词语大全 如临深渊造句_如临深渊中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如临深渊造句_如临深渊中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 如临深渊造句_如临深渊中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 如临大敌造句_如临大敌中英文解释和造句

词语大全 如临深渊造句_如临深渊中英文解释和造句

如临深渊  rú lín shēn yuān








  • 你知道我们为什么会如临深渊? You know why we would suffer from that.

  • 如履薄冰,如临深渊。 Skate over thin ice, like standing upon edge of abyss.

  • 不要上了大学,还感到如临深渊,感到生活无望。 If you want to live without bound, try the university.

  • 对他们来说,出柜只是一个相当简单的成年礼,而不是如临深渊; to whom ing out is a relatively easy rite of passage rather than a step over a cliff;

  • 谈 起重复建设,人们往往如履薄冰、如临深渊,生怕跌入泥潭。 Mention repeat construction, people often on thin ice, if face abyss, for fear that drops into lair.

  • 我自知自己没有佛菩萨的力量,可以化解,所以行事如临深渊,如履薄冰。 I know clearly that I can’t have the power of Buddha and Bodhisattva to balance such forces, so I do everything extremely cautiously.

  • 战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰:(也就是在危急的情况下,必须格外小心)照字面可译为。 In dealing with this situation , you (we) should be extra careful as if you (we) were on the edge of a cliff or treading on thin ice.

  • “我们现在是如临深渊,一不小心就会掉下去,”宪法律师和前里根政府官员布鲁斯·非恩说。 “We are at the edge of a cliff and we’re about to fall off, ” says constitutional lawyer and former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein.

  • 从创办新东方开始,俞敏洪就经历无数次内外交困的绝境,每走一步他都觉得如临深渊、如履薄冰。 From the founder of New Oriental, Yu Minhong Neiwaijiaokun numerous times on the experience of an impasse, each step he would take that Rulin abyss, Rulvbobing.

  • 我们将以一种“战战兢兢、如临深渊、如履薄冰”的心态,用创新和诚信铺就我们的未来发展之路。 In the mood of caution and carefulness, we would like to pave the way of our bright future with our innovation and credit.

  • 海子的许多诗篇揭示了理性文明和欲望对精神世界的扼杀,展现现代人灵魂的漂泊状态,丧失家园的疼痛感、焦灼感与重建家园的深层渴望交织在一起暴露了诗人如临深渊的精神危机。 Many haiti’s works tell us rational civilization’s killing of spirit world, wandering of the souls of modern people, the pain of losing homeland and desire to rebuild their homeland.

  • 如临深渊造句相关


    词语大全 如临大敌造句_如临大敌中英文解释和造句

    如临大敌  rú lín dà dí








  • 如临大敌般的,又加了两道安全防护。 Just as if the enemy was approaching, he added two safety precautions.

  • 不过,工作人员也是如临大敌,煞是紧张。 However, the staff is showing that Shashi tension.

  • 欧洲的金融系统首当其冲,欧盟国家如临大敌。 Bear the brunt of the financial system in Europe, the European Union country on its guard.

  • 在准备上海“市政厅会议”时,官方亦如临大敌。 Officials displayed similar nervousness in their preparations for the “town hall” meeting in Shanghai.

  • 现场几位负责的工作人员更是忙得满头大汗,如临大敌。 The staff member that the spot is in charge of a few times is more busy sweating, if face archenemy.

  • 相比起申花的如临大敌,深圳队却轻松自在得有点反常。 Shenhua Rulintaidi pared to the Shenzhen team is easily in an unexpected way.

  • 天天如临大敌,常常搞一些突然袭击,到居民家里去搜查。 Driven mad by the extreme danger haunting them everyday, they resorted to the frequent surprise search of the Chinese households.

  • 据香港文汇报报道,禽流感成为季节性疫症,经常让人如临大敌。 According to the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po reported that as a seasonal epidemic of avian influenza, often showing people.

  • 银行仅仅严格一点,房地产就如临大敌,四面楚歌,中国经济就会感冒! Bank is only the strict property on Congress, besieged on all sides, the Chinese economy will be cold!

  • 南方人对我们的举措密切注视,如临大敌,这也说明了请愿是卓见成效的。 The fact that the South looks jealously upon our measures shows that they are effectual.

  • 随着这一里程碑时刻的即将到来,各支车队在准备方面都是“如临大敌”。 With this milestone in the ing time, the teams are preparing for “a formidable enemy.”

