词语大全 奋发有为造句_奋发有为中英文解释和造句

Posted 胡人

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1、词语大全 奋发有为造句_奋发有为中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 奋发图强造句_奋发图强中英文解释和造句

词语大全 奋发有为造句_奋发有为中英文解释和造句

奋发有为  fèn fā yǒu wéi







  • 主人公为一个奋发有为的年轻人。 The heroine of a progressive young people.

  • 主人公为一个奋发有为的年轻人。 Hero as a progressive young people.

  • 盛年:奋发有为的青壮年时代。 Prime: the young and promising era.

  • 在民主政治建设中奋发有为。 exerts oneself promising in the democracy construction.

  • 谢谢您帮助我们奋发有为。 Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.

  • 三是要始终保持积极向上、奋发有为的精神状态。 Three is to remain positive and promising mental state.

  • 与时俱进,加快发展,必须保持昂扬向上奋发有为的精神状态。 With when all is entered, accelerate development, must keep high-spirited exert oneself up the psychosis of promising.

  • 江总书记也说,开好十六大,关键是要有一个奋发有为的精神状态。 River secretary-general also says, had left 16 big, the key is the psychosis that should have a strenuous promising.

  • 勤劳智慧的公司员工,坚定信心,与时俱进,奋发有为,不断实现新的跨越! diligent and talented employees will adhere to their goal, progress with the times trend to achieve the new stride-style acplishment.

  • 继续解放思想的出发点就是振奋精神,保持奋发有为、创新开拓的精神状态; The basic point of consideration of furthering to emancipate our minds is to elevate our souls, to bestir ourselves, and to have a creative spirit.

  • 要以自治县成立50周年为新的起点,抢抓机遇,求真务实,锐意进取,奋发有为。 Must take the autonomous county 50th anniversary as the new beginning, catch the opportunity, is practical, goes all out, exerts oneself promising.

  • 各级党员领导干部,一定要保持清醒头脑,坚定信念,明确目标,奋发有为地工作。 All levels of party members the leading cadre, certainly must maintain the sober brains, the firm faith, is clear about the goal, exerts oneself works promising.

  • 您不仅是一位好老师,也是我们亲密的朋友,谢谢您帮助我们奋发有为。(下一页) You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.

  • 社会各方对我们的信任、支持及全体员工的奋发有为是企业不断进步发展的动力之源。 The attention, trust and support from all lines are and will be the motivity of our improvement.

  • 学校发展中取得的每一个进步,都彰显了甘肃农业大学“自强不息,奋发有为”的精神。 The development of schools in each of the progress achieved, Gansu Agricultural University, demonstrated the “self-improvement, and promising”.

  • 而对于全区14个地市的市长们来说,这是肩上责任更显重大却也能更加奋发有为的一年。 that expect and hopes and to whole area for the mayors of 14 ground city, this is the responsibility on the shoulder more show great however also a year of more can strenuous promising.

  • 那时候,教学不仅是一项受人尊敬的职业,更是奋发有为的穷孩子跻身中产阶级的有力途径。 Then, teaching was not only a respected profession but also a way in which a clever poor child could leap into the middle class.

  • 和谐党校具有安定有序,民主公正、团结协调、充满活力、持续发展、奋发有为等基本特征。 Harmonious Party school is had stable and orderly, democratic justice, solidarity is harmonious, red-blooded, continuously the main feature such as development, strenuous promising.

  • 这为她胜利完成繁重的工作和学习任务、为她享有奋发有为的人生,奠定了异常良好的身体基础。 All these build up an excellent bodily foundation for her fulfilling the arduous work and studying duty successfully and for her enjoying a promising life.

  • JY本着诚实有信,奋发有为的经营理念,目前以每年30%的增长速度,正在进入企业高速发展期。 The JY pany has the concept of being honest and diligent, the pany is entering the corporation’s high developing period with the speed of 30% growth each year.

  • 您不仅是一位好老师,也是我们亲密的朋友,谢谢您帮助我们奋发有为。——-[光年网原创。 You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.

