词语大全 如梦初醒造句_如梦初醒中英文解释和造句

Posted 唐纳德

篇首语:如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如梦初醒造句_如梦初醒中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 如梦初醒造句_如梦初醒中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 如梦方醒造句_如梦方醒中英文解释和造句

词语大全 如梦初醒造句_如梦初醒中英文解释和造句

如梦初醒  rú mèng chū xǐng








  • 此情此景,让老妇人如梦初醒。 Seeing this, the old woman was like a person waking from a dream.

  • 雨下大了,他才开始如梦初醒。 The rain began to fall so heavily that it roused him.

  • 时,我们趁机享受如梦初醒前错配的欢愉。 We took the opportunity to enjoy Rumengchuxing mismatch before the joy.

  • 这次他才如梦初醒。 This time he had a rude awakening.

  • 他这才如梦初醒,了解到自己知识的有限与不足。 Then he realizes that his knowledge is limited and insufficient.

  • 投资者如梦初醒,发现就算合法如主权债券,也可能是废纸一叠。 The announcement reminded investors that tacit sovereign guarantees may be worthless.

  • 讲到这里,那些已习惯撒娇且欲罢不能的男人应该如梦初醒了吧! For a man that is used to and expects sajiao this can be quite a rude awakening!

  • 是的,唐纳得一直认为他是老板最喜爱的员工,这次他如梦初醒呀。 Yes, Donald had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee. This time he had a rude awakening.

  • 是这样。汤姆总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 yes. Tom had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee. This time he had a rude awakening.

  • 是这样。唐纳德总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 Yes, Donald Dating adn thought that he boss’s favorite employee. This time he had a rude awakening.

  • 是这样。唐纳德总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 Yes, Donald had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee.

  • 是这样。唐纳德总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 Yes, Donald had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee. This time Love e had a rude awakening.

  • B:是这样。唐纳德总以为自己是老板最得意的雇员。这次他才如梦初醒。 B:Yes, Donald had thought that he was the boss’s favorite employee.

  • 坐在他旁边的一位民急暗示了他一下,他才如梦初醒似的站起来接过酒瓶。 A when sit by him civilian urgent alluded him, he just stands up like as if wakening from a dream had received bottle.

  • 还有的业主压根儿就不知道还得纳税,直到税务局的罚单下来,才如梦初醒。 Some owners simply do not know that you pay tax until the IRD tickets down only woke up.

  • 终于,他如梦初醒,意识到他正在他的店里和一个外国人用中文对话,不是鬼。 Finally a light went on in his head, and he realized he was conversing with a foreigner, in his shop, in Chinese. Not a ghost.

  • 当供求曲线还在心猿意马地上下移动时,我们趁机享受如梦初醒前错配的欢愉。 When supply and demand curves are still Xinyuanyima to move up and down, we enjoy the opportunity to wake up before the mismatch of joy.

  • 我唯一没看见的是平淡显见的一面。直到几十年后我撰写回忆录接近尾声时,才如梦初醒。 The only thing I didn’t see was the obvious, and this did not e to me until, decades later, I was in the last stages of writing my memoir.

  • 但就在审判即将结束的时候,王海再次得到发言权,昏睡的记者们如梦初醒,频频按下手中的快门。 But in the trial es to an end, Wang Hai has been voice drowsiness journalists woke up, and frequently press the shutter hands.

  • 他说:“无论你做什么,不要等到65岁的时候才如梦初醒,才开始想自己的一生本该做些什么。” He said, “Whatever you do, don’t wake up at 65 years old and think about what you should have done with your life.”

  • 青春是如此的奇妙,充满著苦痛,也充满著神奇。翩翩少年永远不知青春为何物,直到年华已逝,才如梦初醒。 Man’s youth is a wonderful thing:it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never es to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.

  • 莱斯科特-6。0:上半场有些注意力不够集中,但随后如梦初醒的他也成为埃弗顿后防线不可或缺的重要环节。 Rice Cott -6. 0: First half some attention insufficient centralism, but as if awakening from a dream he also bees the Everton rear guard line indispensable important link afterward.

  • 而20世纪福克斯的先行一步,也足以构成他们在环球、派拉蒙等其他“老铺”如梦初醒纷纷加盟时鄙夷不屑的资本。 and 20th Century Fox”s first step, it is sufficient to constitute their Universal, Paramount and other ” Old Shop “have awakened in time to join the capital did not despise.

  • 这位总统候选人的演说,恰在马丁·路德金在华盛顿国家广场“我有一个梦”的讲演45年之后。他的演说让我如梦初醒。 The presidential hopeful’s speech, given 45 years after Martin Luther King told listeners gathered at the national mall that he had a dream, woke me up.

  • 这位总统候选人的演说, 恰在马丁·路德金在华盛顿国家广场“我有一个梦”的讲演45年之后。他的演说让我如梦初醒。 The presidential hopeful’s speech, given 45 years after Martin Luther King told listeners gathered at the national mall that he had a dream, woke me up.

  • 《青春啊青春》:青春是如此的奇妙,充满著苦痛,也充满著神奇。翩翩少年永远不知青春为何物,直到年华已逝,才如梦初醒。 anguish and of magic and he never es to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.