  • 警方发现后大惊,如临大敌,立既把拉伯雷抓起来,当成重大的涉嫌犯送至巴黎。 After the police finds big Jing, if face archenemy, catch Labailei immediately, regard as major suspect sends Paris.

  • 不过,相对于保安的如临大敌,来听讲座的人倒是很轻松,不少人还在说说笑笑。 However, relative to the security guard, lectures to people who are very easy, many people still Shuiyuexiaoxiao.

  • 在“生活” ,夏希扮演侦探达尼里斯,一个回收酒精谁是搭配一副如临大敌之势。 In “Life, ” Shahi plays detective Dani Reese, a recovering alcoholic who is paired with Det.

  • 奶奶却如临大敌,两手在我身下接着,生怕娘的疯劲一上来,将我像扔垃圾一样丢掉。 But grandmother seemed to face the approaching enemy, put her hand below me in fear that mother would throw me away like garbage in case that mother’s psychosis attack.

  • 承担该规划方案模型、图纸制作的单位更是“如临大敌”,小心谨慎地秘密进行工作。 Bear the plan models, drawings produced by the unit is the “People” careful secret.

  • 进行家庭装修之前,很多人感觉如临大敌,要准备和考虑的事情千头万绪,不知从何处入手… Before carrying on the family repair, many people feel are critical situation, must prepare the matter which and consider to be plicated, did not know that obtains from where…

  • 海外记者继续面临网络封锁和如临大敌般官员的干涉,尽管政府承诺不会限制新闻报导自由。 And foreign journalists continue to encounter blocks to Internet access and interference from nervous officials despite government promises of unfettered reporting.

  • 近日美国一个中学老师以刺杀总统奥巴马为例讲解几何,这番言论一出,警察们顿时如临大敌。 Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used assassinating President Barack Obama as a way to teach angles to his geometry students.

  • 同样,对待银行的破产人们如临大敌,却几乎看不到对个人在私人信贷紧缩中受到打击处于困境的关注。 Similarly, the crash of the banks is treated a seismic shock, while the plight of individuals caught in their personal credit crunch is almost invisible.

  • 虽陈冠希与寰亚老板林建岳均认为子弹恐吓是一场笑话,但昨日现场的安保还是严阵以待,个个如临大敌。 Although Edison Chen and Lin Yue Media bosses are threatening think bullets are a joke, but yesterday at the scene or to prepare security, all guard.

  • 一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌,上课时他是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重负。 An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on eggs, and only after class would he feel relieved.

  • 在警、保、铁三方如临大敌、铜墙铁壁的包围中,在围观人群不明就里的注视中,我犹如汪洋中的一条独木舟。 I felt life a canoe in the ocean with so many people looking at me and had the police, guards and staff surrounding me.

  • 朝鲜进行核试验以后,布什总统称这种交易可谓使美国“如临大敌”,但是这并不是说核试验本身是一个威胁。 After the nuclear test, Mr Bush said that such a transfer would be considered a “grave threat” to America, but did not say the test itself was a threat.

  • 还有许多人面对他们前进道路上的每一个障碍时都带着畏惧和疑惑,如临大敌,实际上,这些障碍都是朋友和助手。 Many others face each obstacle in their path with fear and doubt and consider them as enemies when, in truth, these obstructions are friends and helpers.

  • 有些学生倾向以语音学习语文,因此他们能够很好地掌握以音节为主的语文如英文和德文,而面对华文时却如临大敌。 Some students learn Best phonetically, and would be excellent at phonetic languages like English and German But miserable with Chinese.

  • 第二天,当笔者再去展会现场时发现,门口保安林立,如临大敌,展馆内的一些项目也严阵以待,看展人群也少了许多。 The next day, when I go exposition scene found that the door security numbers, the Congress, a number of projects within the exhibition hall is ready to see the exhibition also fewer crowds.

  • 所以你最好放弃对她生理周期的戒备,不要总在“特殊的日子”里如临大敌。反正麻烦每个月都会准时到来,而且会持续几十年。 And now that the trouble es monthly on time and it will last for decades, it is better for you to give up your alert on her physiological cycle instead of being miserable in her “special days”.

  • 总有些企业难以适应,呈现惶惶不可终日之态,他们总希望各种各样的变化和影响不要侵蚀到自身,把一些经济发展中客观存在的危机看得如临大敌。 Some enterprises will render in a constant state of the State, they always want all kinds of changes and impact do not eroded to itself, economic development objective crisis was so very much see?the.

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