  • 赵武灵王是赵国的一位奋发有为的国君,他为了抵御北方胡人的侵略,实行了“胡服骑射”的军事改革。 ” Zhao Ling Zhao is a work hard and make the monarch, he Hunni in order to resist the aggression of the North, the implementation of the “Hufujishe” military reform.

  • 前不久,曾庆红同志指出,能否形成朝气蓬勃、奋发有为的各级领导层的首要问题,是用什么标准选人。 Before before long, rade Ceng Qinggong points out, whether the first issue of the layer of leaders of all levels that forms young, strenuous promising, it is to use what standard to pick a person.

  • 他们坚毅执著,求真务实,积极探求救国救民的途径,集中体现了中华民族奋发有为、自强不息的民族精神。 All of them were firm and persistent and looked for the truth and sought the way to save the nation and rescue the people. It shows the positive national spirit of Chinese nation.

  • 用凡尘俗土抟捏出来的这小子,无知、不文、鲁莽、粗野、平凡,他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢? That pigmy kneaded out of mon earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low. Will that bee an Ionian or a Boeotian?

  • 要在干部教育管理上从严,大力倡导讲党性、重品行、作表率,努力建设坚强有力、奋发有为的领导班子和领导干部队伍。 cadres in the education and strict management, and vigorously advocated by party spirit, re-conduct, for example, efforts to build strong, enthusiastic Leading bodies and leading cadres.

  • 弘扬民族精神和时代精神,才能使我们中华民族自信、自立、自强,团结和谐,奋发有为,开创中国特色社会主义新局面。 Only by carrying forward our national spirit can we keep our confidence, independence, unity, improvement and can we create a new age for socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  • 一是形成朝气蓬勃、奋发有为的领导层。党的历史证明,能否形成一个好的领导机构,对党的事业能否顺利发展关系极大。 The history of the party proves, whether form a good leader organization, the career to the party whether shape up significance is great.

  • 我们要围绕这个目标,以与时俱进、奋发有为的精神面貌和少说多干、真抓实干的工作作风,保证全市经济建设和各项任务的完成。 We should focus on this goal with time and enthusiastic mental outlook and less than dry, straightforward and diligent work style, that the economic construction and tasks.

  • 沈董的讲话使大家深受鼓舞,公司全体职员纷纷表示要以新一年工作目标为指导方针,鼓足干劲,奋发有为,更好更快地把园区各项事业推向前进。 Chairman Shen’s speech inspired all of the staff, who indicated that they would strive to propel all the business forward towards the goals of the ing year.

  • 奋发有为造句相关


    词语大全 奋发图强造句_奋发图强中英文解释和造句

    奋发图强  fèn fā tú qiáng







  • 奋发图强,在该商行中占有一个好席位。 She carved him self out a nice position in the business.

  • 如果你想进好学校就要洗心革面,奋发图强。 You’d better clean up your act if you want to go to a good school.

  • 但是他克服了困难,决心奋发图强,报效祖国。 Yet he rose above his troubles, determined to develop his talents and serve his country.

  • 青年冒失莽撞,成年奋发图强,老年遗憾懊丧~~! Youth is a blunder, manhood is a struggle, old age a regret.

  • 勇往直前,奋发图强–这就是她为我确定的道路。 Onward and upward was the course she set.

  • 奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。 We must work hard to raise to a new level the military and political quality of our army.

  • 首首振奋人心,正是百年中国及香港人奋发图强的写照。 The theme reflects the spirit of modern China and of the people of Hong Kong.

  • 牛,更是中华民族奋发图强的精神化身,中国人,人人爱牛。 Cattle, work hard for the prosperity of the Chinese nation is the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese people, everyone loves cattle.

  • 人类社会也是一样,有对立面的制约、刺激才会励精图治、奋发图强。 Stimulated by the opposite, people can make vigorous efforts and go all out to achieve success;

  • 逆境能磨砺人的意志,催人奋发图强,使人洒下一路辉煌,奔往成熟。 Adversity to sharpen people’s will, encouraging people to make the effort and the way people shed brilliant Ben Wang mature.

