词语大全 如数家珍造句_如数家珍中英文解释和造句

Posted 俱乐部

篇首语:不傲才以骄人,不以宠而作威。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如数家珍造句_如数家珍中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 如数家珍造句_如数家珍中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 如数家珍造句

词语大全 如数家珍造句_如数家珍中英文解释和造句

如数家珍  rú shǔ jiā zhēn







  • 罗辑说起廉署的事情如数家珍。 Luo series about ICAC As if enumerating things.

  • 这些街道我如数家珍去左边! I know these streets like the back of my hand. Go left!

  • 每每提起她的学生,总是眉飞色舞,如数家珍。 Her students often mention always enraptured, familiar.

  • 一位真情公寓的居民说起这里的生活设施如数家珍。 When a true apartment residents living here As if enumerating facilities.

  • 数学系代数教研室主任对教研室历任领导人如数家珍。 The manager of the Mathematics Department’s algebra research laboratory is as familiar with past leaders of his laboratory as with family treasures.

  • 德军使用炮弹则如数家珍,能否还有炮弹运到心里没数。 The Germans husbanded their shells, uncertain if any more would ever arrive.

  • 市中心的房子也看过不少,说起各大楼盘来简直就是如数家珍。 The room of downtown also has looked many, speak of each building dish ing is very familiar with sth simply.

  • 至于是否有比较中意合作的中国导演和演员,米勒也开始如数家珍。 As for whether to have Chinese director who and the actor pares the Sino-Italian cooperation, Mill also starts very familiar with.

  • 他不但对校园植物如数家珍,还可自信地一边用手比划、一边解说。 Not only does he rattle off the names of the plants, he also demonstrates with his hands and explains, full of self-confidence.

  • 羁旅巴西近半世纪的中华会馆何冠英理事长,谈起移民趣事,如数家珍。 An old Brazil hand for half a century, Chinese Association chairman Ho Kuan-ying has a host of priceless stories to tell about the immigrants’ life.

  • 精通数字科学的人,对重量同测量如数家珍,可他却无法引导你们前往那里。 And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither.

  • 记者和卫总聊到联洋社区、中邦集团、中邦城市队,卫总如数家珍、侃侃而谈。 journalists and Wei — to the total foreign munities, Zhongbang Group, Zhongbang city teams Wei As if enumerating total, eloquent.

  • 参观了校园,了解了老师,我们在会议室坐下来,聆听刘校长如数家珍的情况介绍。 Visited the campus to learn about the teachers, we have a conference room to sit down and listen to the familiar Liu Xiaozhang briefing.

  • 除了通过互联网获取一些信息以外,参与调查的互联网用户对互联网的好处如数家珍。 Besides get a few information through Internet beyond, the Internet user that participates in investigation is right the advantage very familiar with sth of Internet.

  • 接着,分析我的终生伴侣世铎,然后三天两头把我们两人的优缺点如数家珍地说给他听。 Afterwards, I tried to analyze my husbands character type, and talked about both of our strengths and weaknesses item by item.

  • 德意志证交所的发言人如数家珍的点出了新近开始运作交易平台的名字,但都是来去匆匆。 A spokesman for Deutsche Bö rse reels off the names of start-up trading platforms that have e and gone.

  • 德意志证交所的发言人如数家珍的点出了新近开始运作交易平台的名字,但都是来去匆匆。 A spokesman for Deutsche Börse reels off the names of start-up trading platforms that have e and gone.

  • 埃里森·费希尔对她的好运如数家珍并且从一开始,她就义无反顾地投入到有意义的慈善事业中。 Allison Fisher has always counted her blessings and since her beginning, she has never hesitated to give her time to worthy charities.

  • 埃里森?费希尔对她的好运如数家珍并且从一开始,她就义无反顾地投入到有意义的慈善事业中。 Allison Fisher has always counted her blessings and since her beginning, she has never hesitated to give her time to worthy charities.

  • 普拉纳夫对历任美国总统的名字如数家珍,还能倒背英语字母表,甚至还能轻松答出2000年的任何一天是星期几。 The little boy can recite the names of the US presidents in the order they served and can say the alphabet backward. Give him a date back to 2000, and he’ll tell you the day of the week.

  • 等那个可以坐起来的病人每天下午坐起来的时候,他就可以如数家珍地向他的室友的讲述所有他看到的所有窗外的事情。 And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

  • 生活中,我爱好广泛,尤其喜欢历史,对历代名人传记如数家珍,我也爱好运动,并经常组织同事切磋技艺,最擅长羽毛球运动。 In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history. I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play games. The badminton is my strength.

  • 每一个选择跑步的人都在各种各样的场合都曾遇到过热心肠的批评者,他们会非常乐意,如数家珍地道出跑步会毁了你的一生的原因。 Every person who takes up running has, at one time or another, been confronted by a helpful critic who is more than happy to reel off the reasons running will ruin your life.

  • 古代和中世纪的作家谈起独角兽和火蛇来如数家珍,但他们中没有一个人认为,自身从未见过这些东西的任一种而有必要避免对作武断的阐述。 Ancientmedieval authors knew all about unicornssalamanders; not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because he had never seen one of them.

  • 在《星战》这种情况下,所有拍摄制作的镜头都被完好地配备了网络版或印刷物版证明文件,影迷们对完成版影片里被剪掉了那些镜头经常是如数家珍。 In the case of Star Wars, where all aspects are production are well documented online and in print, fans are often well versed in what was removed from the finished cut of the movie.

  • 古代和中世纪的作家谈起独角兽和火蛇来如数家珍,但他们中没有一个人认为,因为自身从未见过这些东西的任一种而有必要避免对它们作武断的阐述。 The writers of ancient and middle ages are familiar with Unicorn and fire snake, but no single(one) hold the view that avoid to elaborate it arbitrarily, if you have never caught sight of it.

  • 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不茍,精益求精。 When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time , I felt the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time .

  • 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不茍,精益求精。 When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time , I experienced the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time .

  • 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不茍,精益求精。 When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time, I felt the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time.

  • 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不茍,精益求精。 When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time, I experienced the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time.

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