  • 当他们渐渐离我远去时才如梦初醒,后悔莫及,才觉得自己离开他们就象鱼儿离开了水,鸟儿脱离了天空,树木离开了森林一样孤立无援。 When they start to wake up slowly when away from my, regret, and only leave them feeling like a fish out of water, and the birds out of the sky, trees from the forest as isolated.

  • 路灯光又突然地重放光明,我如梦初醒,从那股莫名其妙的吸引力中脱出来,马克站在一边安静地欣赏著这一幕,仿佛对此情此景很是享受。 wresting myself from the embrace of that mysterious power of attraction. Mark was standing there in silent enjoyment of this scene, as if it were a real treat.

  • 我们已经进行了内部讨论,现在我们很清楚自己需要什么样的改进:有时候,我们非要等对手进了球或者给我们制造了不少麻烦之后才如梦初醒。 We’ve spoken amongst ourselves and we know what we need to improve on: sometimes it seems like we need the other team to score or create something before we get going ourselves.

  • 拜势力日益坐大,多次与熙作对,熙虽贵为天子也敌不过拜,又难舍月嫁予耿聚忠而终日忧愁,幸得太后多番教训才如梦初醒,立志要在拜手中夺回政权。 Bie’s powers grew stronger each day and boldly confronted Hei on many issues. After many discussions with the Queen, Hei finally woke up to reality and planned to regain power in court.

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    词语大全 如梦方醒造句_如梦方醒中英文解释和造句

    如梦方醒  rú mèng fāng xǐng








  • 求婚时想入非非,结婚后如梦方醒。 They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

  • 他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。 He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening.

  • 听到这番话,如梦方醒的杨倩顿时瘫倒在法庭上。 Hear this word, immediately like the Yang Qian that the dream just wakes paralysis falls on the court.

  • 他总能说出深埋于你心底的东西,令你如梦方醒。 He speaks out what is deep in your heart and wake you up.

  • 投资者才如梦方醒,大叫“产品要保本,投资需稳健”。 Investors only a dream to wake up and hurl the “capital preservation product, the investment required to sound.”

  • 一家在加利福尼亚生产汽车的丰田合资企业,使之如梦方醒。 A joint venture with Toyota to manufacture cars in California was an eye-opener.

  • 一席话使楚王如梦方醒,连连点头称是,并放弃了进攻越国的计划。 Convinced as if awaked from a dream, the King agreed with Du Zi and gave up his plan of fighting against Yue.

  • 收到工商银行普陀支行的一纸诉书时,陈某才如梦方醒,大呼上当。 Putuo Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China received a paper v. book, Chen was forced to wake up, loudly.

  • 我这时才如梦方醒,跑上来给种马戴上了嚼子,这下才解决一场危机。 I just just wake like the dream at this moment, ran to wear bit to stallion, this ability resolves a crisis.

  • 不断重复某件事不会使别人如梦方醒,只能让别人更加明白你多么讨厌。 Repeating something over and over again doesn’t suddenly make people more aware of themselves, it just makes them aware of how annoying you can be.

  • 直到这个时候,守队才如梦方醒,开始积极地阻碍对的每次传球和投球。 It was only then that the defending team sprang into action, actively contesting each pass and shot.

  • 此时如梦方醒的印尼组合连续追分,但维迪安托的一次发球失误彻底葬送了翻盘的机会。 This time Indonesia as if awakening from a dream bines pursues continuously the minute, but Uygur finds a place for a missed service has ruined the dumping tray opportunity thoroughly.

  • 最好的抒情诗,想想济慈和雪莱的诗,就像是一次次的顿悟,让我们醍醐灌顶,如梦方醒。 The best lyric poems—think of Keats or Shelley, for example—are moments of epiphany, a sudden opening out onto magic casements.

  • 直到李宇春在《快乐大本营》公开演唱《梨花香》后杨坤才如梦方醒地知道自己被李湘“涮”了一把。 Li Yuchun was not until the “base camp happy, ” singing in public, “Hong Ewha, ” Yang was a dream to wake up and know that Li was “shabu” in a.

  • 之所以让我着迷,是因为曝光这些盲点常会让人如梦方醒、豁然开朗,从而人生之路又向前迈进一大步。 The reason I find it so fascinating is that revealing these blind spots to us often produces moments of insight that can lead to tremendous personal growth.

  • 土地收益都流进了开发商的腰包,后来有人提出经营城市的口号,地政府如梦方醒,开始从事土地垄断经营甚至非法经营。 Land receipts are flowing into the pockets of the developers, it was later operated by the city slogan, local governments forced to wake up and begin to engage in illegal land monopoly even.

  • 文:哦,对啊,你说得对(如梦方醒)……呃,呃,呃(难为情)……(试图解释)我其实说的不是我奶奶,是……是我奶奶的儿子,我爸爸,对! Man: Oh, ah, you are right on (Dream Party wake up) … uh, uh, uh (embarrassed) … (trying to explain) I am actually not talking about my grandmother is … is my grandmother’s son, My father, right!

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