  • 我不是很有钱,儿子,你必须奋发图强,勒紧腰带才能使你的事业腾飞。 I don’t have deep pockets, son, you have to pull up your sockets and tighten your belt in order to take off your career.

  • 十三年来我们励精图治、奋发图强,经营规模不断扩大,业务量与日俱增。 We make over the past 13 years and hard work, expanding the scale of operations, increasing the volume of business.

  • 孙荣明各位老师、各位同学:我今天国旗下讲话的题目是:感激祖国,奋发图强。 Good morning, everyone! My topic today is: Be grateful to our motherland and work hard for her prosperity.

  • 这一喊把他从梦中惊醒,他暗自庆幸自己还没有沦落到那种地步,从此便奋发图强了。 He shouted to awaken from a dream, he secretly glad that she’s not reduced to that state, then from harding.

  • 自从罗伯特离开之后,我就更加奋发图强,深入基层,把握群众所需,牵挂著老同学罗蒙。 Since the departure of Robert, the more I work hard, grass-roots level to grasp the requirements of the masses, concerned about the old Romon students.

  • 但中国正在奋发图强,它的自省、自我修正和适应变革的态度已使它在过去28年里突飞猛进。 But China is trying very hard to excel. And it has registered truly astonishing progress over the past 28 years by demonstrating the capacity for introspection, self-correction and openness to change.

  • 时代的飞速发展激励著 “小灵聪”人奋发图强的决心,今天的成就只是 “小灵聪”的新起点。 The rapid development of the times inspired “СÁéCong” people’s determination to work hard, today’s achievement is “СÁéCong” a new starting point.

  • 本公司发展业务的同时,也形成了自己独特的文化——以客为尊、服务至上、团结进取、奋发图强。 We continue to grow our services with our unique culture: Customer First, Service First, Team Work to Achieve Excellent Services.

  • 这样,就可以振奋起整个国家奋发图强的精神,把人民团结起来,就比较容易克服面临的各种困难。 Through self-reliance we can unite the people, inspire the whole country to work hard for prosperity, and thus make it easier to overe the many difficulties in the way.

  • 难到今天的美国就似当年的英国,面对着耐心勤劳,奋发图强的中国人,却视而不见那一天的到来? Is America this century’s England, with the Chinese building, buying, waiting with the patience and discipline that is considered one of their salient national traits?

  • 上海交通大学深厚的办学传统,奋发图强的发展历程,特别是改革开放以来取得的巨大成就,为国内外所瞩目。 Shanghai Jiaotong University School profound tradition, the course of development to work hard, especially since the reform and opening up the tremendous achievements for attention at home and abroad.

  • 之后他奋发图强成为一名技师,但是退休之后,他开始在天使岛当起了免费导游,以期望更多人去关注那段历史。 He went on to bee an electronics technician, but after retiring, he began volunteering as a docent at Angel Island in hopes of drawing more attention to that moment in history.

  • 旭阳焦化集团董事长杨雪岗先生携全体旭阳员工,努力开拓,奋发图强,竭诚与社会各界精诚合作,再创事业辉煌! Xu-yang Coking Group Chairman Mr. Yang Xuegang Xu-yang, together with all employees, and strive to open up, work hard, and our sincere cooperation with the munity and create brilliant career!

  • 中国文化、印度文化、伊斯兰教文化、西欧文化都曾交织于东南亚,对东南亚社会奋发图强的进程产生了积极的影响。 Chinese culture, Indian culture, Islamic culture and west european culture used to blend together, playing animportant role in the southeast of Asia countries’ going allout to make themselves strong.

  • 不管怎么说,这个男孩自己奋发图强,从图书馆架上抓起物理及微积分书本自修,获得了两届全州年度物理竞赛的冠军。 Nevertheless, the boy propelled himself to bee champion in a statewide physics contest in two separate years by grabbing physics and calculus books off library shelves.

