词语大全 奇谈怪论造句_奇谈怪论中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 奇谈怪论造句_奇谈怪论中英文解释和造句
奇谈怪论 qí tán guài lùn
我很喜欢听他的奇谈怪论。 I enjoy listening to his yarns.
赶紧收起你的那些奇谈怪论,我们并不想听。 Don’t talk about your ridiculous arguments, we don’t want to hear them.
奇谈怪论的例子容易受到带有偏见的选择的批评。 Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.
纵容奇谈怪论,诸如“技术抢夺了“真实”的图书馆工作” Make frequent ments–or simply tolerate them from staff–about how “having” to provide technology takes away from “real” library work.
印尼农村极度贫困落后,道德问题在这里只会被当成奇谈怪论。 Rural Indonesia is extremely poor and underdeveloped and moral and ethical questions here are simply perceived as odd.
新时期保守思潮抬头,放弃“方向”,没有方向,奇谈怪论丛生。 In new times, with some nonsense ing out, the conservative ideas revived, they gave up “direction”.
迈克:对,他说了很多关于婚姻的奇谈怪论,他认为这不过是游戏。 Mike: Yes. He’s saying all these ridiculous things about marriage. I mean, he thinks it’s gonna be a hoot.
博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。 A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world.
从这一点来说,任志强的奇谈怪论倒是给了我们接近真相的一个好机会。 From that point, Zhi-Qiang Ren’s theory was close to the truth has given us a good opportunity.
这奇谈怪论,若不是故意狡辩,就是无知,连起码的是非辨别能力都没有。 This absurd argument is talked quite, except is intended chicanery, it is ignorant, the dispute that connects at least discerns ability is done not have.
但是许多穆斯林认定这是奇谈怪论,要求教皇为此道歉的声音铺天盖地而至。 But many Muslims concluded that this was a pretty odd way to go about it, and demands for an apology soon poured in.
那东西通篇显然都是希金波坦的语法,希金波坦的用语,希金波坦的奇谈怪论。 Higginbotham’s grammar, Higginbotham’s colloquialisms, Higginbotham’s mental quirks and processes, were apparent throughout.
对于这些奇谈怪论,国际友好人士和主持正义的舆论十分反感,批驳文章不时见诸报端。 Talk quite to these absurd argument, international friend good public figure and the public opinion that uphold justice feel disgusted very, criticize article often sees Zhu Baoduan.
一旦曹雪芹的作者身份给忘却,各种各样关于作者与人物的奇谈怪论就都不受限制地出现了。 Once Cao Xueqin’s authorship was forgotten, all sorts of fanciful theories about and his characters could flourish unchallenged.
西藏和平解放后,西方某些人开始鼓噪“西藏是一个独立国家”的奇谈怪论,显然是别有用心的。 After the peaceful liberation of Tibet, some in the west began clamoring about the “Tibet is an independent country” strange is obviously driven by ulterior motives.
在层层展开这个奇谈怪论前,让我先以一篇发表在最新一期《儿科和青少年医学档案》里的文章开场。 Let me begin, in constructing this strange argument, with a paper published in the latest edition of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
“我看了风险这一特点,并首次,我觉得我的代理增加了允许我作奇谈怪论选择画面中, ”达夫说。 “I took a risk with this character and for the first time, I feel that my acting has grown which has allowed me to make outlandish choices on screen, ” said Duff.
你见过将情感“穿在脚上”的人吗?也许你会说:“真是奇谈怪论,情感又不是鞋,怎么能穿在脚上!” Had you seen affection ” wear go up in the foot ” person?Perhaps you can say: Stop abdomen of uglying look beautiful causes? feeling is not a shoe, how can wear go up in the foot!
有件事是关于这些书肯定能治好你的失眠。从另一方面来看,利瓦伊的奇谈怪论也是必读的。它的确是一本好书。 One thing that can be said of these anti-God books is that they are a sure cure for insomnia.
奇谈怪论遮掩了他真正的,辛苦赢得的成就:世人对一个黑人流行音乐巨星的膜拜,录音明星的诞生,百万美元的自我重塑。 Oddness overshadowed his real, hard-won achievements: world adulation for a black pop star, the birth of video celebrity, and millions of dollars given to black causes.
后面我们还会再来剖析这类奇谈怪论,但这里必须无情地指出,过去做的这种美梦总是以国家财政破产或者通货膨胀飙升而破灭。 Here I am afraid that we shall have to be dogmatic, and point out that such pleasant dreams in the past have always been shattered by national insolvency or a runaway inflation.
不出所料,他的去世爆发了种种奇谈怪论。而他工作第一的生活方式(他在晚上写作三部曲)和每天吸60支雪茄烟,似乎可能最受非议。 His death predictably spawned various conspiracy theories, but his workaholic lifestyle (he wrote the trilogy at night) and the 60 roll-up cigarettes he smoked a day seem the most likely candidates.
有一点要承认,如果有人告诉你,星期五早上他们从体育脱口秀节目中听说了交易流言,你肯定会把它弃之脑后,就像对待奇谈怪论一样。 Admit it: If someone had told you they had heard the trade rumored on a sports talk radio show Friday morning, you would have dismissed it as the ramblings of a sports talk wack-a-doo.
很多人会对你说,不知是什么道理,音乐可以帮助他们放松,也可以帮助他们集中注意力。这种说法,我和别的外国留学生都认为是奇谈怪论。 For some reason, many will tell you, music will help them relax and concentrate, an idea which other foreign students and I found very strange and disturbing.
词语大全 海外奇谈的意思_成语“海外奇谈”是什么意思
成 语 | 海外奇谈 |
成语读音 | hǎi wài qí tán |
成语解释 | 海外:指国外;奇谈:奇怪的说法。指毫无根据的荒唐的言论或传闻。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 偏正式 |
成语用法 | 作宾语、定语;指奇闻。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 明·沈德符《野荻编补遗·台疏讥谑》:“宇淳批其牍尾曰:‘海外奇谈’。” |
成语例句 | 瞿秋白《论翻译》:“这明明白白的欺侮中国读者,信口开河的来乱讲~。” |
近 义 词 | 道听途说 奇谈怪论 不经之谈 |
反 义 词 | 确凿不移 言之有据 |
英文翻译 | tall-tale <traveller’s tale; fantastic tale> |
俄文翻译 | небылицы |
其他语言 | <德>wundersame Geschichten aus übersee <Münchhausiaden> |
歇 后 语 | 站在远洋轮上讲怪话 |
成语谜面 | 伦敦的奇闻 |
词语大全 奇谈怪论 [qí tán guài lùn]什么意思
奇谈怪论 [qítánguàilùn][奇谈怪论]成语解释奇怪的不合情理的言论。贬义[奇谈怪论]成语出处清·钱泳《履园丛话·春旧·仲子教授》:“乾隆戊申岁;余往汴梁;遇华秋帆中丞
奇谈 [qítán][奇谈]基本解释奇特的言论或见解[奇谈]详细解释亦作“奇谭”。奇特的言论或见解。明袁宏道《答江进之别诗》:“密意臭兰旃,奇谈飞金屑。”《花月痕》第五一回:“并
骇人听闻的意思 骇人听闻 【骇人听闻的意思】骇:惊吓;震惊。指使人听了非常吃惊。 【骇人听闻的出处】宋·朱熹《朱文公文集·答詹师书》:“浙中近年怪论百出;骇人听闻;坏人心术。” 【骇人听闻的读
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,