词语大全 如虎添翼造句_如虎添翼中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:读书是最好的学习。追随伟大人物的思想,是最富有趣味的一门科学。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如虎添翼造句_如虎添翼中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 如虎添翼造句_如虎添翼中英文解释和造句
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì
资质本佳又善读书者,则更如虎添翼。 Those with promising aptitudes and study well are like tigers with wings.
卓越的服务将使您的品牌形象如虎添翼。 Excellent service will make your brand image even stronger.
2支持递归式的水印效果添加,这无疑是如虎添翼。 G2. 2 supports recursive watermarking, which makes it even better.
先进的计算机软件的辅助设计使“上海洪铺”如虎添翼。 The sub design of advanced puter software make “SHANGHAI HONGPU” if tiger add wing.
他从陵墓洞穴的试炼中蜕变出来,黑暗原力让他如虎添翼。 He emerged from the caverns transformed, fueled by the dark side of the Force.
最后,我们得出结论,读者的参与能赋予作品如虎添翼般的效果。 Finally, it is concluded that readers” participation in the work rests the work with the redoubled effect.”
同时标准配置三头雕刻主轴更是如虎添翼,是批量订单生产效率倍增。 The standard layout of three-headed carving spindle is even more powerful, and ensure the high efficiency.
改革开放以来,广西人造板工业如虎添翼,厂家增多,产品产量增长。 Since reforming and opening, guangxi man-made board industrial with might doubled, manufacturer grow in quantity, product output grows.
有了文学学士学位,你就似乎如虎添翼了。但是现在这种情形似乎也有所遏制了。 WIth a Bachelor of Arts , you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes.
浦东新区的开发,更使上海如虎添翼,一个现代化的东方大都会正在黄浦江畔迅速崛起。 The development of Pudong has accelerated Shanghai’s progress as a modern oriental metropolis rising on Huangpu River.
人若是聪明有学问,却没有道德,那么他的聪明和学问,就成了造恶的工具,如虎添翼。 If a person is intelligent and learned but lacks virtue, then his intelligence and learning bee tools for mitting evil; he would be like a tiger with wings.
一个玩家把别人的账号买过来,他就可以得到其所有的虚拟资产,受让方也就如虎添翼。 A player buys the Zhang number of others, he can get his all fictitious asset, suffer let square also with respect to with might doubled.
石油还使外国政府经管的庞大投资基金如虎添翼,而西方有些国家视这些政府为新威胁。 And oil is fueling gargantuan investment funds run by foreign governments, which some in the West see as a new threat.
出色的地理课标不仅使地理新课程改革进程如虎添翼,也是地理教育取得卓然成效的必要条件。 Outstanding GCS not only deepens the reform of geography curriculum, also being the necessary condition of successive geography education.
是狠狠赚一笔的大好日子。假如你曾有经验更如虎添翼。基本上,过去有用的在未来仍会有用。 It’s a good day to make a hefty profit. It helps if you’re experienced. Basically, what worked before will work again.
利用高科技结合人体运动学原理研制出来的新一代跑鞋,可以使运动员们如虎添翼,连创佳绩。 Use high-tech to join human body the new generation running shoes that kinematic principle development es out, can make athletes with might doubled, achieve beautiful performance repeatedly.
他还谦虚地表示是马卢达和辛克莱尔造就了边路源源不断的攻势,他们的到来让切尔西如虎添翼。 He also explained that the proliferation of talent on the wings, thanks to the arrival of Florent Malouda and the improvement of Scott Sinclair, had given Chelsea “strength in depth”.
本公司至力于长远的发展方向,不断地推出高品质、低价位的高科技含量产品使您的产品如虎添翼更胜一筹! The Company to focus on long-term development direction, and constantly introduce high quality, low-cost high-tech content products to make your product better than a menace!
和拜伦戴维斯和坎比一起为快船效力的索顿身高6尺8寸,体重220磅,他的力量和速度有如虎添翼的感觉。 With Baron Davis and Marcus Camby now on board, the 6-8, 220-pound Thornton will be even more effective ing off the wing with his power and speed.
我想传达的信息是促进优秀民营企业发展壮大会使那些非常能干的企业家如虎添翼,其结果会改善所有人生活水平。 My message to you is that promoting the growth of strong private enterprise empowers very capable people and results in improved standard of living for all.
