词语大全 如获至宝造句_如获至宝中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 如获至宝造句_如获至宝中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 奉为至宝造句_奉为至宝中英文解释和造句

词语大全 如获至宝造句_如获至宝中英文解释和造句

如获至宝  rú huò zhì bǎo








  • 他对新外套喜欢得如获至宝。 He really flipped over his new coat.

  • 我是新成员,但入住后便对它如获至宝! I am a new member, but admitted it after Ruhuozhibao!

  • 如获至宝是一棵小草,我要绿遍整个地球; Xiaocaohu treasure is a fake, I would like to green over the entire planet;

  • 她看见发现了那个明朝的古茶壶,她如获至宝。 when she saw the antique tea pot from Ming Dynasty, she thought she had struck gold.

  • 正在此时,忽见一只白鹿闪过,士兵如获至宝紧紧追赶。 Is at this time, saw a flash White Deer, highly valued by soldiers closely to catch up.

  • 如获至宝,发出狞笑,说道:“你的,狡猾的大大地。 He seemed to get a treasure, grinning hideously and saying: “You, very cunning.”

  • 年中身体小恙,无意中了解到一些养生书籍,真是如获至宝。 I was sick in midyear. I knew some books about the health care by chance.

  • 班纳特太太得到暗示,如获至宝,她相信很快就嫁出两个女儿了; Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, trusted that she might soon have two daughters married;

  • 温总理年轻时侯的照片,我想一定会让“八宝饭”们感到如获至宝。 Here is a photo which was taken when Premier Wen was young.

  • 搜狐体育讯路易斯曾经让中超诸强望而生畏,更是让天津队如获至宝。 AP Louis has let more than Zhujiang daunting, even more so highly valued by the Tianjin team.

  • 你的放荡不羁,无疑给他死水一潭的生活激起一道波澜,使他如获至宝。 Your wanton, give him undoubtedly lentic the life of one pool arouses a billows, make his as if one find out treasure.

  • 我在厨房里翻天覆地地找了好久才找到,我如获至宝,在碗里倒了点油。 I am in the kitchen to look for earth-shaking for a long time to find it, I was highly valued in the fuel bowl upside down.

  • 一方面是带有“欧风”的建筑物大量涌现,销路畅通,发展商如获至宝; On the one hand, a “Europe wind” Building large numbers, where smooth, highly prized developers;

  • 班纳特太太得到这个暗示,如获至宝,她相信很快就可以嫁出两个女儿了; Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, trusted that she might soon have two daughters married;

  • 还是我女儿提醒我到网上去找-结果,还真找到了,下载之后,我如获至宝… Thanks for my daughter’s advice, I found and downloaded the music through internet.

  • 班纳特太太得到这个暗示,如获至宝,她相信很快就可以嫁出,两个女儿了; Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she might soon have two daughters married;

  • 农民兄弟如获至宝,都啧啧称赞,广州市建委为我们农民建房做了件大好事。 Highly prized peasant brothers, click one’s tongue praise, Guangzhou City Project Construction Committee has done for our farmers build large pieces of good.

  • 当时我是开玩笑,并非严肃的说,但是媒体如获至宝,把它作为头条大肆报道。 I was joking, it was not serious, but naturally the press picked up on it and splashed it all over the headlines.

  • 一位老总对某项提议如获至宝,赞赏有加,另一位高管却不置可否,甚至不屑一顾。 one of the veterans on a proposal like jaw, and the other a but it hard to deny, or even adaptation of.

  • 黑暗中陈佳塔见到了一缕曙光,他如获至宝,只要有一丝希望,他都要尽力去争取。 When Chen Jiata witnesses the slight light in the darkness, he takes it as a hope and spares no effort to strive for it.

  • 林郁方批评说,莫瑞报告禁不起严肃讨论,国安会那些军事素养不足的人却如获至宝; Lin spoke insultingly of NSC officials with minimal military knowledge, who nonetheless treated Murray’s report as a treasure, despite its inability to stand up to serious scrutiny.

  • 黑客反汇编,据说已是绝版,有人在论坛里苦苦寻求,如果他来到这里,一定会如获至宝的。 Hacker disassembly, it is said is out of print, it was hard to find in the forums, if he came here, we will certainly treasure the.

