词语大全 奉若神明造句_奉若神明中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 奉若神明造句_奉若神明中英文解释和造句
奉若神明 fèng ruò shén míng
亚当把自己的风险控制奉若神明。 Adam regards his risk-taking as noble.
你不应该把报上说的话奉若神明。 You shouldn’t treat the newspapers as if they were Holy Writ.
校队队长被低年级的男孩子奉若神明。 The school captain was a god to the younger boys.
他把自己的新汽车奉若神明。 He makes a fetish of his new car.
人们把麒麟山奉若神明,看成吉利祥瑞的象征。 People receive the mountain of Qi Lin if god and see into the symbol of lucky good omen.
在此,风与火,动物与森林,山与水,均被奉若神明。 This is a place where fire and air, animals and trees, mountains and rivers are revered as gods.
这时有很多曾经对巴特菲奉若神明的新一代青年才俊开始怀疑起他了。 At that time many had looked for a new generation of whom began Batefei suspected of him.
围绕这一复杂人物的现代神话诞生了,一个人因为某些原因被奉若神明。 Modern myths are created around a plicated personality and then a person bees 27)sanctified for one reason or another.
同时,因为是鲸鱼帮他们渡过大海,所以他们对鲸鱼有着虔诚的敬畏,奉若神明。 Meanwhile, as the whale is to help them tide over the sea, they have a right whale devout reverence, sacrosanct.
他死后被奉若神明;在他以后的帝王们仿效东方的习俗,在活着时就被奉为神灵。 After his death Augustus was regarded as a god, and later emperors, following the custom of the East, became gods while they still lived.
在每座城市被排斥的人群中都有阿拉克娜的子女,而黑暗精灵则把她被奉若神明。 Every city hosts Arachna’s outcast children, but among the Dark Elves, she is considered a goddess.
我一直在研究,是什么理论说过资本市场不能干预,而我们有人还要把它奉若神明? I have been, what is the theory that capital markets can not interfere, and it is our people Fengruoshenming would also like to?
有的媒体俨然是开发商的传声筒,少数行为失范的媒体从业人员也把开发商奉若神明。 Some media if the media is developers, a few media practitioners to conduct ethical developer himself.
一些职业人员和程序员对苹果或微软的用户界面标准奉若神明,两个企业都公布了用户界面标准。 Some practitioners and programmers invoke Apple ‘s or Microsoft’s user interface standards as if they were delivered from Mt.
但当人们把学历奉若神明、为文凭而“文凭”时,教育身份就会严重约束人的自由和贬损人的尊严; But when people over-worship credential, still for diploma but “diploma”, educational identity will restrict seriously the freedom of person and damage the dignity of person.
这时有很多曾经对巴特菲奉若神明的新一代青年才俊开始怀疑起他了,都说这老人家已经过时,该退休了。 Many have looked at the new generation of Batefei whom he began suspected cases, said that the elderly have bee obsolete, the retirement.
他既然被神灵感化得如此空灵,为崇拜者奉若神明,他那在队伍中移动着的脚步,当真是踏在尘埃之上吗? So etherealised by spirit as he was, and so apotheosised by worshipping admirers, did his footsteps, in the procession, really tread upon the dust of earth?
但最让我郁闷的还不止于此,而是我们班某些同学丝毫没有思考的精神,把老师的话奉若神明,不由得让人愤怒。 However, I was very angry to our classmates for their non thinking only worshiping the teacher’s words.
我们所处的商业社会更是将创新奉若神明,不仅将其作为渴望的目标,更是将其作为公司生存和成长的必备条件。 We live in a business world that increasingly worships the great tribal god innovation, lyrically hailing it not just as a desired, but as a necessary condition of a pany’s survival and growth.
这种需要有助于解释为什么这么一位本该被他的臣民们奉若神明的国王却授权了世界上最严酷的针对冒犯君主罪的法律。 The need helps explain why a king held supposedly in wonder by his subjects warrants one of the world’s most draconian laws against lèse-majesté.
白手起家的又如何呢?是否应该更敬重他们?他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。 What about the self-made rich? Shouldn’t we be more impressed by them? While their hard workperseverance are often admirable, I wouldn’t be too quick to deify.
