词语大全 如花似玉造句_如花似玉中英文解释和造句

Posted 少女

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1、词语大全 如花似玉造句_如花似玉中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 含苞待放造句_含苞待放中英文解释和造句

词语大全 如花似玉造句_如花似玉中英文解释和造句

如花似玉  rú huā sì yù








  • 爱德蒙你拥有一位如花似玉的爱人。 Edmond, you have a very beautiful lady-love.

  • 女孩子的如花似玉之年是最可贵的。 A girl in the flower of her age is the most precious.

  • 美丽娇艳,如花似玉的萝莉和御姐等你来征服。 Beautiful beautiful, the Royal and Ruhuasiyu Lolita’s sister, and so you have to conquer.

  • 焦哥的一对如花似玉的女儿是他生命中的宝藏。 Vincent’s pair of daughters are his treasures in life.

  • 我太郁闷了,生活在一群“如花似玉”的人当中。 I was too depressed, living in a group of “Ruhuasiyu” persons.

  • 潘金莲,臀高胸丰,那如花似玉的脸蛋确实是少人能及。 Beverly Pan, high-hipped, big-breasted, a pretty face really seldom there are no one that es close to.

  • 盖茨比指出一位如花似玉的美人,端庄地坐在一棵白梅树下。 Gatsby indicated a gorgeous, scarcely human orchid of a woman who sat in state under a white plum tree.

  • 看着原本如花似玉的女儿变成半死不活的样子,母亲心痛不已。 Witnessing the original flower-like daughter bee so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.

  • 其一,受害目标群体是如花似玉般娇嫩最需要社会保护的婴幼儿; The first victims are the Ruhuasiyu delicate as most in need of social protection of infants and young children;

  • 据说昔年,两位如花似玉的仙女将色泽艳丽的牡丹,植于寺院之内。 It is said that two beautiful fairies transplant the gorgeous peony into the temple.

  • 乞丐走了之后,女主人发现阿巧变成了一个如花似玉的美人,非常吃惊。 After the beggar was gone, the lady host found Aqiao was turned to be a beautiful girl, be a beauty!

  • 如花似玉的昔日已经一去不复返,但是她的心灵却成了美丽的避难所。 All the beauty that had forsaken her face, seemed to have found refuge in her heart.

  • 文祥睁眼一看,竟然有三位如花似玉的苗族姑娘围在他身边,望着他直笑。 Wen Xiang opened his eyes and looked. To his surprise, 3 beautiful young Miao girls were standing around him, looking at him with a smile.

  • 因悬崖外倾,水流从数十丈高处跌泻下来,如花似玉,这是九华山第一大瀑布。 Due to the dumping of the cliff, the water from a height of Shizhang down or crash, Ruhuasiyu, Jiuhua Mountain is the largest waterfall.

  • 桃姑嗔道:「你这个人,放著如花似玉的美女不顾,尽问和尚干嘛?想出家?」 Peach scolded him saying, “You ignore a beautiful woman and keep on asking questions about a monk. Do you want to be a monk?””

  • 文祥从来没见过这种景色,尤其是身旁还有一位如花似玉的少女,更是迷离诡异。 Wen Xiang had never seen anything like this. Having a beautiful young lady at his side made it even more bizarre.

  • QQ里飞快的跑着各种各样的消息,有如花似玉一般美丽的,也有不入流的肮脏! QQ in fly quickly news of running every kind of each kind, have as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade general beautiful, also have out of the run and dirty!

  • 可惜头盔下面没爱老爷的如花似玉的俏脸如果有的话就是国宝了!!!!!!!!!! Pity there’s no such handsome face, otherwise it’s the national treasure! ! ! ! ! ! !

  • 我不在乎你如花似玉的青春与血肉,但我渴望吸一吸你小包包里的那包中华烟,可以给我来一根么? My don’t care you of as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade youth and flesh and blood, but I desire absorb your packet pack inside of that pack China smoke, can e to a Yao for me?

  • 杰森:我这样做只是想重游一下岁月的长廊,看看我的这个小女孩究竟是怎么变成一个如花似玉的姑娘。 Jason: Well I just wanted to take a little trip down memory lane, to see how my little girl had grown up into such an incredibly beautiful woman.

  • 狄俄尼索斯锁定艾米西斯特就是他要报复的人。他猛咬手指,两只猛虎应声而出要一口吞下这个如花似玉的少女。 Dionysus targeted Amethyst as the object of his revenge, and with the snap of his fingers, he summoned two ferocious tigers to devour the girl.

  • 洗干净你的耳朵听好了,本姑娘“韩菱纱”,好歹也算一个如花似玉的少女,几时成了你嘴里的“猪腰”、“猪肝”! Do wash you ears cleanly and listen seriously! My name is HanLingsha. Anyhow I have measured up to a pretty Young girl! When did I bee the “pig kidney” or”pig liver”as you said?!

  • 肖洼村十里之外有个桃花镇,镇里有个叫冠秀的姑娘,是富甲一方苏员外的独生女,不但人长得如花似玉,且又知书达礼。 Xiao Wangsimniwa cun outside the town there is a peach, called crown town girl show is rich only child outside the Soviet Union members, not only grown hua si yu , qie you known ceremony of the book.

  • 在我的内心深处,萦绕着两个女子的身影,我的初恋和我在路途遇到的一个如花似玉般的美少女,她的身影在我脑海里挥之不去。 In the deepest part of my heart. there are two shadow, my first love, and a nice girl like a flower I met on the way. She will never be away for me.

  • 她们翠绿的装饰品在发出叮当声,她们如花似玉的容貌显得很适中——她们也许是汉河岸上的仙女,还有就是洛河小岛上的女神。 Their jade ornaments tinkled, their flower like beauty was modest — they might have been fairies of the Han River banks, or goddesses of the Lo River islets.

  • 有些女人在二十多岁时如花似玉,三四十岁时由于持家教子和工作生涯的双重压力而韶华褪尽,五十多岁时又会重燃内心激情之火。 Some women blossom in their twenties, fade in their thirties and forties under the bined stresses of motherhood and careers, only to relight that inner fire in their fifties.

  • 为什么说它是一部经典?重新读一遍这个小说,我们至少知道一个故事轮廓:大观园里面有一个贾哥哥,还有一大堆如花似玉的妹妹。 Why say it is a classic »Re-read the novel again, we at least know that a story outline: Grand View Garden there are a Guge Ge, there are a lot of Ruhuasiyu sister.

  • 他没睡多久,要是一入睡便梦到如花似玉的公主,梦到富丽堂皇的城堡,梦到黄金,梦到白银。(杨莉藜《英汉互译教程》河南大学出版社。 He did not sleep much, but when he did he dreamed of beautiful princesses, splendid castles, and gold and silver.

  • 他没睡多久,要是一入睡便梦到如花似玉的公主,梦到富丽堂皇的城堡,梦到黄金,梦到白银。(杨莉藜<英汉互译教程>河南大学出版社。 He did not sleep much, but when he did he dreamed of beautiful princesses, splendid castles, and gold and silver.

  • 女人之所以有情味,之所以有如花似玉之美,难道不是因为她们在服饰上显露了自己的个性吗 ?当然,鞋子在其中有着不可估量的配衬作用。 The woman has feeling flavour, have beautiful beauty, be because they showed their individual character on dress, ?Of course, shoe amid is having inestimable effect distributing line.

  • 如花似玉造句相关


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