝贵的热量。 Sweet food is at a premium in the wild because the sugars it contains provide valuable calories.

  • 在经过漫长的等待以体现其奇货可居后,这位蓬发独裁者终于发出了他的第二次邀请。 Having waited long enough for his invitation to regain its scarcity value, the tousle-haired dictator is at it again.

  • 由此记者也担心:房子供不应求,号资源也显得奇货可居,炒号会不会困扰经济适用房? This reporter also worried : house shortage of resources also appear to enjoy high economic speculation, will have to apply the Housing?

  • 国家控制别墅用地和土地批发,使城市近郊的高品质生态别墅产品奇货可居,供不应求。 State-controlled land and land villa wholesale to high-quality urban suburban villa ecological products enjoy high demand.

  • 二手房市场矛盾重重,一方面是有市无房,另一方面是卖主奇货可居,等著卖个好价钱。 Housing market secondary contradictions, on the one hand, the city is no room, on the other hand, vendors enjoy high waiting price.

  • 既然有人可以不经过考试就入大学读书,那么,得到免试的条件就成为奇货可居的抢手货。 Since some people can not enter university after the examination on the study, then get the exemption conditions have bee rare in popular.

  • 中关村因为“不许炒作房地产”,而使华清嘉园等中关村项目显得更加奇货可居,一路俏销。 Zhongguancun because “no speculation in real estate, ” which is even more Huaqingjiayuan, Zhongguancun projects enjoy high road Qiaoxiao.

  • 不仅是公园、河流成了抢手货,目前京城原来一些“无家可归”的市政绿地也“奇货可居”。 not only parks, rivers became hot demand, the current capital of some “homeless” municipal green also “enjoy high.

  • 现在市场上的好房子不是多了,而是太少,尤其是为一定的客户群量身定做的房子更是奇货可居。 House on the market now is not more good, but too little, especially for certain groups of customers is monitored house to enjoy high.

  • 此外水岸豪庭――创世纪滨河花园、逸流公寓及燕宁苑的热卖会加剧聚居区形成产品奇货可居的供应局面。 In addition Shuian Villa — Genesis riparian Garden, Plaza flow apartment and Yanning Court for Frozen Food exacerbate group formed products enjoy high supply situation.

  • 在土地价格一路上涨,拿地越来越难的现状下,这一规定将目前仅剩的二环以内房地产项目变得更加奇货可居。 The article is : “the new ring road is not within the mercial housing projects in the residential land supply. “This means that the value of scarce urban land will be increasingly obvious.

  • 如果市场需求持续旺盛,楼盘产品变得奇货可居,这就导致许多客户先要通过类似排队摇号的方式才可能跨入门槛。 If continued strong market demand, product development has bee enjoy high This led many customers have adopted a similar approach can enter up Yaohao threshold.

  • 曾经有媒体罗列上海楼市的诸多怪现象,比如,雇人排队人为造成紧张,奇货可居等待提价,或者未开盘就宣告内定一空。 Shanghai property market media have listed many strange phenomena, such as hiring people queuing artificially create tension, to enjoy high prices for, or do not declare themselves a space on Monday.

  • 能应付高达90天销售的库存是甚至最强的企业可能负担的了,而且可能仅仅是作为奇货可居(价格升高或保重不缺货)。 An inventory equal to 90 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.

  • 最近,房地产市场上,地产商急吼吼的“出货”行为备受关注,南京玄武湖边,一家开发商奇货可居的40多套湖景房被推出来意欲变现。 recently, the real estate market, developers Jihouhou “fast” behaviour concern, Nanjing Xuanwuhu margin, a developer to enjoy high of more than 40 sets of Wu King Housing sentiment pushed out cash.

  • 从上图表中我们可以看出二手房价格与去年同期相比,不仅居高不下,而且略有涨幅,这种现象使得业主们倍感欣喜,大有奇货可居之感。 From the chart, we can see the second-hand housing prices as pared with the same period last year, not only high, but a slight increase, which makes owners feel joy, a feeling enjoy high.

  • 最近,房地产市场上,地产商急吼吼的“出货”行为备受关注,南京玄武湖边,一家开发商奇货可居的40多套湖景房被推出来意欲变现。 Recently, the real estate market, developers Jihouhou “fast” behaviour concern, Nanjing Xuanwuhu margin, a developer enjoy high of more than 40 sets of Wu King Housing sentiment pushed out cash.

  • 通过专注于某中独一无二的产品或是服务,建立一种稳固的竞争力,使自己的网站从众多竞争对手中脱颖而出。比如说,提供奇货可居的物品或是第二天的免费快递服务。 To differentiate your site from thousands of petitors and establish a petitive advantage, focus on a unique product or service, whether it’s hard-to-find collectibles or free next-day delivery.

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