再加上他拥有这件由末日博士给他的外来生物战衣,他实力本来就很强大,如今他更是如虎添翼,能达到最彻底的破坏。 By melding this alien symbiote with the war-suit given to him by Doctor Doom, he can greatly enhance his already impressive strength and achieve ultimate devastation.
新的打破传统的音乐形式将出现,也许会因为电脑硬件、软件新发展而如虎添翼,最终每个家庭都能建立一个音乐制作室。 Radical new forms of music will appear, perhaps aided by technological advances in puter hardware and software that enables a music studio to be set up in every home.
你是意大利国家队的队长,梅策尔德也是德国国家队的精神领袖。与像你一样可靠的球员搭档,是否会令你感到如虎添翼? You’re a leader for the Italian national team and Metzelder for Germany. Do you feel better having someone just as capable as yourself playing next to you?
公司也将因此如虎添翼,由一家单一水务业务板块主导的上市公司转变成为一家集水务、环境和地产为一体的全新上市公司。 the pany will also be strengthened, therefore, water from a single plate-led business into a listed pany set Water, environment and property as one of the new listed panies.
如同现在数千种无毒蛇捕食猎物那样,毒液对于蛇来讲只不过好像是如虎添翼,蛇有了毒液能够毫不费力地咬上一口就猎到食物。 Poison to a snake is merely a luxury; it enables it to get its food with very little effort, no more effort than one bite.
加索尔加盟后的湖人如虎添翼,表现得非常出色。拜纳姆由于膝伤迟迟不能回归。最新消息表明拜拜会在常规赛结束前重返球场。 Now the Lakers are playing at an elite level with Gasol, and Bynum is not expected to return from his knee injury until the end of the regular season.
为了不再在总决赛面前倒下,骑士招来了鲨鱼,还有如虎添翼的月亮男穆恩和安东尼帕克,这三人都是挑战湖人内外线所必须的角色。 Determined not to fall short of the Finals again, Cleveland added Shaq plus wings Jamario Moon and Anthony Parker, all three of whom will be needed to counter L. A. ‘s length both inside and out.
在新的发展时期,我们将不断开发,不断向更高领域拓展,用我们专业精神,让更多的服装品牌如虎添翼、强势未来、展望未来、演泽时尚。 In the new stage of our business, Xiongfa will continue to develop new products and expand our business into high end market ;
“毫无疑问我们拥有他让我们如虎添翼,”他补充道,“但是我同时也记得2005的时候,我们在没有杰拉德的情况下也拿下了不少的比赛。” “There’s no doubt we’re a better side with him in it, ” he added. “But I remember in 2005 when we won the petition we played a number of games without him.
打基础性的总体培训:针对初涉项目管理人员,通过学习项目管理的生命周期运作过程,项目管理知识经典著作,学习适用于现实工作中的项目管理方法和操作技巧。为工作和事业如虎添翼。 Fundamental PM course: Entry level, works through all phases of PM life cycle, P MBOK processes, provides tools and techniques for practical application in worksite and develops understanding.
词语大全 如虎添翼造句
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虎头蛇尾 hǔtóushéwěi虎头蛇尾的意思和解释:头大如虎,尾细如蛇。比喻开始时声势很大,到后来劲头很小,有始无终。虎头蛇尾的出处元·康进之《李逵负棘》第二折:“则为你两头白
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分文不直 fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有
分文不直 fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有
分文不直 fēnwénbùzhí分文不直的意思和解释:直:同“值”。一分钱一文钱也不值。形容没有任何价值。分文不直的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十八:“有人赞叹此事,如虎带角;有
大贤虎变 dàxiánhǔbiàn大贤虎变的意思和解释:虎变:如虎身花纹的变化。比喻居上位者出处行动变化莫测。大贤虎变的出处《周易·革》:“大人虎变,未占有孚。”大贤虎变的例子~
大贤虎变 dàxiánhǔbiàn大贤虎变的意思和解释:虎变:如虎身花纹的变化。比喻居上位者出处行动变化莫测。大贤虎变的出处《周易·革》:“大人虎变,未占有孚。”大贤虎变的例子~