  • 或许上帝希望人们几经错爱后才邂逅各人的真命天子,那样,人们才会如获至宝,才会感恩。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift.

  • 温总理年轻时侯的照片,我想一定会让“八宝饭”们感到如获至宝。从照片来看,温家宝总理年轻时… Here is a photo which was taken when Premier Wen was young. And I have every confidence that …

  • 这个人如获至宝。他本可以从此奔向外界,为自己新获得的自由而欢欣,但他却想到那些仍留在洞里的人。 Imagine also that there are people on the other side of this wall who are carrying all sorts of artifacts.

  • 鲨鱼是海洋中的狮子和老虎,不幸的是,那些人对于它们的鱼翅如获至宝,其中一些在亚洲市场叫价很高。 These are the sort of lions and tigers of the sea and, unfortunately, they’re prized for their shark fin, which mands a high price in the Asian marketplace.

  • 于是我们的眼球已经生存于一片阴霾的天空下,若偶尔撞见能够养眼的美术作品,便如获至宝,却转瞬即逝。 So we have to survive the eye of the sky in a haze, if occasionally ran into养眼art can, we treasure, but a very brief period.

  • 大家都像如获至宝一样,甚至在自己的博客和常去的论坛中发帖给予了高度评价,有些朋友甚至认为李先生给他送来了救星。 We all like Ruhuozhibao, even in their own blog and forums frequented by posting gave a high evaluation, and some even think that a friend sent to him! Savior.

  • 当作者拿着四幅来之不易的“人体经络挂图”时,如获至宝立刻抱入怀中,兴奋不已、泪流满面,从此她便开始潜心研究针灸。 When I get four maps, I was so happy that I embraced them and bursted into tears. From then, I started to concentrate on studies of acupuncture.

  • 比如当今的制造企业需要怎样的人才,是怎样的工作模式,这些内容让每个同学都如获至宝,据此自己的未来发展进行更合理的规划; We are benefit from the contacts Mr. Peng taught us for example, in nowadays, what kind of people the manufacture enterprises need, what kind of mode they are working, and so on;

  • 如获至宝造句相关


    词语大全 奉为至宝造句_奉为至宝中英文解释和造句

    奉为至宝  fèng wéi zhì bǎo






  • 两党制维持了对工人的政治统治,为资本主义奉为至宝。 The two–party system is the apple of the capitalists’ eye, so far as maintaining their political control of the workers is concerned.

  • 奉为至宝造句相关



    词语大全 奉为至宝造句_奉为至宝中英文解释和造句

    奉为至宝  fèngwéizhìbǎo奉为至宝的意思和解释:奉:信奉,敬奉;至宝:最珍贵的宝物。敬奉为最珍贵的宝物。奉为至宝的出处奉为至宝的例子奉为至宝造句两党制维持了对工人的政治

    词语大全 奉为至宝造句_奉为至宝中英文解释和造句

    奉为至宝  fèngwéizhìbǎo奉为至宝的意思和解释:奉:信奉,敬奉;至宝:最珍贵的宝物。敬奉为最珍贵的宝物。奉为至宝的出处奉为至宝的例子奉为至宝造句两党制维持了对工人的政治

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    词语大全 至宝   [zhì bǎo]什么意思

    至宝  [zhìbǎo][至宝]基本解释特别稀有的珍宝[至宝]详细解释最珍贵的宝物。《后汉书·陈元传》:“至宝不同众好,故卞和泣血。”唐白居易《李都尉古剑》诗:“至宝有本性,精刚无

    词语大全 奉为至宝的意思_成语“奉为至宝”是什么意思


    词语大全 奉为至宝的意思_成语“奉为至宝”是什么意思


    词语大全 奉为至宝的意思_成语“奉为至宝”是什么意思


    词语大全 奉为至宝的意思_成语“奉为至宝”是什么意思


    词语大全 洗濯造句

    洗濯造句  一:这天在家好无聊我就把自我洗濯了一下,洗过之后如获新生啊!  二:老师读了楼的文字,就像被洗濯了一样,倍感振奋!  三:雷锋精神洗濯了咱们的心灵。  四:我在离乱的年代里饥寒交迫,怨恨死