  • 此后,全国农村兴起了“农业学大寨”运动,大寨成为当时我国农业战线的一面旗帜和自力更生、奋发图强的光辉榜样。 Since then, the rise of China’s rural areas the “Emulating Da-Zhai Agriculture” campaign, our country agriculture Dazhai became a banner front and self-reliance, a shining example to work hard.

  • 遵循着客户是我们的上帝,质量是我们的生命,诚信是我们的生存之本的原理使我们奋发图强信心坚定不断开拓创新我们的产品。 Abide by God who lets customer be us, that mass is our life , sincere message is our this principle of survival makes us make efforts confidence firms our product opening up FOAK unceasingly.

  • 音乐会以「英雄」为主题,郎朗将演奏《英雄交响曲》及《黄河》钢琴协奏曲,曲目首首振奋人心,充分显露百年中国及香港人奋发图强的精神。 With the theme of “Hero”, Lang Lang will play encouraging pieces such as “The Heroic Symphony” and the “Yellow River Piano Concerto” that reflect the tough going spirit of China and Hong Kong people.

  • 在党的改革开放阳光照耀下,上海振华港机(集团)公司(ZPMC),全体职工抓住机遇奋发图强,艰苦奋斗,敢于与强争锋,成立十五年来成绩辉煌。 Under China’s Open-Door& Reform Policy, ZPMC and its staffs seized the opportunity and proved itself against all petitors for 15years since its establishment.

  • 作为生长在红旗下幸福的一代,作为二十一世纪的少先队员,我们是花朵,是祖国的未来和希望,是新世纪的雏鹰,接过先辈手中的火炬,努力拼搏、奋发图强,我们责无旁贷! As a growing generation of well-being under the red flag, a young pioneer in the twenty-first century , we are flowers, future and hope of the motherland.

  • 奋发图强造句相关



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    奋发图强  fènfātúqiáng奋发图强的意思和解释:图:谋求。振作精神,以求强盛。奋发图强的出处奋发图强的例子我祝愿中年一代的科学工作者~,革命加拼命,勇攀世界科学高峰。(郭

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    词语大全 奋发蹈厉造句_奋发蹈厉中英文解释和造句

    奋发蹈厉  fènfādǎolì奋发蹈厉的意思和解释:奋:振作;发:激励;蹈:踩,引伸为做,实行;厉:猛烈,迅疾。精神振奋,行动迅猛。奋发蹈厉的出处奋发蹈厉的例子且有整千整百的女青

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    词语大全 勃然奋励造句_勃然奋励中英文解释和造句

    勃然奋励  bóránfènlì勃然奋励的意思和解释:勃然:奋发的样子;奋:奋发;励:激励。奋发起来,激励自己。勃然奋励的出处北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“勃然奋励,不可恐慑也

    词语大全 勃然奋励造句_勃然奋励中英文解释和造句

    勃然奋励  bóránfènlì勃然奋励的意思和解释:勃然:奋发的样子;奋:奋发;励:激励。奋发起来,激励自己。勃然奋励的出处北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“勃然奋励,不可恐慑也

    词语大全 勃然奋励造句_勃然奋励中英文解释和造句

    勃然奋励  bóránfènlì勃然奋励的意思和解释:勃然:奋发的样子;奋:奋发;励:激励。奋发起来,激励自己。勃然奋励的出处北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“勃然奋励,不可恐慑也

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    厉世摩钝  lìshìmódùn厉世摩钝的意思和解释:指磨砺世人,使笨拙的人奋发有为。厉世摩钝的出处《汉书·梅福传》:“故爵禄束帛者,天下之砥石。高祖所以厉世摩钝也。”厉世摩钝的例

    词语大全 厉世摩钝造句_厉世摩钝中英文解释和造句

    厉世摩钝  lìshìmódùn厉世摩钝的意思和解释:指磨砺世人,使笨拙的人奋发有为。厉世摩钝的出处《汉书·梅福传》:“故爵禄束帛者,天下之砥石。高祖所以厉世摩钝也。”厉世摩钝的例