作为香港人,我认为苏永康的意见正好反影香港影艺圈以至一般港人把林夕奉若神明、把他的歌词视为神圣不可逾越的可笑和荒谬现象。 I beg to differ. I feel that she puts a lot of feeling into her singing, more so than others. I actually think she lacks in the technique department, but not in a bad way.
那么白手起家的又如何呢?我们是否应该更敬重他们一些?尽管他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。 What about the self-made rich? Shouldn’t we be more impressed by them? While their hard work and perseverance are often admirable, I wouldn’t be too quick to deify.
那么白手起家的又如何呢?我们是否应该更敬重他们一些?尽管他们的艰苦奋斗和坚强意志值得尊敬,但因此就将他们奉若神明似乎有些草率。 What about the self-made rich? Shouldn’t we be more impressed by them? While their hard work and perseverance are often admirable, I wouldn’t be too quick to deify.
在贝斯特病重期间,他1960年代时的队友波比。查尔顿爵士和丹尼斯。劳都前往探望。那时的曼联获得了巨大的成功,贝斯特更是被数百万人奉若神明。 His final visitors included Sir Bobby Charlton and Denis Law, two of his Manchester United team-mates in the club’s triumphs during the 1960s when Best was idolised by millions.
词语大全 敬若神明造句_敬若神明中英文解释和造句
敬若神明 jìng ruò shén míng
神更象是家长们,人则对神顶礼膜拜、敬若神明。 The gods are the parents, and humans revere and honour them.
期间,林九姨乐善好施,擅于用药,治病救人甚多,山下乡民敬若神明。 During the nine-lin Aunt charity, good medicine, the role of life saving many villagers Jingruo foot of the mountain gods.
“托蒂就像利物浦的杰拉德,一名带有神奇光环的球员,无论是球友还是球员,大家都对他敬若神明,”里瑟继续说道,“我肯定明年我们还会参赛欧冠联赛,这个赛季我们肯定我们会走得更远。” continued. “I’m sure next year we will play in the Champions League and with the strength we are finding this season we will certainly go far this year too. “”
敬若神明 jìngruòshénmíng敬若神明的意思和解释:神明:泛指神,像敬重神一样敬重对方。形容对某人或某物崇拜到了极点。多用作贬义。敬若神明的出处《左传·襄公十四年》:“
敬若神明 jìngruòshénmíng敬若神明的意思和解释:神明:泛指神,像敬重神一样敬重对方。形容对某人或某物崇拜到了极点。多用作贬义。敬若神明的出处《左传·襄公十四年》:“
料敌若神 liàodíruòshén料敌若神的意思和解释:形容对敌方活动预料非常准确。料敌若神的出处《旧唐书·郭子仪传》:“故太尉、兼中书令、上柱国、汾阳郡王、尚父子仪,天降人杰
料敌若神 liàodíruòshén料敌若神的意思和解释:形容对敌方活动预料非常准确。料敌若神的出处《旧唐书·郭子仪传》:“故太尉、兼中书令、上柱国、汾阳郡王、尚父子仪,天降人杰
词语大全 料敌若神 [liào dí ruò shén]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
料敌若神 [liàodíruòshén][料敌若神]成语解释料:预料。形容对敌方活动预料非常准确。[料敌若神]成语出处《旧唐书·郭子仪传》:“故太尉、兼中书令、上柱国、汾阳郡王、
积善成德 jīshànchéngdé积善成德的意思和解释:善:善行,好事;德:高尚的品德。长期行善,就会形成一种高尚的品德。积善成德的出处《荀子·劝学》:“积善成德,而神明自得。
积善成德 jīshànchéngdé积善成德的意思和解释:善:善行,好事;德:高尚的品德。长期行善,就会形成一种高尚的品德。积善成德的出处《荀子·劝学》:“积善成德,而神明自得。
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī大公无私的意思和解释:指办事公正,没有私心。现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算。大公无私的出处汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私。”大
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī大公无私的意思和解释:指办事公正,没有私心。现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算。大公无私的出处汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私。”大
口口相传 kǒukǒuxiāngchuán口口相传的意思和解释:不著文学,口头相传。口口相传的出处宋·张君房《云笈七签》第七十二卷:“经云:‘知白守黑,神明自来。’是知玄为万物母